
ID Task Type Status Opened Last Edited Summary  asc Private Opened by Progress
 687  Bug Report Closed 05.10.2014 23.05.2015  looting dont work on squids  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

No difference on the amount of fish/ink ask when I kill a squid with my looting 7 sword.

 959  Bug Report Closed 28.04.2015 28.04.2015  Looting not working on Gaia mobs  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description
 325  Bug Report Closed 06.09.2013  losing potion effect when you warp.  No BackSlash17
0 0 Task Description

well title says it all.

had a strength 2 potion on, (maybe is deals with macros) accidentally hit one of my macros keys and warped to the place.

Lost strength 2 effect...

 327  Bug Report Closed 11.09.2013 17.01.2014  Losing vanilla levels  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

When reaching over 135 levels (XP orb levels, vanilla levels) and then relogging, they reset back to 135. This happened twice when I had about 175 levels after having killed enderdragons.

 1269  Bug Report Closed 12.09.2015 15.09.2015  Lost all valuable items  No Jayden5467
0 1 Task Description

I was swimming up a waterfall thing in the aether because I fell and 1 block from the top I died and my items didn’t go into a tombstone because of the region their and the items fell out of the aether and disappeared.

 845  Feature Request Closed 13.12.2014  LotsOMobs please look into it for a minute  No Soulmusician
0 0 Task Description

Hei Coders,

it´s on github, open source, and the hammerhead, rabbit, monkeys and way more in there looks interesting.

The Hammerhead would be nice for oceans.

 648  Bug Report Closed 20.09.2014 20.09.2014  LWC and Hoppers  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When you sort a chest while a hopper puts items in it, the items in the chest unsort themselves instantly and the item the hopper was dispensing goes to your cursor/hand.

1038 Feature Request New 08.06.2015 Macro keybinds No Randoro
1 0 Task Description

You can’t have shift+key/ctrl+key binds in the macros, in other words holding shift or ctrl while clicking another key to issue a macro, would be very useful. (i’m running out of buttons to macro)

 851  Feature Request Closed 22.12.2014  Magical System  No PITsteeler88
0 0 Task Description

Since returning to craftland, I have noticed how barren the server feels. I say, to attract new players, we need a new world.

Before we go cramming some mods into a world, we need to pick a theme. This falls into Technological or Magical.

After we pick this, we need to slowly develop parts for this world, with ore own custom everything

Soon after, we open the new world, and reveal endless possibilities that will forever change the server

I know this would be hard and take time, but the sooner we start the better.

If you are remotely interested, contact me in game so I may go more in depth on this subject


 992  Bug Report Closed 22.05.2015 23.05.2015  Major Texture Glitch  No tnt_master03
0 2 Task Description

So, I log onto Craftland like I normally do. Then, I look around and textures are failing. I see sheep and pig parts all over signs, a weird rectangle that is a black void, things blinking out of existence. I even get small mobs appearing on my head. Please fix. I have tried re-downloading the launcher, changing texture packs and restarts. I am a mac user and nothing has helped. This is the first time it has ever happened.

 1849  Feature Request Closed 22.07.2017  Make "" have an animated rainbow te ... No camyoshi
1 0 Task Description

“” is the name of an aercloud that can be found in deepvale and mining (I think). Right now, it looks and acts just like a cold aercloud. Maybe it could have an animated texture and name that makes it look like a rainbow aercloud? It would act the same as a cold aercloud.

This was just an idea that I thought of ;)

 1422  Feature Request Closed 28.01.2016  Make (lava) sponges unable to despawn  No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description

nor burn since it’s an object only obtainable from achievements it’s rather hard to get them and it’s rather annoying to lose them.

 2118  Feature Request Closed 16.05.2020  Make /warp info display the Warp Info GUI  No Beandon
1 0 Task Description

Also make the Warp Info GUI display blacklists and warp ID’s

 1139  Feature Request Closed 04.07.2015 02.09.2015  Make Arena Spawner only collect Materials, Not weapons/ ... No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

People are losing their stuff for accidentally dropping their valuables at /arena, I don't think that is right the spawner should only able to collect materials and not armor/weapons.

 1112  Feature Request Closed 23.06.2015  Make armor better suggestion  No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

Right now Armor is boring and this will update it to be better cause at the arena it feels like a boring grind to deal the most DMG without having to die or worry about losing any health, Same thing with pvp unless someone sharp shots you with a bow. If this gets implemented any monster and player should able to damage you which makes the game more fun!

Based protection off of armor will give a % chance of completely blocking an attack. Make it cap at 80% at maxed Armor. Currently there is a total of 45 Armor in the game.

Protection Enchantment off of the amount of protection will increase the Resistances of how much less damage you take if a monster/player hit through your armor, currently there is protection 9 in the game and 10 pieces of gear you can enchant protection 9 on, 10×9 = 90 so at 90 protection it should cap 65% resistance

5 Feature Request New 08.02.2016 11.02.2016 Make autologin work on the bugtracker No fudgemunk
0 3 Task Description

Players are too lazy to create accounts. Make it so it automatically logs you in with your craftland player name

1735 Feature Request New 27.09.2016 Make bones usefull for farming again. No darkwayers
2 0 Task Description

Make it usefull to have bones/bonemeal for insta growth of plants. for wheat etc, it’s making sense it shouldn’t insta grow chillies etc but other stuff shouldn’t be bugged by the new update..

 973  Feature Request Closed 14.05.2015 14.05.2015  Make both Addict and PremIV colors selectable.  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

As shown in this image Premium 4 and Addict are two different forum colors. Why not let people select both? If I could change my color, I would prefer the Prem IV over the Addict.

 1661  Feature Request Closed 18.06.2016 26.06.2016  Make chests also visiable in further distance,   No darkwayers
0 1 Task Description

It’s annoying to look at something of which half of the place has to spawn in which only works when walking towards it.

 1181  Feature Request Closed 22.07.2015 22.07.2015  Make Chests item stacks Hold a Unlimited Number  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

I think it would be so Awesome! If it was coded so that in Chests Stack able items could be in like a Stack of how many items you want stacked (Example: 1 Million stack of Holy stone, or a 1 Billion stack of holy stone in a chest) When you take a stack out of a Chest it would just take stacks of 64 out at a time in your inventory.

619 Feature Request New 08.09.2014 04.07.2015 Make Dart/Poison/Enchanted Shooters enchantable and be ... No woot000
4 3 Task Description

Summary sums it up.

 1096  Feature Request Closed 20.06.2015 27.06.2015  Make Diamond blocks work in Disenchanters Please  No jaylee8111
0 3 Task Description
 1171  Feature Request Closed 19.07.2015 20.07.2015  Make farmland blocks obtainable  No camyoshi
0 3 Task Description

Like dead bushes, farmland should be obtainable with silk touch.

1443 Feature Request New 18.02.2016 Make it able to make larger portals (larger nether port... No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description

Just for decorational usage,

1419 Feature Request New 24.01.2016 Make it possible to make chocolate(bars) No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description
 1009  Feature Request Closed 29.05.2015  Make it so that npc's cannot be caught by empty spawn e ... No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description
 1122  Feature Request Closed 28.06.2015 06.07.2015  Make Milk Buckets Stack  No jaylee8111
0 3 Task Description

A stack of 16 milk buckets would be cool, The ocelot boss weakens players and it would be nice to get that weakness debuff off of you. Also I think there should be a special kind of Potion that only removes Debuffs and not buffs so you can keep your strenght and at the same time you get rid of the weakness/slowness and other effects

 949  Feature Request Closed 14.04.2015  Make New Mobs only generate in mining world  No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description

The ender eye is easy, but the flesh lich is too hard. In my opinion, they should both only spawn in the mining world, because I was killed by an army of 4 flesh liches while building, and new players getting killed by them might quit.

1063 Feature Request New 14.06.2015 Make OP Thorns Books more useful No woot000
0 0 Task Description

The higher level the Thorns books are, the more damage it does to your armor, but deals the same damage to mobs. It should deal more damage to mobs as it gets to higher levels of Thorns.

 827  Feature Request Closed 24.11.2014  Make Sentry boots Repairable in anvil  No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

It would be cool to put good enchants onto a pair on sentry boots so you never get moved or knocked back by the skeleton boss but would rather to repair with either Diamond, Swet orbs, Obisidian.

1138 Feature Request New 04.07.2015 Make shields of rep reflect Skeleton Boss lighting No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

Its supposed to block boss projectiles right? Well i think it would be cool for the shield of rep to protect against skeleton boss lighting so you don’t get blind or damaged.

1162 Bug Report New 14.07.2015 Make spectral tool repair give repair mcmmo exp!McMMO No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

Spectral tool + spectral tool = experance

 920  Feature Request Closed 23.03.2015 26.03.2015  Make valkyrie armor lose its armor the lower durability ... No jaylee8111
0 2 Task Description
 1221  Feature Request Closed 14.08.2015 02.09.2015  Make villagers turn into witches when lightning strikes ... No camyoshi
0 5 Task Description
 633  Feature Request Closed 14.09.2014  Making /Mentor better!  No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

This is what I would suggest to be added to my Mentor Idea:

- Every completed student (13/13 tasks done) You achieve 10 Respect Points.

- You need 3k Respect points to get All Emblems and when you have all Emblems you get the Master Mentor Rank.
1st Emblem 1 Respect Point [Looks like an egg]
2nd Emblem 50 Respect Points.
3rd Emblem 150 Respect Points.
4th Emblem 300 Respect Points.
5th Emblem 500 Respect Points.
6th Emblem 800 Respect Points.
7th Emblem 1400 Respect Points.
8th Emblem 2000 Respect Points.
9th Emblem 2500 Respect Points.
10th Emblem (Last Emblem) 3000 Respect Points. (Of course you can keep getting higher respect points to be top Mentor.)

- Emblems is a small symbol next to the players name.

2067 Feature Request New 05.04.2019 Making Coldfire switchable No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

An option to switch cold fire on and off like normal fire on netherrack with a lever would be highly appreciated
Atm using cookingbook recipes with cold fire uses up 1 cold fire bc you need to place it after inserting the ingredients or else it ruins the cooking
Would suggest dark holystone or magma block or maybe a new block droppable from a shadow skylands mob

(sorry if that feature already exists, information about such plugins are sadly not that easily accesible and asking didnt brought me anywhere)

 1160  Feature Request Closed 13.07.2015 14.07.2015  Making every flower/sapling be able to be put in a flow ... No Cbaby1011
0 1 Task Description

I noticed flowers, and saplings that do not come from vanilla are not able to be put in a flower pot. Making it so every flower and sapling can go into a flower pot would be great. Another great plant that should be able to be put in a pot is tiny cactus, root and autumn shrubs. Anyway thanks for reading this! :)

 577  Feature Request Closed 23.08.2014  Making warp pads inter-dimensional.  No Joyman533
0 0 Task Description

Please make it so that warp pads are able to teleport you between worlds.
(Added to bugtracker at the request of nide.)

1991 Bug Report New 03.06.2018 Mandragora's don't give Monster Hunt points No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Title says it all.

1397 Feature Request New 31.12.2015 Mao incubator No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

When the incubator is in a wall like so "" then the moa could spawn on the side instead of suffocating himself in the wall.

 418  Bug Report Closed 16.12.2013 23.05.2015  Map bug  No Porkkana1337
0 3 Task Description

My LWC'ed blocks doesn't work in the Main World.

 372  Bug Report Closed 05.11.2013 03.12.2013  Map bugs  No Porkkana1337
0 1 Task Description

The Craftland online map doesn't show players in the newworld and public warps in old world.

2098 Bug Report New 08.02.2020 map display fails on leaves and slabs No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

leaves and half block slabs display incorrectly on mini and bigger map

 443  Bug Report Closed 07.01.2014 23.05.2015  maps  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

The website maps aren't "up-to-date" as said when holding mouse over "Maps". example:

 442  Feature Request Closed 07.01.2014 07.01.2014  maps  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

The website maps are using Sphax. maybe add an option to change it?

 539  Bug Report Closed 27.07.2014  maps (item)  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

The maps(item) wont work if you right click it, i know its useless but I want to put it on an item frame so its like in vanilla 1.7.

 1656  Bug Report Closed 15.06.2016 23.06.2016  MAPS don't work for me I just get a blackish screen.  No darkwayers
0 1 Task Description
 1455  Bug Report Closed 28.02.2016 06.03.2016  Marble recipes  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

Not sure if this is a bug, but most of the recipes for marble give only one block (Like 4 raw marble makes 1 marble). If you think about it, one chiseled marble block equals 64 raw marble blocks.

 1007  Feature Request Closed 28.05.2015 27.10.2017  Marble Stone  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

This would be the opposite of basalt stone. Marble stone. It generates in the grounds of the mining world. The texture looks like this: and the brick texture looks like this: . It looks kind of like stone, so it would be pretty cool to be added. The only problem is that it looks a little bit like quartz. Maybe even when you combine marble and basalt together, it will make a new rock called slate looking like this: . The bricks look like this: . Marble can also be crafted with bone meal and stone. Maybe even basalt stone and slate can generate in the ground. This will be a really cool feature in my opinion.

 1142  Feature Request Closed 04.07.2015 06.07.2015  Master Jukeboxes  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Master Jukeboxes should be like normal Jukeboxes, but crafted with a Perfect Diamond instead. It would play music in an entire region (any block, it'd play music in the region with the same constant volume).

 1975  Bug Report Closed 01.03.2018  Master Of Worlds Monster Hunter And /list not working ... No EpicJ0J0
0 0 Task Description

Achievement “Master Of Worlds” is broken. I was given that Achievement after only teleporting once (I just started)

Monster Hunter is broken. I was given top score for Monster Hunter when I only killed 6 or so monsters (it said I killed 60)

/list isn’t working for me. I try /list and it says one player is online (me). Another person tried it and it said it worked fine for them.

 2033  Bug Report Closed 19.11.2018  Mating Mobs bugged  No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

Rightclicking mobs with the requried item will continue to consume an infinite amount of the item as long as the heart particle is active, until either the mob mates or the effect fades.

 1905  Feature Request Closed 05.10.2017 29.03.2020  MCMMO - Exceeding the 1,200 cap/Prestige? McMMO No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

I would really like if it was possible to exceed the current limit but not gain any bonuses for it. For example, I could be level 1,540 in Mining but still have the same bonuses as if I were 1,200. It will allow people to take a place on the leaderboard and still give people a sense of progression.

Or maybe we could implement a Prestige system. Every time you prestige you gain a minor bonus on the skill you prestiged in. You would restart at level 1 but gain a slight additional bonus. For example; Mining could give a very small chance of a 3x drop instead of 2x. This 3x drop chance could reach 100% once you’ve prestiged 10 times. Total Prestige Level would be another stat that could show up on /who and there could be a leaderboard for how much you’ve prestiged. With the prestige system, your mcmmo level would increase as if you never prestiged (EG. Prestige Level 5 + 500 levels would be 6,500).

Additionally, we could add in achievements for when you reach lv1 prestige on any mcmmo skill, lv5 and lv10. The rewards being very relevant and maybe a unique tool for each skill at prestige lv10 only obtainable through prestiging (Maybe even a Mjolnir type tool).

 299  Bug Report Closed 09.08.2013  MCMMO & Nether Quartz Ore?  No MTX1996
0 0 Task Description

I noticed that when your MCMMO level is high enough for certain skills (such as mining, i'm at around level 900 right now) you have a high chance of getting 2 of whatever it is you're digging up, such as cobble, coal, diamonds, etc.

This doesn't seem to work with Nether Quartz though. Whenever I mine it, I still get only one Nether Quartz Crystal. Is this a bug, or meant to be a feature?

 1091  Bug Report Closed 18.06.2015 19.06.2015  MCMMO + Onyx  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

MCMMO's Double Drops gives one Onyx gem and one Onyx Ore block instad of two Onyx gems.

 569  Bug Report Closed 16.08.2014 21.06.2015  Mcmmo acrobatics  No THErangeGEEK
0 1 Task Description

When using featherfalling boots paired with the mcmmo acrobatics skill the boots never take damage thus allowing to afk with a regen 1 affect, also if the player uses a sign ([lift]) the player can become "away"
and still gain exp for said skill

 1067  Bug Report Closed 15.06.2015  MCMMO Bug 199 Fishing - 201 Fishing Did not Announce 20 ... No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description
 690  Bug Report Closed 09.10.2014 23.05.2015  MCMMO cancels Fortune  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When you have MCMMO Mining at 1000+, it overwrites fortune and makes it a permanent 2 drops, without fortune (1-8) changing it at all.

 769  Bug Report Closed 07.11.2014 23.05.2015  Mcmmo commands dont work.  No Gzer
0 1 Task Description

None of the commands for mcmmo works like /mctop and so on...

 736  Bug Report Closed 30.10.2014 16.06.2015  MCMMO doesn't affect redstone  No woot000
0 2 Task Description

MCMMO doesn't do anything to redstone. It doesn't increase mining skill.

817 Bug Report New 20.11.2014 Mcmmo excavation doesnt work on snowMcMMO No Gzer
0 0 Task Description

Since you need a shovel to remove it, it makes sense it related to mcmmo excavation.

Also ice should be put under Mcmmo Mining.

 1643  Bug Report Closed 09.06.2016  mcmmo in shadow aether McMMO No A_Land_Whale
1 0 Task Description

I recently noticed that I do not receive archery mcmmo exp from killing shadow zephyrs and cockatrices. I have not tested axes and swords on them since i have both skills maxed out but I would guess they also do not receive exp for killing these mobs.

 962  Bug Report Closed 29.04.2015 30.04.2015  MCMMO levels reset  No TheOddTruth
0 2 Task Description


I logged in to CraftLand for the first time yesterday (great server by the way) and played for a few hours, leveling up my mining skill to 50+ and a few other skills to less than 10. I quit playing at around 10PM CST last night. When I logged in this morning (Around 9AM CST) and began mining again, I noticed that my MCMMO levels had reset. This seems to be the only thing that was effected. It is not a huge deal right now, yet, I would like to see it addressed because I'd like to be able to progress without concern for having my MCMMO data reset on a daily basis. Thank you in advance for addressing my problem.

 263  Bug Report Closed 11.07.2013  MCMMO Mining Douple Drops Drop Wrong Block?  No FearfulSky
0 0 Task Description

When mining Redrock with a pickaxe that DOES NOT have silk touch, it drops as Red Cobblestone. However, the MCMMO douple drop drops a Red Rock instead of the cobblestone.

 829  Bug Report Closed 26.11.2014 10.06.2015  MCMMO Stat  No Fightr2021
0 1 Task Description

On, on the MCMMO page, the taming level is still there. Not really a big deal at all, but I thought I should still report it.

 1690  Feature Request Closed 22.07.2016  Mctop for people ignoring u  No EstonianBro
0 0 Task Description

So basically I want normal players to see all the people that ignored them.

The person with the most ignores on their name gets perma muted. Thank u xx

 771  Bug Report Closed 07.11.2014  MCTop shows taming  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

the /mctop command adds the taming skill when it should be gone.

 654  Bug Report Closed 22.09.2014 21.06.2015  MELEE: Mob killing not always counted (Achievements, To ... No Beandon
0 4 Task Description

When you are to kill a mob with a melee attack, the server SOMETIMES does not think that you have killed the mob and will not add it to your total kills for anything mob related (Monster Hunt, Total Kills etc..).
However, for some reason, killing a mob with a ranged weapon always adds up to total kills.

 1650  Bug Report Closed 11.06.2016 23.06.2016  Memory Leaks  No hamham1111
0 3 Task Description

I was recently using the F3 menu while building to get my Y coordinates, when i suddenly noticed my memory usage going way up. I normally use about 600-800mb of RAM (12gb allocated) while playing craftland. It grew up to around 2200mb used. Anyway, i left the area and came back to where i was, and it went back down to the normal range.

Realm: Shadow aether

 671  Feature Request Closed 01.10.2014  Mentor/job/help system  No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

 1454  Bug Report Closed 28.02.2016  Message Bug  No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description

If you right click a players name, then click “Message”, the chat window chows up like normal, but the appearance window shows up as well.

1446 Bug Report New 20.02.2016 Middle Clicking Blocks and Other Issues In Creative. No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

I noticed while building that when I middle clicked some blocks it would give me the wrong one. So I decided to make a list of blocks that give me the wrong block when you middle click it(I literally placed down every single item that you can middle click):

Middle Clicking Issues

  • Iron Door turns into Oak Wood Door.
  • Stonebrick slab turns into stone slab.
  • Most Leaves can’t be middle clicked
  • Golden Oak Logs can’t be middle clicked.
  • Holystone and Mossy Holystone can’t be middle clicked.

Other Issues

* When placing cobblestone and stonebrick monster eggs they turn into stone monster eggs.

 169  Bug Report Closed 20.05.2013  Milk buckets only get filled client side  No nickmcski
0 0 Task Description

Milk buckets only get filled client side

 638  Bug Report Closed 16.09.2014 23.05.2015  Milking a cow  No jaylee8111
0 2 Task Description

You Milk a cow with a stack of buckets on your hot bar then u get 1 bucket of milk but the other empty buckets dissapears.

 45  Bug Report Closed 16.11.2012  Milking cows   No nickmcski
0 0 Task Description

When you milk a cow with a stack or buckets it will change the stack to a single bucket.

 104  Bug Report Closed 07.02.2013  mimics dont stay as a chest at reset  No handman1991
0 0 Task Description

mimics dont stay as a chest at reset

 1445  Bug Report Closed 18.02.2016  Minecart activator rails are completely broken.  No Cole Sudkamp Walker
2 0 Task Description

Minecart activator rails are completely broken. Yes I put a redstone torch next to the rail yet when I passed over it I wasn’t booted out of it, note I wasn’t in a region so this can’t be any sort of setting. This is also true of mobs. Please get this fixed as soon as possible!

 1451  Bug Report Closed 23.02.2016  Minecart activator rails are completely broken.  No Cole Sudkamp Walker
1 0 Task Description

Minecart activator rails are nonfunctional. While I get in a cart and pass over the activator rail that is powered by redstone I do not get booted out of the cart like activator rails are supposed to. This is also true of mobs, not only do activator rails not boot them out in some cases (nether and overworld) the mobs can’t even go in minecarts! This is a serious issue as mob farm designs with minecarts for the nether and aether are not viable. Please get the fix as soon as possible!

1539 Bug Report New 31.03.2016 Minecart and fences No build_to_the_top
0 0 Task Description

hey, I thougt minecarts could go under a fence as shown on the picture. It seems a fence counts as a block and not half a block. If so this is not a bug. It just looks like the minecart would fit.

1212 Feature Request New 08.08.2015 Minecart Message Emitters No Joyman533
0 0 Task Description

I requested this a while back but I can’t find the old ticket, so here is the feature: Minecart Message Emitters. It’s a nice feature that would help in certain ways.

 658  Feature Request Closed 23.09.2014  Minecart Message Emitters  No Joyman533
0 0 Task Description

These are present in Craftbook but not available on Craftland. It's explained in detail here:

It would be very nice to have this functionality.

 158  Bug Report Closed 05.05.2013 19.05.2013  Minecarts  No Bu1Ld1nGsK1LLzZz
0 1 Task Description

When you are placing minecarts it shows up Cannot place minecart here. There is something wrong with that because it shows up wherever you are.

 1235  Bug Report Closed 20.08.2015  Minecarts no longer getting destroyed by cactus  No SacredSpriter
0 0 Task Description

In an update Items were no longer destroyed by cactus, but it also made it so minecarts aren't destroyed by cactus, messing up auto minecart systems.

 600  Feature Request Closed 31.08.2014 11.09.2014  Minecarts on quarterblock rails  No woot000
0 2 Task Description

Not much to explain, just look at the summary.

 712  Feature Request Closed 21.10.2014 21.10.2014  Minecraft "Secret Options"  No woot000
0 2 Task Description

There should be the ingame shaders that are (for some reason) called "Secret Options".

 252  Bug Report Closed 09.07.2013  Minecraft shut down after (Logging In)  No marrrou
0 0 Task Description

Today,after the last update my minecraft do not run it launched ...

 253  Bug Report Closed 09.07.2013 10.07.2013  Minecraft shut down after (Logging In)  No marrrou
0 1 Task Description

Today,after the last update my minecraft do not run it...

 728  Feature Request Closed 29.10.2014 votifier add please  No Soulmusician
0 0 Task Description

Hei hei,

please remember adding this voting page its really a bit one and the are in a fusion with another list aswell.



Oh and by the way use this creation on the webpage or wiki somehow: made by Handyman at /warp thevault


 834  Feature Request Closed 30.11.2014 serverlist?  No Soulmusician
0 0 Task Description

 338  Bug Report Closed 20.09.2013  Mini map goes shakey when in 'Player Appearance' menu  No Kez323
0 0 Task Description


 2075  Bug Report Closed 02.08.2019  Minigames GUI is tiny  No theBlueMoa
0 0 Task Description

I walk into the Minigames portal, and the window that opens is really, REALLY small. This is the case on both 1x and 2x scaling, and GUI Scale (in graphics menu) and text config (Craftland menu) changes nothing. Even dragging all the columns to their smallest, i still only have one pixel of the “join” button visible, and had to spend 10+ minutes learning how to join my first QuakeCraft game, as I thought doubleclicking would enter me (there was no visible join button)

My display resolution is 1600×1200

 599  Bug Report Closed 31.08.2014 07.09.2014  Minimap  No robsherwood
0 2 Task Description

On the minimap, slabs don't show. It looks as if there is no block there.

 1600  Bug Report Closed 22.05.2016  Mining elysian dungeon stone is gltchy  No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Most likely the hardness properties on server/client are not equal.

 1913  Bug Report Closed 08.10.2017 09.10.2017  Mining Event  No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

Broken again.

 1919  Feature Request Closed 10.10.2017 08.11.2019  Mining Event Loot Update?  No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

I was thinking maybe within the next part of the loot update, we could update a few items for the Mining Event. The rewards would still have to be of a higher value due to how rare the event occurs (or maybe the playercount could be reduced to 15). For example; maybe adding in Tourmaline and Citrine into the mix alongside a very rare chance for spectral/stellar tools?

I was also thinking of a new kind of enchant book that can be used to add enchants onto spectral tools and they can only be obtainable rarely from this event. Something like a “Spectral Enchant Book”. These books would only hold one enchant on them when won but would always be of a higher level (EG. Eff IV/V, Fort III, Silk or Unbr III). Maybe a new skinset for it too, a “Gold Miner” set for example.

(Also maybe adding in a few achievements for winning goldrush would be nice too :3)

1755 Bug Report Not Implemented 01.11.2016 Mining fatigure not working on spectral pick No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

It has no negative impact when mining with spectral pickaxe.
Works fine with diamond.

 114  Bug Report Closed 16.02.2013  Mining Pillars  No Epic_Super_Sonic
0 0 Task Description

You can mine pillars from silver dungeons when your region is claimed over it.

 803  Bug Report Closed 13.11.2014  Mining Red rock and Basalt.  No Gzer
0 0 Task Description

Mining Red rock with a normal pick gives both Red cobblestone and Red rock sometimes,
Mining Basalt does the same, gives Basalt Cobble and Basalt stone.

Silk touching Basalt gives Basalt stone and Red Rock.

 1892  Bug Report Closed 26.09.2017 06.10.2017  Mining World event broken  No Beandon
0 2 Task Description

Mining event is not working in the Mining World, no points being counted and no scoreboard being shown.
(No this isn’t a delayed bug task, this is a new one, it’s broken again :/)

Update: Bubik2 was able to accumulate points, unsure if he was in the Mining world or The End whilst doing so however... I could not accumulate points whilst in the mining world.

 1886  Bug Report Closed 16.09.2017 20.09.2017  Mining World is called Mining2, breaking the Mining Eve ... No Beandon
1 1 Task Description

The world is called Mining2, not Mining. The event has just gone off and no one can get to a “Mining” world since the world name is called “Mining2”.

The scoreboard is not showing up and I don’t think points are being counted either, I will update this report when the event ends in 20 minutes time.

1713 Feature Request New 08.09.2016 Mining world waypoints No terminator473
0 0 Task Description

Can you make it so when you reset the mining worlds all waypoints are removed, ty.

 604  Bug Report Closed 31.08.2014  Minor boss message bug  No Trottero
0 0 Task Description

Whenever the boss drops a luck of the see book it will actually say in that that the person won a looting book.

 2057  Bug Report Closed 05.02.2019  Minor Inconsistency between cold fire drop, and text  No BetterOne
0 0 Task Description

Boss loot for cold fire charge says “32x cold fire” when you only receive 1 cold fire

1637 Bug Report New 05.06.2016 minor Mcmmo bugMcMMO No austinwhite3132
0 0 Task Description

you gain exp for whatever item your holding if you have thornes on your armor and just get hit over and over meaning you get mcmmo exp without using any of the items durability

 89  Bug Report Closed 13.01.2013  Missed in update:  No Cynthriel
0 0 Task Description

When killed with fire aspect and flame enchants, animals drops are supposed to be cooked. (Pork chop, steak.

 429  Feature Request Closed 28.12.2013 17.01.2014  Missing beacon feature.  No Energyxxer
0 2 Task Description

When the beacon was added, the effect from the beacon was given at a set radius from the BEACON. But then, later on, they changed it, so the effect is given at a set radius from the BEAM of the beacon. I think that should be changed in Craftland.

TL;DR: Make the beacon effect players around the beam of the beacon, not the beacon block, like in vanilla.

 220  Feature Request Closed 20.06.2013  Missing Ender dragons   No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

There are no more enderdragons on most end islands.
Make them respawn

1741 Bug Report New 04.10.2016 Missing exp No darkwayers
1 0 Task Description

Whenever I log in I am missing exp, I got a empty bar for flux for level 3 and a fully empty bar from normal experience..

 706  Feature Request Closed 19.10.2014 21.06.2015  Missing Features  No woot000
0 2 Task Description

You've been missing some features of Minecraft which include some old generation features that are around 1.2 (Desert Dungeons and Wells)

 1253  Bug Report Closed 02.09.2015  misspelled in /advertise 'warning' message.  No Jovaniph
0 0 Task Description

Until is misspelled...Also, no period at the end.

The warning says "00:00 minutes 'untill' you can advertise again(.)


 1340  Bug Report Closed 10.11.2015 10.11.2015  Misspelling  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

When you warn someone it says "Catagoty" instead of "Category".

1358 Bug Report New 26.11.2015 Moa No build_to_the_top
0 0 Task Description

not sure if this is a bug. maybe i cant be changed or its random.

But for me if i right click my moa to sit on it i will it on it but i will look in the opposite direction.

It would be cool if you would be able to instantly fly in the direction you look to when you right click your moa to sit on?
get what i mean?

 1288  Bug Report Closed 22.09.2015 23.09.2015  Moa changed color  No RenatusRoho
0 1 Task Description

I have a black moa and suddenly is changed color

Is this normal?

1609 Bug Report New 24.05.2016 Moa Eggs No The_Mushroomcow
0 0 Task Description

Moa eggs added to incubators via hoppers get added in stacks

 161  Bug Report Closed 09.05.2013  Moa eggs  No Bu1Ld1nGsK1LLzZz
0 0 Task Description

Moa egg stacking is messed up. I also think moa egg shouldnt be stackable.

 1372  Bug Report Closed 06.12.2015 22.12.2015  Moa names  No darkwayers
0 2 Task Description

They don't switch names when the owner of the moa changes his/her nickname

 194  Bug Report Closed 07.06.2013 10.06.2013  Moa rendering lag after warping.  No ctmpkmlec4
0 1 Task Description

I'm not sure if this is a bug in the code, or latency in the connection between myself and the server. What happens is that when I warp while on a moa, there is approximately 5 to 10 seconds of delay before my moa is rendered at my destination. In certain circumstances, I believe this delay in rendering could lead to loss of moa, or player death. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this.

1608 Bug Report New 24.05.2016 Moa Size No The_Mushroomcow
0 0 Task Description

Moas suffocate in walls if in a 1×1 room when you leave the region and return

 519  Bug Report Closed 07.07.2014  Moa textures cache not being flushed after Texturepack  ... No Cerbion
0 0 Task Description

Moa textures look glitched after changing the texturepack.
Probably Moa texture cache not properly being cleared.

 316  Bug Report Closed 28.08.2013  Moa Vanishing Act?  No darkspine509
0 0 Task Description

Nick said to be as decriptive as possible, so here I go.

I was flying around on my Black Moa, searching for Plasma Clouds, I wasn't having any luck where I was, so I warped to "/warp oranges!" to find new ground. The thing is, when I warped there, my moa was gone, I was still in the mounted position, as if I was riding on air. I moved around and jumped, but I was only walking at the speed you move at without a Moa, and only jumping the same. I relogged and came back to find myself in the same spot I logged out in, only standing normal, and no Black Moa in sight. I went home and went to ride another one of my Moas to see if it would happen again, this one was cyan. I warped back after the cooldown was done and went back, but oddly, it didn't happen again. The next day (Today), my brother was playing, having the same problem with Plasma Clouds, so I advised him to warp to the same warp I did, not thinking it would happen to him, but sure enough, it did. Even my cyan moa was still there where I left it. And he was even looking, moving, and jumping the same odd was that I was when my Moa vanished there. We relogged and can you guess what happened? Yep, it was gone to. I hope this is as detailed as you wanted it.

 1670  Bug Report Closed 04.07.2016  Moa warping to spawn  No build_to_the_top
1 0 Task Description


if you are in the shadow ather you can warp at spawn while riding on your moa even tho the region flag is on deny

1613 Feature Request New 25.05.2016 12.06.2016 Moas No thecreeperking01
0 1 Task Description

Moa spikes on head when riding get in the way alot!! pls fix mom

 334  Bug Report Closed 16.09.2013 20.09.2013  Moas dissapering when warping  No maxjadin
0 1 Task Description

Iv been noticing that when ever i warp sometimes my moa will dissaper
and you will still be sitting on it but its invisable. its also happend to some other people on the server. and sometimes when you warp to a different location you will get it back but rarely ever happens. once you leave the server and rejoin to try to get it back its no longer there like it never existed. and then you then have to get a new one

This is the bug report by:maxjadin

 300  Bug Report Closed 09.08.2013  Mob health bars  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

When riding a phyg, and other rideables sometimes the health bar gets in your face and you cant see.

 153  Bug Report Closed 14.04.2013  Mob skulls in peoples regions.  No __Blackjack__
0 0 Task Description

Apparently players can place, but not break, mob masks/skulls in others regions.

1604 Bug Report New 23.05.2016 Mob Spawn Blocks that need fixing. No Jay
0 0 Task Description

- ShadowCockatrice - Gives normal aether Cockatrice, Needs both the green and red Aether Cockatrices.
- ShadowSheepPuff - Looks like a Normal Aether SheepPuff.

 974  Bug Report Closed 14.05.2015 23.05.2015  Mob Spawner Bat  No build_to_the_top
0 2 Task Description


the Bat spawner needs to be "activated". Its not working so far.

Ty :)


1555 Feature Request New 10.04.2016 11.04.2016 Mobbattles & Playerbattles No YellowBird
0 2 Task Description

What if we could like in Pokemon capture special mobs (rare mobs of any type we got) in a reusable spawnegg and train them by first feeding them with whatever they desire to a certain point and then train them against either other wild mobs or other mobs of any player. The moblevelsystem we have on craftland is more or less a base for such a thing.


Player A finds in the icesheet-biome a tameable penguin (lets say 3% chance of getting one). He captures him with a reusable spawnegg after he tamed it with the penguins item of choice (lets say a special fish). Then the player takes the penguin home and feeds it with tons of items of the penguins desire to get him ready to level up to level 2. To reach level 2 the penguin needs to win lets say 10 battles or better needs to gain a certain amount of xp (like mcmmo levels(it could even be more ridiculous by giving the mobs different skills like stamina, dexterity, damage, etc.). After reaching level 2 the same (more difficult) journey to level 3 can be started.

Player B now has a lets say level 8 silverfish and wants to battle players C´s level 7 aerbunny. Both of the mobs could have their stats and could enter a fight in a special mobarena. The winner of the fight gets either a price that was set before or otherwise the other players creature.

I think this would be a cool thing cause as we all know PVP is difficult but the mobbattles could give us a way to challenge each other and get into competition. The best would be before entering the mobarena it is ensured that every player knows that whatever he bets on the fight can be lost to the opponent.

Well maybe nick, or marc are interested on this cause of i think Nide and piggy are busy.

Anyways have a good time.

 720  Bug Report Closed 25.10.2014  MobHunt Bleeding  No darkspine509
0 0 Task Description

It seems that while i'm using a Valkyrie Sword, enemies only count when I inflict "Bleeding" on them. I kill a Mimic, it dies without any points. I kill a Mimic after I see "Enemy Bleeding", and it gives me points. I don't know if I am missing something, or if this is a problem with any other weapons, but this seems to be happening.

 1313  Feature Request Closed 10.10.2015 10.10.2015  Mobs destroying item frames  No terminator473
0 1 Task Description

I'm not sure if this is a bug so i'm just going to name it as a feature request, but lately I have noticed skeletons have been shooting my items frames and I haven't realised and the stuff inside has been disappearing or being picked up by players, I find this quite annoying if its possible could you make it so skeletons don't break item frames?

 879  Feature Request Closed 28.01.2015  Mobs Dropping Heads by Charged Creepers Explosions  No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description

I would like it if creepers, cows, sheep, spiders, wolves, pandas, and chickens could drop their head when exploded by a charged creeper. If you want, you can make charged creepers also drop vanilla Minecraft heads and skulls when they explode a mob. If you want, you could add more heads like cave spider, pig, villager, witch, zombie pigman skull, and maybe even aether mobs!

 123  Feature Request Closed 17.02.2013 26.04.2013  mobs lifetime  No handman1991
0 2 Task Description

Mobs having a lifespawn of 2 min or something like this.
This will nerv grinder the best.

1615 Bug Report New 25.05.2016 Mobs not spawning while under a glass roof. No Cbaby1011
1 0 Task Description

I’m not sure if this is a bug, but it doesn’t make sense on why it would be happening. I placed a glass roof over my natural shadow aether mob grinder and they aren’t spawning. The area isn’t region ed so there is not reason why the mobs shouldn’t spawn while under some glass.

If you want to test it out just go to /warp Shadow Aether Mob Grinder and toggle the bridges on the roof.

 612  Feature Request Closed 06.09.2014 11.09.2014  Mobspawner to Flypotion  No Soulmusician
0 5 Task Description

Every class of mobspawner extracted into its souls adds the possibility to craft a fly potion. Every spawner produces souls in order to its value like cavespiderspawner 1 soul, zombiespawner 2 souls, golemspawner 64 souls.

Or Mobspawner are ingredients for a magic system.

 704  Feature Request Closed 19.10.2014 21.06.2015  Mod worth checking out: Item Physics.  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

-Items float in water some sink.

-any item that is not made of wood does not burn in lava it actually stays under lava until picked up.

-items don't vanish when dropped onto a cactus.

-when an item is dropped it lands flat which looks more realistic than an item floating in the air and spinning.

 1336  Bug Report Closed 04.11.2015  Models can be used in games  No nickmcski
0 0 Task Description

In games you can still use models, make it hard to see you, or see what armor you have on

 1314  Bug Report Closed 10.10.2015 21.10.2015  Mods chat allowing people without the helper, mod or ad ... No Cbaby1011
0 3 Task Description

Normal players without a staff rank or players that either retired or got demoted stay in the channel

1971 Bug Report New 06.02.2018 Monster Hunt - LavaSlime doesn't double pts No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Killing any sized magma cube in the monster hunt does not give 20pts instead of the usual 10 when it’s boosted.

 1903  Feature Request Closed 01.10.2017 09.10.2017  Monster Hunt Loot Consistency  No Beandon
0 2 Task Description

The rate at which monster hunt loot is given out is currently inconsistent. I could get 20pts, be 3rd, and win several white stars or a hat OR I could be getting 16,000 points, setting a new record for myself, getting 1st and recieving nothing but 125 coins.

I would like to request that the loot dropped become more consistent and related to how many points you have accumulated. Earlier I saw someone get wings for coming 3rd with 100pts, nothing for anyone else.

 932  Bug Report Closed 31.03.2015  Monster hunt Message  No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

Says the top 6 People but instead its the top 3 Players who won

 1904  Bug Report Closed 02.10.2017  Monster Hunt Silverfish and AechorPlants  No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

From what i’ve been told from everyone else, Silverfish cannot naturally spawn. Aechor Plants also do not gain an additional x2 bonus. They are worth 20 points by default and therefore should be worth 40 during the hunt when their name is called out.

 14  Bug Report Closed 15.08.2012 30.11.2012  Monsterhunt current score doesn't work  No traq_Krody
0 1 Task Description

When you type /hunt during a monsterhunt, you can't see your current score :

 2122  Bug Report Closed 13.06.2020 14.08.2020  mooshrooms crashing   No xLiselle
0 1 Task Description

Right clicking mooshrooms causes a crash

 359  Bug Report Closed 09.10.2013 17.01.2014  Mooshrooms dont like to breed  No Trottero
0 1 Task Description

You cant breed mooshrooms with cows or other mooshrooms. The particle does display above their heads

1016 Feature Request New 31.05.2015 16.06.2015 More end spawns on islands No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Right now there isnt really that many endermen spawns, there should be as many as vinalla then players could make a ender man XP grinder a little ways from an island within the border with the island all lit up cauing the endermen to spawn into the grinder

1699 Feature Request 05.08.2016 More Hanging Lanterns No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

It would be awesome if more hanging lanterns were added to give some of the useless ores and blocks a use. Of course some of items do have uses but I think they would look really nice.

Items That Would Look Nice as a Lantern

-Shadow Oak Log
-Dark Shadow Oak Log

1816 Feature Request New 28.06.2017 More hat slots in the skins GUI No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

It would be wonderful if you open up the skins GUI and you have more than one hat slot. It could be similar to how the hats work in the armor slots, but except you can put them in the skin slots.

 408  Feature Request Closed 08.12.2013 29.07.2014  MOTD  No nickmcski
0 1 Task Description

Please allow use to use Bold, Underline, italic, etc. in the MOTD?

 449  Bug Report Closed 11.01.2014  motd  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

Its very little bug:
The motd saying- we are searching new helpers full out your apllication.
I dont think the server needs new helpers, there are already like a tone.

1352 Feature Request New 17.11.2015 25.11.2015 Mountable Slimes No Soulmusician
0 2 Task Description

Pleae have Slimes or swets in different blue colors like the jump clouds mountable. Whenever you mounted a slime and jump into any direction with it, it will jump as high as the clouds would shoot you up.

Lets say have a blue, royal and orange slime or swet? Or even better make it that normal slimes can be tiered up by feeding them very valuable things.

Another slime could be the chilli slime which would burn other creatures to death if they hit you.

Another slime could be the heavy slime which could be used to jump mobs to death like you would do in Mario.

Another possibility could be a slime that produces blocks, when you feed him parts.

777 Feature Request New 08.11.2014 Mouse over the /who flags to get a tiny box telling you... No Gzer
0 0 Task Description

Mouse over the /who flags to get a tiny box telling you country name since I personally am not very good at recognizing flags that feature would be great.

 265  Bug Report Closed 12.07.2013 06.08.2013  Moved Wrongly  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

Everytime I walk from any slab (step (half) block) onto an enderchest (probably will also occur when walking on a regular chest), it sends me back on the step as if it would send an error (to the console): (player) moved wrongly!

 448  Bug Report Closed 11.01.2014 17.01.2014  multiple craftland websites?  No BackSlash17
0 1 Task Description
if you click on the forum page, then click on you can just continue that and its weird but not very urgent
and if you click on one of the bigger ones, it overrides the secondary ones and takes them away

 1001  Bug Report Closed 28.05.2015  Mushroom Blocks with different ID's result in placing o ... No TheLegendJet
0 0 Task Description

Whenever you mine Mushrooms with Silk Touch, you get a differnet kind of ID for every direction the Mushroom block is facing.
If you place any of those it results with the same kind of ID and not with the ID it should.

 1523  Feature Request Closed 25.03.2016  Mushrooms  No YellowBird
0 0 Task Description

Hei Michel,

anbei ein neuer Pilz für das Projekt. Möglich als ein Bestandteil der Flugpotion, weil du ja erwähnt hattest, dass im Projekt auch fliegen denkbar sein könnte.

Eine Potion hat den Vorteil du kannst sie zeitlich begrenzen.

Als Zutaten könnte der Pilz hier dienen.

Ich würde aber auch noch folgende Dinge in solch einer Potion sehen:
Golden Feather
Ghost Chilli Powder
Wither Soul
Golden Acheor Petal
Enchanted Berries oder als Alternative nehmen wir den Orange bush und hängen da neue Früchte ran die man dafür einsetzen könnte.



 1693  Bug Report Closed 24.07.2016 14.08.2016  Mushroomtree bug  No BlackClassic97
0 2 Task Description

Cant get little mushrooms from the big mushrooms. Not using silk touch and ive tried everything.

 1701  Bug Report Closed 08.08.2016  Music Discs not working  No TheLegendJet
0 0 Task Description

None of the Music Discs are working besides the Enchantable one
“Noisestorm - Aether Tune”

 502  Bug Report Closed 08.04.2014  Musicplayer repeat button  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

My musicplayer (in my inventory) won't repeat the songs while it does for other players (they say it does).

 432  Bug Report Closed 02.01.2014 17.01.2014  MusicPlayers not repeating.  No Energyxxer
0 3 Task Description

Playing MusicPlayers don't repeat, even with the Repeat option on. I remember this is not an issue in jukeboxes.

 1365  Bug Report Closed 30.11.2015 03.12.2015  Mutator and ambrosium  No darkwayers
0 2 Task Description

It doesn't seem to work fully to shift click ambrosium in, nor the ingrediants can be shift clicked in.

1785 Feature Request New 26.02.2017 My Feature Requests No paul0608
2 0 Task Description


Woodcutting: Ability causes lag and could be done better (like doing the whole tree and planting the sapling again)

Axes: is the same skill like swords, could maybe use a different ability (ig. Strong knockback hits)

Swords: Bleeding skill is useless and can be realy annoying at PVP


Chisel and bits: (only works with forge but you might be able to make it work without

Builders Wand: saves alot of time when building flat things (if its a lag issue you could reduce the placeable amount and maybe increese it with your rank)


New item: Trashcan or Voidpipe (alternitive to Dropper+lava which whould lag less and also easyer to do)

Weapons and armor: Balance PVP/PVE (Bow = DMG+ ; Armor=DEF- You shouldnt be able to be immortal but beginnes shouldn’t have a to hard time ; BOSS=ADD True damage)

Daily Quest / Reward System: would get you to do different stuff (ex. Mine 100 diamondore , Win one goldrush, Win one match of survivalgames, place 1000 Blocks...)

Villagers: To get emeralds you have to trade with a bigger variety of items that a premium 6 Player can carry maybe just focus on Harvest and Fish (personally i would prefer only Harvest)

Spawner Counts: eating one skyberry then clicking on the spawner twice and repeating is realy annoying to do, you should be able to use 1 skyberry to reset 500 or 1000 spawns of th e spawner directly

Servershop: It looks realy outdated and could use some additions/changes (ex. why would you sell stuff for 0)

Warppads: Rather that making passwords you should be able to just add the people you want to be able to use it

Skins: Add another row of slots where you can put in your hats rather that using the Reg.stone and goldenfether or hat slot.(so you would also keep your hats in gamesworlds)

Chests: would be nice if you could mark multiple chest with some command like /fasthoppertoggle and edit them all at once (all given permissions and hopperoption)

Autocrafter/Compacter: would craft chosen items for you if they have the material for you

Item Favourite: In the game “Terraia” you can favorite items so you dont accedently sell/ quickstack or drop them
I would really like that feature on Craftland too and i don’t think it is as hard to make because the Mjölnir has also such a behavior.
You could use a command like /favorite slot XY or as it is in “Terraia” Alt-leftclick them (not sure if that matches with an existing shortcut

Hopper ducts: there should be a slot in the hoppers like the filter, where you can tell it to look like a block which you put in , this would allow you to hide Hopperducts.

Custom mob Spawners: It would be cool to be able to add drops to monsters from custom Mobspawners
it could for example drop the items from the chest on top of or next to the spawner
or have slots in the spawner

“Search”-function for you warps

 1114  Bug Report Closed 23.06.2015 27.06.2015  My right arm is missing  No GotSkeelz
0 1 Task Description

My right arm is missing when I press f5 and also I cant even look at the item in my inventory

 1364  Feature Request Closed 29.11.2015 04.11.2019  My two new suggestions I think Would make armor for sur ... No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Most players get bored because at a point when you got valkyrie armor with a few protections its too hard to die or lose health at all.

True Damage Suggestion:

Armor and Weapon Decrease Suggestion:

 1678  Bug Report Closed 10.07.2016  Mycelium  No Porkkana1337
0 0 Task Description

You don’t gain excavation xp for destroying natural mycelium

 646  Bug Report Closed 17.09.2014  Name color unlocks (in-game GUI)  No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

I am Premium IV and Special Unit. I only have access to the Apprentice, VIP, Special Unit and Premium IV name colors. I do not have access to the P.I, P.II or P.III name colors.

 779  Bug Report Closed 08.11.2014  Name color warning for timer is wrong  No Gzer
0 0 Task Description

Before you choose a color it pops up a warning saying you cant do it again for 24hours but Nide changed it to 10minutes which is awesome.

 1428  Bug Report Closed 04.02.2016 13.02.2016  Name tag bug  No A_Land_Whale
0 2 Task Description

My first and only black moa was named "shadow rakk", it had that name for many months. Earlier today I went to where i kept it and its name was "A_Land_Whale’s Moa". I figured whatever ill just give it a new name, do I did so, I named it a second time, Dredge this time, rode it back to its pen and whenever I got off it was back to "A_Land_Whale’s Moa". Please fix this. I would like to request that I be reimbursed my two name tags as well, being that they are a pain in the ass to get on this server. Peace!

 2050  Bug Report Closed 24.01.2019  name tags  No Soulmusician
0 0 Task Description

Please add nametags to the arena drops.

 899  Bug Report Closed 26.02.2015 04.11.2019  Name tags and spawners can't be sold to another player  No camyoshi
0 3 Task Description

I tried to sell a name tag to a player, and it didn’t work. The name tag was not renamed. Also, if you try to sell a spawner, it doesn’t work either (Or maybe sometimes). There may be other items that can’t be sold to other players too.

 631  Feature Request Closed 13.09.2014 13.09.2014  Names showing  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

When typing a name in an interface (such as the mentor interface, region (add member/owner) and adding rights to locks), allow either a player's display name OR original name to be typed in to find the player. It will then be like this: Originalname (Displayname). So mine would be: robsherwood (Rob_Kenway). This is pretty much similar to the website when you type a playername in the search bar.

 113  Bug Report Closed 15.02.2013  NativeBass crash on linux  No marc0303
0 0 Task Description


 1251  Bug Report Closed 31.08.2015 01.09.2015  Natural mobspawning flag  No darkwayers
0 1 Task Description

It worked for me for a while but for some reason it stopped working and I keep getting random mobs spawned in my region, it started to happen about a week ago.

1303 Feature Request New 03.10.2015 Nature staff and moas No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description

I personally have quiet a lot of moas, although if I want to move them I am having issues with to let them all follow at once, a group above 20 moas stand around you push the others away, if you’re to slow while running to select them to follow or not, unfollowing them is a similar issue, I would like it if there would be an option with the nature staff to upgrade or whatever to follow and unfollow large quantities.

1668 Bug Report New 01.07.2016 Nature staff can't reach more then 2 blocks away even w... No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description

no task description

 1256  Bug Report Closed 02.09.2015 02.09.2015  Negated Permissions aren't valid.  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

The screenshot shows it:

It gives instructions to use a negated permission to revoke an inherited permission, but when you try using the negated permission it is invalid.

 1809  Bug Report Closed 19.06.2017  Nerf Pirates / Pirate Spawners  No Arbr
0 0 Task Description

people getting shit tones of money / diamonds / emeralds from them... would be nice to nerf.

 83  Bug Report Closed 02.01.2013  nether   No handman1991
0 0 Task Description

Nether needs to be pvp again!

 697  Feature Request Closed 13.10.2014  Nether Entering message  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

When a player is going to teleport into the nether, a popup, similar to the warp delete etc. Which you have to click agree to to teleport into the nether. For the past few days, there has been a tonne of stuff about this and this would be an "easy" fix.

 23  Bug Report Closed 14.10.2012  nether lagging  No handman1991
0 0 Task Description

Nether makes you lagg, but with f3 you dont

1857 Feature Request New 08.08.2017 Nether Wart Herbalism Levels No DoomRider76
0 0 Task Description

This isn’t the biggest request and it doesn’t affect too much so i’ll keep this short. Nether warts, unlike other crops, do not give herbalism. It would make sense to give xp, since nether wart is quite similar to crops. Plus it’s the only farm i’ve built and I want herbalism levels. Thanks :)

 625  Feature Request Closed 10.09.2014 13.09.2014  New archery ability  No robsherwood
0 4 Task Description

A new ability for the archery mcmmo skill: Sharp shot. Chance is higher if your level is higher obviously. Negates any potion effects, eventually whirlies (they cannot be turned away by whirlies, useful against boss skeleton), and armour of the opponent.

 520  Feature Request Closed 09.07.2014 16.07.2014  New block  No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

There could be a block where you can jump up into it and get pushed above like a blue aercloud, but when you walk on it from the top it is like a solid block. This could be used for adventure maps as Pangaea or other things in general.

1607 Feature Request New 24.05.2016 New Bow No THErangeGEEK
0 0 Task Description

Elysian spirit bow that comes with infinity that shoots beam and has a faster draw rate then pheonix bow but a slight nerf on the damage

 703  Feature Request Closed 19.10.2014 21.06.2015  New but challenging way of getting ores!  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Link →

 40  Feature Request Closed 09.11.2012 13.07.2013  New commands  No nickmcski
0 6 Task Description

/ts <user> <id> destory
/kill entity <id> (for moas at spawn)
(mods be able to tp/warp/jump into dungs)
(Un-protect button added to others chests (mods/admins only))
(Enable WorldGaurd GUI for mods (the flags))

 517  Bug Report Closed 28.06.2014  New Enchantment Books From Update 4.9 Do Not Work  No ESP_ScOpEzZ
0 0 Task Description

In the new update 4.9 the new enchantment books do not work on armor or tools

 699  Bug Report Closed 18.10.2014  New Fences  No ZChaoticLight
0 0 Task Description

Some of the new 1.8 fences don’t drop what they are meant to drop.
I was building a structure with Dark oak fences and when I broke one it dropped redwood fence.

1682 Feature Request New 12.07.2016 new filter options for hopper ducts No CodySewell
2 0 Task Description

sorting systems would be easier if i could set a a filter like;
Blocks: all place able items like stone cobble stone brick etc.
Food: any edible items like pork chicken etc.
Mob Drops: bones arrows spider eyes blaze rods etc.
weapons/armour: any wearable items or anything designed to be a weapon like swords and chestplate rings leggings etc.

 1929  Bug Report Closed 22.10.2017 27.10.2017  New Granite, Diorite, and Andesite Bricks (and chiseled ... No VetaPhoenix79
3 1 Task Description

If you click on them with no pickaxe in your hand, they just disappear.

1681 Feature Request New 11.07.2016 New hat effects No Midgetman_17
0 0 Task Description

Have new effects such as:

1652 Feature Request New 13.06.2016 New infusement fuel No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description

I thought of a new infusement fuel. It is another kind of star like the white point star, just stronger. The Red Giant Star. In order to make it, you need to first craft some lava stars. They are made with 8 lava buckets surrounding a nether star. You will need 4. Then, you use those to craft the fuel. The fuel requires 4 lava stars and a dragon soul, or maybe possibly a wither soul. You will then get 4 red giant stars. The fuel lasts for either 2500 or 3000 ticks. Textures also included.

 905  Feature Request Closed 14.03.2015  New ores/Spectral Suggestion!  No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description This is a suggestion for the new ores

 1456  Feature Request Closed 01.03.2016 07.06.2016  New region flag for animals  No CodySewell
0 1 Task Description

So I’m sure the staff are getting sick of people killing other people’s animals so why not add a region flag to make it so only members can damage animals in your region not regular mobs just animals.

1414 Feature Request New 14.01.2016 New rule No Joyman533
0 0 Task Description

Please make a new forum rule about not posting links to or other advertising sites... In my opinion, people shouldn’t be making money off of the forum, that’s just plain wrong.

 855  Bug Report Closed 23.12.2014  new seeds despawn when farmland breaks  No BobbysCraft
0 0 Task Description

dear coder. i planted a flax plant on farmland without using water a while of waiting the farmland breaks into dirt the seed was despawned it was a verry expensive seed i dont get it back please help it to work for a bugfree server

1947 Feature Request New 18.11.2017 New slots for armor stands No fin344
0 0 Task Description

What about 3 new slots for armor stands:
Cape slot for capes :o
A slot where you can put any item that hes holding
A slot for shields

 760  Feature Request Closed 05.11.2014  New Tree Recipies  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

Apple Tree + Golden Oak Tree = Golden Apple Tree (95% ingot gold apple, 5% OP golden apple)
Apple Tree + Blue Aether Tree = White Apple Tree

 1597  Bug Report Closed 21.05.2016  New trees  No terminator473
0 0 Task Description

You can use fortune on the new trees to get more wood.

 1979  Bug Report Closed 23.03.2018  New User Protective Spells (Can they be longer?)  No VetaPhoenix79
1 0 Task Description

Randoro just made a really good point. There are so many times when people spend a lot of time reading tutorials and trying to get help (still at spawn a lot of the time, even), so once their hour is up of newbie protection, etc. a lot of folks haven’t even finished building themselves a house.

Here are some other issues with newbies:

Mining World: maybe should only be available to VIP players because he sees a lot of players go straight to mining and see a level 10 mob and get killed right off the bat. Maybe have some sort of recommendation that’s very clear telling new players they should consider starting in the aether?

1127 Feature Request New 30.06.2015 New Water Sounds No woot000
0 0 Task Description

Add the new water sounds when swimming/splashing in it

 167  Bug Report Closed 18.05.2013  New wood uselless  No nickmcski
0 0 Task Description

with the new wooden planks there are no use for them other than aesthetics.
Ex can not make sticks, tools, chests, ect out of them.

 936  Bug Report Closed 03.04.2015 10.04.2015  New World  No Eplepet
0 2 Task Description

New world wont show up on the map on the site

1778 Feature Request New 27.01.2017 New/Full MCMMO No darkwayers
2 0 Task Description

The server has a outdated and a very unbalanced version of mcmmo also currently it’s missing certain skills that have been added long ago to mcmmo There used to be taming on the server aswell but got removed, I rather have a full reset of all skills and start with a new fully working new version of mcmmo than using the unbalanced, nerfed version of craftland..

 757  Bug Report Closed 05.11.2014 23.05.2015  Newbies turning VIP cant change theyre name color  No Gzer
0 2 Task Description

The new people turning vip cant change theyre color i dont know if it has something to do with being mentored or not but it might be so far i have only seen mentored ones say it...

 860  Feature Request Closed 27.12.2014 21.06.2015  Newsflash OpenSource RougeLikeUndergroundDungeons  No Soulmusician
0 1 Task Description

Just as info.


 840  Feature Request Closed 10.12.2014 17.12.2014  Nide you recieved the OK from Silentine from the Grimoi ... No Soulmusician
0 7 Task Description

Hei Nide,

you can use the whole Grimoire of Gaia 2 Mod with all its mobs for your Modpack. Silentine agreed and was surprised of a server ever existed without forge. Just give him credit on your wiki and then you are good to go. You can take all models and animations directly into craftland.

Happy craftland with 100 new mobs ;)

There is his answer and my response to it.

 584  Bug Report Closed 25.08.2014 21.06.2015  Night lamps  No robsherwood
0 2 Task Description

I have about 4 night lamps that automatically turn on at night and are off during the day (using daylight sensors). I plan to make more at my base, but I decided I won't if this will just happen to all of them: they don't emit light at all until I rightclick them or break a block nearby (= updating the blocks?).

An image they are actually on but don't emit light at night:

Could this be fixed?

1724 Bug Report New 18.09.2016 Night vision pots make screen black No thecreeperking01
0 0 Task Description

When i drink night vision pots, my screen goes black. Simply that

1042 Bug Report New 08.06.2015 01.09.2015 Night vision turning screen black No terminator473
0 15 Task Description

I found out that Night vision eventually turns your screen black. I don’t know if this is only with default texture pack, but its annoying :P

 47  Bug Report Closed 19.11.2012  No fire sound  No nickmcski
0 0 Task Description

When you are on fire you don't get the burning sound

978 Bug Report New 16.05.2015 No Serrated Strikes with Vampire Blade No UltimaOverkill
0 0 Task Description

The name says it all.

 204  Bug Report Closed 16.06.2013 21.06.2015  No signs on signs  No Chedd
0 1 Task Description

Now that one can just spam right-click on a sign, signs cannot be placed on other signs.

 1192  Bug Report Closed 28.07.2015 30.07.2015  No Sword Mcmmo when killing Iron Golem  No build_to_the_top
0 1 Task Description

Hey i killed a lot of iron golem but i did not get mcmmo level up for sword.

(maybe nothing for bow too). Maybe it was a lag on my side not sure

 1335  Bug Report Closed 04.11.2015 07.11.2015  No XPbar  No Bergman777
0 1 Task Description

My XPbar is gone, i can still repair things even though it says i don't have the levels for it (item dissapears and when i leave the repair window it just throws out of my inventory repaired and i have to pick it up). When i open the trade window for a villager i can see the xpbar and it says i have -30k, so it seems all my levels somehow got inverthed after i reached like 30k xplevels.

 82  Bug Report Closed 30.12.2012 01.03.2013  non-afk machine  No handman1991
0 1 Task Description

it its still possible to make you go not afk.

 985  Bug Report Closed 18.05.2015  Normal bows cannot be repaired in enchanters while valk ... No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description
 857  Bug Report Closed 26.12.2014 28.05.2015  Normal picks gives double Iron/Gold drops where Silk to ... No jaylee8111
0 5 Task Description

I think it should be fixed where Silk touch gives double Iron/Gold ore drops, shouldn't have to be switching to a pick with no enchants if the ore is going to turn out as a block either way.

 2130  Bug Report Closed 27.01.2021  normal wool can't be use in carpenter blocks  No Mizsi
0 0 Task Description
:3 you know I used to be able to use gray wool inside of carpenter blocks in my would. It would be great if I was able to again, since I used to be able to and I’m using it for my Mizsitopia dungeon project.
1409 Bug Report New 08.01.2016 Not all items in death chest No A_Land_Whale
0 0 Task Description

I recently went afk while starving. I forgot that regen beacons no longer work, and well I starved to death. Some of my items despawned bc they were not in the chest. It wasnt anything too important that I lost but can something be done to fix this?

 484  Bug Report Closed 10.03.2014  Not pickupable items  No Trottero
0 0 Task Description

When you drop an item in stairs which are in the floor you cant pick it up anymore,
Really annoying.

 428  Feature Request Closed 24.12.2013 04.01.2014  Npc  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

I guess it will not be accepted.

Each npc have an owner; this owner can modify some parameters of the npc. Like to follow the owner, edit the armor it is wearing,etc..
If the player is not the owner, he can't modify the.

1542 Feature Request New 02.04.2016 NPC - Trading No paul0608
0 0 Task Description

i would suggest to let players make trading chests were they can sell items for irtems ore do the same thing on a villager, you could also use npc’s

 452  Bug Report Closed 13.01.2014 17.01.2014  npc :/  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

When I try to edit an npc (open the trade gui and close it) it sais: you cannot edit that npc. I am just wondering if my feature request on the npc owners is still in testing or its fully done.

 674  Bug Report Closed 02.10.2014  NPC Bug at fishing spawn  No GotSkeelz
0 0 Task Description

Well, on the first trade if you trade raw fish instead of bass to the npc you get salmon .. its really weird.

 446  Bug Report Closed 08.01.2014  npc finder  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

I would siggest that you can search npc's like regions and stuff.thanks for reading and adding the other npc's feature I like. (:

 573  Feature Request Closed 19.08.2014 19.10.2014  NPC mounts  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

It would be cool to make it possible for NPCs to ride rideable animals (such as panda, moa, pig, phyg, flying cow, etc.) or even mobs not rideable by players (spiders, sheeps, wolves, etc.). If this gets added, make it so that the mount of an NPC can't be killed until the NPC gets taken off of it. This would only allow NPCs to walk faster (the mounts do not help in combat) or fly (in case of the aether mounts).

 1342  Bug Report Closed 11.11.2015 19.11.2015  Npc set trades resets  No jaylee8111
0 5 Task Description

So today i had a admin set trades for npc's today in my quest in joymans world and lateron today they all reset also dropping them to move them somewhere else resets the trades too.

 1275  Feature Request Closed 15.09.2015 15.09.2015  NPC Trade Editing  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

I think that if you are in Creative mode you should be able to set NPC trades. This would not affect survival gameplay at all, but would make custom maps in Creative worlds more versatile with trades, and would add another level of depth to their gameplay.

 173  Bug Report Closed 25.05.2013 04.06.2013  NPC trading broken  No nickmcski
0 2 Task Description

When trading an item with an NPC ex. 32 cobblestone → 3 bread. you get kicked from the server with the message "internal server error"

 213  Bug Report Closed 20.06.2013  Oak and spruce saplings never grow.  No ctmpkmlec4
0 0 Task Description

I've planted many oak and spruce saplings that have never grown into trees.

There are plenty of room between saplings.

I've only had success with growning Skyroot Trees, or Golden Oak trees in both the Aether and new world.

It's only oak and spruce that never seem to grow. On that note, most birch saplings I've planted have taken a while to grow.

 1257  Bug Report Closed 04.09.2015  Oak Door Recipes  No Jovaniph
0 0 Task Description

The Recipes for Oak doors is misleading and messy. Maybe its bothering the OCD side of me.

 1164  Bug Report Closed 14.07.2015 30.07.2015  oak trees delete blocks  No Joyman533
0 6 Task Description

When you bonemeal an oak sapling (from a dispenser, I don't know about manually), it deletes blocks to place the tree.

2018 Feature Request New 17.08.2018 observer No Jufhuto
0 0 Task Description

can you please add observer to the server?
its from a later version of vanilla minecraft

 30  Bug Report Closed 28.10.2012 21.06.2015  obsidian armor  No handman1991
0 1 Task Description

Obsidian armor should be fire resistance.
Unless this is changed with the aether updates

 1951  Feature Request Closed 30.11.2017  Obsidian Armor  No Bubik2
1 0 Task Description

Yo there is the Obsidian Armor and i think this armor is underrated so it would be cool if you can repair this armor with obsidian blocks or maybe at a obsidian ore/ingot to repair the armor in a cheaper way

 642  Feature Request Closed 17.09.2014 29.09.2014  Obsidian Armor repairable  No Beandon
0 2 Task Description

I think Obsidian Armor should be repairable with something other than itself. Maybe diamonds (Since it's pretty strong)? Or possibly a lot of obsidian (I'm talking around 64 to fully repair just the boots)

 946  Bug Report Closed 07.04.2015  Obsidian Armour on armour stands  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

Obsidian armour doesn't show on armour stands. I tried other armours, but it seemed to only be obsidian. Also seems to only show the gloves.

 717  Bug Report Closed 25.10.2014 23.05.2015  Obsidian is now Stonetexture after the Update yesterday  No Soulmusician
0 1 Task Description

Hei folks,

since yesterday obsidian got stonetexture plus redstone mining doesnt affect MCMMO.



 972  Feature Request Closed 13.05.2015  Obtainable Dead Bush  No TheOddTruth
0 0 Task Description

I'm working on a little blocks project and would like Dead Bushes to be made obtainable with the use of shears as per the legitimate method. As far as I know Dead Bushes are currently unobtainable on the server.

1901 Bug Report New 01.10.2017 Occasionally, half/all of your message sent vanishes fo... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

When typing a longer message, there seems to be a completely random chance for half of the message, if not, all of the message not to appear for your side but appear for everyone else. This can confuse users, causing them to repeat their message or ask if their message was sent.

(Bare in mind I have only seen this happen on my account and my brothers account)

 537  Bug Report Closed 27.07.2014  ocelot  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

When you die while doing a boss the big health bar doesnt move anymore.

 913  Bug Report Closed 16.03.2015  Only one private message alert  No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description

I only get one private message alert, and 3 people private messaged me, two of them I didn't see their private message for a while because I didn't get an alert.

 837  Feature Request Closed 05.12.2014 21.06.2015  Open ChristmasIsle  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

It's December, the snow is falling, and it'll soon be holiday season.

For this, we should reopen the ChristmasIsle world, even if just for viewing and no building.

I think the time is right to let people visit that world again.

 1228  Bug Report Closed 17.08.2015  open the seed mutator  No build_to_the_top
0 0 Task Description

hey, im not sure if this is a bug, but if you hold a rose bush in your hand and try to open the seed mutator it does not open the menu.

 156  Feature Request Closed 29.04.2013  Optifine capes  No Bu1Ld1nGsK1LLzZz
0 0 Task Description

Anyways it would be possible for you to make aether capes overwrite optifine capes?

 1863  Bug Report Closed 09.08.2017 23.04.2018  Other Broken Achievements  No Beandon
0 3 Task Description

A few other achievements where the stats do not update;
- Addicted Collector (Place 500 Bookshelves)
- Let There Be Darkness (Break 1,000 Torches)
- Let There Be Light (Place 1,000 Torches)

 824  Bug Report Closed 23.11.2014 23.11.2014  OverDose Hat won't show on Armor Stand.  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Its invisible

 1154  Bug Report Closed 10.07.2015  Overlapped Text (F3)  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

When you press F3 and mouse over a block, it tells you the name of it. If you do that on a quarterblock with a block in it, both will overlap.

 1808  Bug Report Closed 17.06.2017  Overpopulation in Deepvale  No ChanceIsChance
0 0 Task Description

WAY too many mobs spawning in some parts of Deepvale; Esp. Cows, Sheep, Chicken, Pigs.

 72  Bug Report Closed 04.12.2012  Owner selection  No nickmcski
0 0 Task Description

Mods can not select names in the owner list (to remove them)

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