
ID Task Type Status Opened Last Edited Summary Private Opened by Progress
1674 Feature Request 07.07.2016 Global cooldown for /advertise No TheLegendJet
0 0 Task Description

I think we all know the Spam for Shops has always been a Problem and annoying everyone who advertises.
Not just for the People who advertise, but also the People who want to read what shop has been posted, but if it’s 4 at a Time, because they wanna “Rek” the Guy who posted before, is not pleasent for anyone.
I’d suggest to add a 15 to 30 Seconds Global Cooldown for everyone, so the Advertisements stay apart we have less spam and everyone has time to read everything.

1631 Feature Request New 01.06.2016 21.06.2016 Skyberries Balancing Suggestion No TheLegendJet
1 2 Task Description

I think the Skyberries are op as of now, since you can eat them 24/7 and just grind xp, making it too easy.
How about it gives you more in the Hunger Bar, more saturation and you can only eat them while hungry?
Maybe buff the xp you get a little since you actually have to run and sprint around to lose hunger in order to eat the Berries.

1430 Bug Report New 06.02.2016 Boss Snowman Instakill No TheLegendJet
0 0 Task Description

Today I’ve fought in the Arena, with my usual invincible armor...
when suddenly (I was starving to that time, still had 2 hearts tho)
The Snowman started his Special Attack and I died, "Jet fell out of the World". I was jumping at that time, my Armor (if that has any importance in this are as followed:
Every Armor piece is Valkyrie, no cape, ring, pendant equipped.

Helmet: Unbreaking 8, Respiration 8, Protection 9, Aqua Affinity
Chestplate and Leggings Protection 8, Unbreaking 8
Boots: Unbreaking 8, Feather Falling 9, Protection 9, Depth Strider
Gloves: Unbreaking 8

I have no idea why this happened, but I hope it was the one and only time it happened. Don’t think it’s easy to reproduce since that just came out of the Blue and I am not sure what else could’ve caused it.

If you figure out what caused it, please fix it.

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