
ID Task Type Status Opened Last Edited Summary Private Opened by Progress
2144 Feature Request New 21.07.2021 Finish the conversion over to UUID data storage No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

As far as I’m aware, there’s not too much left to do in regard to this topic. The big issue that stands out currently is the Wikipedia depending on Player Names for User pages, but this may need to be something that just has to stick.

Finishing this will allow users to change their name via Mojang’s traditional method and get that new name on Craftland without requiring an Administrator or Name Change Tag.

2143 Bug Report New 21.07.2021 Creative Inventory does not include the Extended Invent... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

This currently makes it inconvenient for players in creative, or administrators in general, when it comes to equipping and unequipping non-vanilla pieces of gear.

2142 Feature Request New 21.07.2021 Additional 2 equipment slots for Miscellaneous items. No Beandon
1 0 Task Description

With the gradual increase of Miscellaneous equip-able items, it may be wise to consider additional slots, and redesigning the inventory interface slightly to suit these new slots. Or perhaps a different inventory tab altogether.

2141 Feature Request New 21.07.2021 A Region Flag that disallows interaction and combat wit... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

This would be a very useful flag when it comes to decorating events with passive entities without having to place spawners everywhere.
This would also be very nice for those who wish to place their special passive entities in places other than cages.

Might be wise to keep this as a moderator flag only in order to prevent potential abuse.

2140 Feature Request New 21.07.2021 Gameworld Permission GUI No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

A graphical interface for Gameworld Permissions will make it easier to manage these things in those specific worlds, this is mostly here as a reminder.

2139 Bug Report New 21.07.2021 Display Dummies aren't considered by WorldGuard No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Players are able to edit Display Dummies in regioned zones, can be quite annoying when trying to set up a specific stance, and then someone comes along and edits it for the lols.

2137 Feature Request New 21.07.2021 Portal Traveling Effect is always Purple, even in non-P... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Not really a bug, just a feature that hasn’t been considered yet.

2121 Bug Report Not Implemented 10.06.2020 FOV Normal/Static setting doesn't save/load No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

FOV Normal/Static Setting doesn’t save on client shut down, or doesn’t read on client boot.

2120 Bug Report Not Implemented 19.05.2020 27.08.2020 Fortune works on Skyroot Trees No Beandon
1 1 Task Description

Been a thing for a while, forgot to fix it.

2119 Feature Request Not Implemented 16.05.2020 27.08.2020 Unique Sign that displays a player's stat No Beandon
1 1 Task Description

Can be used to flex off a stat that the player has

2117 Feature Request Not Implemented 16.05.2020 27.08.2020 Quicksoil Glass Pane No Beandon
0 2 Task Description

no task description

2115 Bug Report Not Implemented 16.05.2020 When wearing a glinted item, held blocks and shields re... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Also that.

Can be seen with a grass block, the top of the grass block becomes grey also.

Can be seen with shields and all blocks held, as they get darker.

2114 Bug Report Not Implemented 16.05.2020 Shields render with a tint when the player is wearing a... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description


2113 Bug Report Not Implemented 16.05.2020 27.08.2020 Fire Spreading flag doesn't do shit No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

Thank you mini

2107 Feature Request Not Implemented 12.04.2020 27.08.2020 A way to see the range of beacons No Beandon
1 1 Task Description

Yes. Requested many times.

2096 Bug Report Not Fixed 20.12.2019 27.08.2020 Bounce cloud collision is wack No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

When bouncing on clouds, if the player has enough downward momentum their hitbox can SOMETIMES slip through the base of the aercloud, allowing the player to collide with anything underneath. If this happens to be lava, the player will burn.

2094 Bug Report New 28.11.2019 Boobs on Artifact Glow No Beandon
0 0 Task Description


1994 Bug Report New 06.06.2018 Super Breaker on Zircon Ore drops materials + an extra ... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

When using Super Breaker on Zircon Ore, it drops the materials + a zircon ore instead of just dropping extra materials.

And no my pickaxe didn’t have silk touch.

1992 Feature Request New 06.06.2018 ItemEntity sucker and destroyer type block No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

The idea of this block is to suck up unneccessary item entities within a radius and destroy them from the game entirely.
This type of block would be useful to place within grinders that produce an excess amount of items that nobody really wants (flesh, bones, bows etc...).

The reason why I suggest this be a thing is because it can significantly reduce the entity count within an area, reducing the amount of lag on the server and nearby users using low-end machines.

In order to counteract users abusing this block to potentially destroy other players’ items I suggest;

  • Don’t pickup items that were dropped by players (if this can be checked).
  • Limiting the types of items that can be set to be picked up and destroyed to Rotten Flesh, Sticks, Glowstone, Glowstone Dust, Blue Aercloud, Bones, Arrows, String, Spider Eyes, Gunpowder and Non-Enchanted Bows/Wood-Gold tools|armor (I’d also like to recommend to allow users to toggle which of these specific items are picked up or ignored by the block).
  • Limiting the radius to 3 blocks.

If this is an issue: To prevent potential lag being caused from the block itself, make it so it only checks for item entities every 30 seconds/1 minute or so.

I was going to suggest a hopper that sucked nearby items in, but this can be abused in more ways than this block can with the limitations put in place.

1991 Bug Report New 03.06.2018 Mandragora's don't give Monster Hunt points No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Title says it all.

1989 Bug Report New 24.05.2018 Spider Jockeys from Spider Spawners give Monster Hunt P... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Spider Jockeys have a low chance of spawning from a Spider Spawner. Mobs spawned from spawners should not give points but since the Jockey part is done seperately, the skeleton is still worth Monster Hunt Points.

1980 Bug Report New 11.04.2018 Region Flag - "Send leave notify msg" - Does not work w... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

When teleporting (into a different world) out of a region with “Send leave notify msg” enabled, the owners of the region do not get notified of this action. However, when walking/jumpto’ing/enderpearling out of the region (basically anything within the same world), the message is sent as intended.

1976 Bug Report New 11.03.2018 24.04.2018 Source of the Sign Bug (the one that Mizsi has) No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

Seems to be that the source of this bug is NOT a large amount of entities nearby. It’s the nearby activity of blockstate changes. For example; within my grinder I turned off my bridges, the signs no longer had an issue. Turned them back on.. The bug came back.

For those who don’t know the bug; Editing a sign causes the data of the sign to be lost whilst editing every few seconds (which turns out to be the regular intervals that the bridge switches on/off), leaving the player with only a few seconds to try and change the sign information. If the user tries to edit the sign for too long, they crash.

1971 Bug Report New 06.02.2018 Monster Hunt - LavaSlime doesn't double pts No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Killing any sized magma cube in the monster hunt does not give 20pts instead of the usual 10 when it’s boosted.

1969 Bug Report New 30.01.2018 Cannot sort full chests with a full inventory No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Pressed the [Sort] button in a chest filled with armor whilst having an inventory filled with armour, it didn’t work. I then removed one item from my inventory and clicked the [Sort] button, it worked.

1960 Feature Request New 10.01.2018 Item announcements for Silver, Gold and Pirate dungeons... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

The “just won” thing is nice to see from time to time and I believe it would be nice to see people “win” a rare item from a different dungeon other than Elysians. For example; the Silver Dungeon could announce for winning a Valkyrie Sword/Valkyrie Wings. The Gold Dungeon for the Braixen Tail/Inferno Pickaxe or a Clarinet. The Pirate Dungeon.. Revenant Dagger/Ender Bag or any of the shields. Bronze Dungeon... theresnothingreallytherethatsworthalot:(

If the amount of spam that comes from this becomes too much, if it doesn’t exist already; have an option to send these messages to a different tab.

It would make the newer players see what kind of things you could get from these dungeons and make them want to try those dungeons instead of being intimidated by the difficulty of the Elysian Dungeon for newbies. Additionally, it will allow a newer player to see the value of that item since it was worthy of being announced that they had obtained it (also this is probably just me, but i get a little thrill when an item I win is announced because its like “oh wow i got something good :D”).

1955 Bug Report New 11.12.2017 Invalid Carved/Sentry Stone Drop Tooltip No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

When looking at Carved Stone, it says that it drops Pirate Stone. Same goes with Sentry Stone saying it drops Light Pirate Stone.

1930 Feature Request 24.10.2017 Loot All button for Loot Chests No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

A [Loot All] button for Loot Chests would be convinient. Some players don’t know how to shift click and in general having a [Loot All] button would be quicker for people who are looting dungeons.

1927 Feature Request New 20.10.2017 Homing Bow No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Potential loot for a future dungeon; a homing bow.

The bow would not be able to be enchanted with Flame, Infinity or Punch to keep it balanced (Basically, only enchantable with power and unbreaking through the anvil) and its base damage would be slightly less than the average bow (not to the extent of rendering it useless). The arrows fired by this bow, as long as its charged long enough, will lock on to a nearby entity within 20-30 blocks of the arrow in flight and will prioritise higher risk enemies (Such as bosses or higher level mobs). The arrow would dissapear once it has hit the ground to prevent a potential bug that could arrise and for balance purposes. The durability of this bow would be the same as any other and repaired with Zircon/Onyx. The colour of this bow could be black or blue (hence the repair materials either being zircon or onyx, giving more use to these materials). The rarity of this bow could be epic (bright purple) and a slightly less chance to obtain in a loot chest than a Valkyrie Sword (about 0.5% instead of 1%)

I thought of this idea since the future could hold more mobile bosses, we need more bows and it helps people who have bad aim but wish to use a ranged weapon :3

1926 Feature Request New 20.10.2017 A new Cookpot recipe - "Upgraded Aether Orb" No Beandon
2 0 Task Description

I was think that another magical recipe could be added; It would consist of the Aether Orb for certain and the result would be a brew that could give you *almost* any item in the game (excluding stuff like wands, bedrock, trap blocks, dungeon doors, invis blocks, unobtainables etc.) once you ate it. It would need to be a semi-expensive recipe (similar to the sucking and pushing potions) but it would be much more fun than just being limited to gems, think of it as an upgraded Aether Orb. The chances of getting something of value would be small due to the amount of items that exist but the chance is still there.

Just an idea that I think would be pretty cool to see :)

1924 Feature Request New 17.10.2017 12.08.2018 Extra Wing Slot No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

Wondering if it would be possible to create a secondary wing slot? Due to there being wings and tails now; some people would like to wear both. Maybe add an additional NBT tag for the “Tail” wings so that only one of each can be worn and not two of the same type.

1911 Bug Report New 08.10.2017 09.10.2017 Vote Detection No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

Perfectly fine when detecting my vote, I recieve all the points I should get, but it leaves the vote button flashing. Sites 5 and 6, for me at least, do not go down as voted and the button continues to flash.

1907 Feature Request New 06.10.2017 Stackable Dungeon Weapons No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Like regular tools and weapons, they can stack up to 8 as long as they are exactly the same. I think this would be useful for loot from Bronze, Silver and Gold dungeons. Mainly for people who want to do a day of farming those dungeons and it will save going back to “camp” to store all of them and go back again.

1901 Bug Report New 01.10.2017 Occasionally, half/all of your message sent vanishes fo... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

When typing a longer message, there seems to be a completely random chance for half of the message, if not, all of the message not to appear for your side but appear for everyone else. This can confuse users, causing them to repeat their message or ask if their message was sent.

(Bare in mind I have only seen this happen on my account and my brothers account)

1897 Feature Request New 29.09.2017 Axe skins No Beandon
1 0 Task Description

Since Axes could be used as weapons, I was thinking that maybe make it possible that they could either have their own skin slot, or also be effected by the weapon skin slot.

1894 Feature Request New 27.09.2017 Hat/Skin Icons on front of Diamond Chests No Beandon
1 0 Task Description

Simply put, I would like to be able to see the top hat icon on front of a diamond chest with hats in the first slot and whichever skin icon is used if that is in the first slot too :3

1893 Feature Request New 26.09.2017 An additional region attribute to disable potion throwi... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

An additional toggle to disable/enable potion throwing would be helpful to prevent any poison throwing in areas where projectiles are enabled but pvp is disabled.

Would it be possible to maybe allow positive effects and disable negative effects within a pvp-free region too? Could be easier than creating another attribute.

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