2166 | Bug Report | New | 20.03.2024 | | signs go poof | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
if signs are not broken directly, they go poof quite litearlly
2165 | Bug Report | New | 14.02.2023 | | afk grinding 2.0 | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
Possible to never go afk/ even get steps recorded, if floating in water, without depth strider, using smart moving swimming, in an not water source block
2164 | Bug Report | New | 10.02.2023 | | region bypass | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
the new book case added by pig a while back is accessible for anyone, even inside regions
2163 | Feature Request | New | 13.01.2023 | | possible quest system | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
There is already a limited version of a quest system. However i think it would be beneficial to further expand on the currently existing features, by adding markers on mini and world map.
It would also be a huge advancment if multiple quests could be done at the same time, the overlay for pinned achievements would suit that aswell. With those 2 thing implemented, nothing would stand in the way of turning cl into a decent quest based rpg.
2162 | Bug Report | New | 02.01.2023 | | crops grow back rapidly | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
as said in title, happened to notice on multiple occassions, crops after being harvested, grow back in seconds again, multiple times, stops suddenly, is limited to specific chunks, haven’t tried to reproduce yet
2160 | Bug Report | New | 07.08.2022 | | Flux Bottles value decreased by dispenser | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
While using dispenser, the actual flux released by the bottle is greatly diminished in comparison to broken by hand
2158 | Bug Report | New | 12.01.2022 | | valk armor passive reach | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
valkyrie passive reach does not apply when attacking mobs, works fine otherwise
2157 | Bug Report | New | 12.01.2022 | | breeding type of mob quests | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
The quest of breeding mobs does not count properly, took me about 28 tries to get a count of 5
2156 | Feature Request | New | 12.01.2022 | | dart shooters exist? | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
enable bow enchants or at least bow mcmmo for darts, rework overdue
2155 | Feature Request | New | 12.01.2022 | | acrobatics abusableMcMMO | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
acrobatic mcmmo should not increase in case of immediate death
2154 | Bug Report | New | 12.01.2022 | | Herbalism mcmmo doesnt workMcMMO | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
double drop and green tera do not work with pams harvestcraft crops
2150 | Feature Request | New | 08.08.2021 | | Golden amber drops from golden oak trees are whacky | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
Seems way to little + unaffected by fortune on axe and treefeller multi drops
2129 | Bug Report | Closed | 10.01.2021 | | Signs disappaer upon being broken | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
when breaking signs stacked upon other signs, only 1 sign drops, no matter how many vanish
2127 | Bug Report | Closed | 08.12.2020 | 21.07.2022 | door top right crafting recipe in loom | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
crafting recipe broken, gives back door top left instead
2126 | Bug Report | New | 28.10.2020 | | bridges still buggy | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
dk how much wiggle space there is with that feature, but there is a common problem with bridges, typically with grass, where the grass turns into dirt thru external factors, it becomes a “seperate bridge” since it doesnt correspond with the initial bridge, thus you need to either turn it back into grass or destroy the bridge and place a dirt bridge to activate-deactivate, else the blocks just stay invincible, floating for forever somehow some people managed to do that with other blocks, thats pretty rare tho
2125 | Bug Report | New | 28.10.2020 | | Growing trees affects soil | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
planting overworld trees in aether turns the aether dirt underneath the trunk to normal dirt, also managed to create aether dirt out of normal grass
2123 | Feature Request | New | 27.08.2020 | 26.03.2021 | Couple of slightly faulty customblocks | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
Known ones are Moonglobe, off centred, Penguin Doll, eyes 1 block too low, “arbrs white chair” is turned by 90°, there are a couple more, maybe just quickly check all custom blocks, then “hire”(enslave) a aw creator to fix them, override the existing files
2100 | Bug Report | Closed | 25.02.2020 | | Bee nests space | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
Bee nests are already full with 3 bees inside of them, cant place a forth one, works just like bee hives eventhough should have 1 space more
2098 | Bug Report | New | 08.02.2020 | | map display fails on leaves and slabs | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
leaves and half block slabs display incorrectly on mini and bigger map
2084 | Bug Report | New | 13.10.2019 | 18.10.2019 | disabling of certain spawner misfunctioning | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
Disabling spawners with a lever normally works, seems to malfunction on a pig spawner, havent tested alot others but works on cow, blaze and villager The particles do vanish but the spawner continues spawning
2083 | Bug Report | Closed | 26.09.2019 | | flying torches 2.0 | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
placing torches onto a block, breaking that block makes them fly as long as there’s another block directly neary
2082 | Bug Report | Closed | 26.09.2019 | | tiny visual bug | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
using shortcuts to move items into enchanter gui makes them not move, shows its already being worked on, fixes after clicking the item in inventory /reopening the gui
2081 | Bug Report | New | 26.09.2019 | | vanishing of levitated blocks | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
levitating blocks with gravitite tools through half slabs causes them to vanish
2074 | Bug Report | Closed | 18.05.2019 | | breaking stone in little blocks block with a pickaxe dr ... | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
no task description |
2073 | Bug Report | Closed | 14.05.2019 | | player requirements for quakecraft prizes show inconsis ... | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
sometimes it procs when only 1 person is on, seems to be totally random, not 10 people anymore
2072 | Bug Report | New | 14.05.2019 | | boss spawner at arena has a visual glitch | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
as said in summary, boss spawner in arena still works, fails to show the amount of percentage that it has loaded though
2069 | Bug Report | Closed | 16.04.2019 | 18.04.2019 | dupe glitch with the new flux altar | No | M_E_Lagius |
1 |
Task Description
Don’t know how exactly it happened, couldn’t recreate it but I kinda put in 32 Blizz powder and then I suddenly had 64 was something before 4 pm GMT
and istg it was 32, I crafted it out of 16 blaze rods before
2067 | Feature Request | New | 05.04.2019 | | Making Coldfire switchable | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
An option to switch cold fire on and off like normal fire on netherrack with a lever would be highly appreciated Atm using cookingbook recipes with cold fire uses up 1 cold fire bc you need to place it after inserting the ingredients or else it ruins the cooking Would suggest dark holystone or magma block or maybe a new block droppable from a shadow skylands mob
(sorry if that feature already exists, information about such plugins are sadly not that easily accesible and asking didnt brought me anywhere)
2059 | Bug Report | Closed | 09.02.2019 | | /Night doesnt work for a p1 user | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
I’ve noticed for a long time now (since Grimlock 2019) that /night doesn’t work for me I am a Premium 1, got it donated by a friendly Player Has been bugging me for a while now, a fix would be nice
2058 | Bug Report | Closed | 09.02.2019 | 19.02.2019 | Villager despawn | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
Idk on which villagers this applies but I have noticed that the villagers I got from my spawner despawned after I put them aside and partially opened them
2034 | Bug Report | New | 19.11.2018 | | Lift thru allows glitching thru floor | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
Using lift thru while the destination height is covered by 1 block it doesnt show destination obstructed but rather ports you into the bock, without a block underneath it you glitch thru funny
2033 | Bug Report | Closed | 19.11.2018 | | Mating Mobs bugged | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
Rightclicking mobs with the requried item will continue to consume an infinite amount of the item as long as the heart particle is active, until either the mob mates or the effect fades.
2031 | Bug Report | Closed | 20.09.2018 | 14.10.2018 | villager can open locked doors | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
as said in title villagers can open any door even if it is locked no matter who spawned them in although they only open them shortly and close them afterwards you are still able to go thru locked doors
2030 | Bug Report | New | 20.09.2018 | | kicked by pressing f onto staff while they change world | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
got recently kicked bc I wanted to look into nides inventory while he was warping into another world not sure which tho
2029 | Feature Request | Closed | 20.09.2018 | | way to obtain rare spawners | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
adding a hard way to have a low chance of getting all spawners, like in pangea directly as spawners or maybe as a random spawner or a chance in a random bag things maybe add it to the loot table of new dungeons or a new boss or a low chance of a drop from any boss mob? I mean this more like in offering a wider variety of obtainable rare spawners and less in terms of quantity since the special offers are off and pangea closed there aren’t that many rare spawners obtainable adding rare spawners to events like squid to fishing definitely helps
2028 | Bug Report | New | 20.09.2018 | | afkexemption thru water | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
recently discovered that floating in a 1 high block of water with the smartmoving swimming prevents you from going afk you can still get banned for it works on all premium and non premium
2027 | Bug Report | Closed | 10.09.2018 | | Item Frames placeable inbetween chests | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
You can place an item frame between 2 iron chests without 1 block space in between same goes for dia chest
2025 | Bug Report | New | 08.09.2018 | | Buying soldout items at arena | No | M_E_Lagius |
0 |
Task Description
If you buy items at the arenanpc that are already sold out you will just get the next item to the right that he offers, haven’t tried how it works if that item is sold out too, only works if you have enough medals for that other item