
ID Task Type Status Opened Last Edited Summary Private Opened by Progress  asc
 354  Bug Report Closed 05.10.2013 17.01.2014  The orange "fog" when you're in lava doesn't show with  ... No marc0303
0 1 Task Description

The orange "fog" when you're in lava doesn't show with advanced OpenGL.

 359  Bug Report Closed 09.10.2013 17.01.2014  Mooshrooms dont like to breed  No Trottero
0 1 Task Description

You cant breed mooshrooms with cows or other mooshrooms. The particle does display above their heads

 360  Bug Report Closed 09.10.2013 17.01.2014  Giant Mushrooms cant grow  No Trottero
0 1 Task Description

Using bonemeal on a mushroom (Which is standing on a Mycilium block and meets all the requirements to become a giant mushroom.) it does nothing, it does not waste your bonemeal.

 362  Feature Request Closed 17.10.2013 21.06.2015  Excavation Music Discs  No Porkkana1337
0 1 Task Description

You can only find yellow and green music discs from excavation procs.

 366  Bug Report Closed 20.10.2013 21.06.2015  Survival Games  No PhazeGod
0 1 Task Description

I was playing Survival Games and I was running from a player. I jumped off at least a 15 block drop and jumped another 10 block drop without receiving ANY fall damage. I did not have any equipment on or in my hotbar/inventory. This is a bug that can benefit many players.

 367  Feature Request Closed 23.10.2013 03.01.2014  !players  No nickmcski
0 1 Task Description

When typeing !players in #admins it will show players in hide.
Also, could you make a players name show up as <name here>[AFK] if they are AFK.

 372  Bug Report Closed 05.11.2013 03.12.2013  Map bugs  No Porkkana1337
0 1 Task Description

The Craftland online map doesn't show players in the newworld and public warps in old world.

 375  Feature Request Closed 12.11.2013 12.11.2013  Shop chests and chest access flag  No Porkkana1337
0 1 Task Description

Chest access flag also disables shop chest which I find somewhat useless. I'm not sure if it is intended or not, but would be better if it wouldn't disable them in my opinion.

 376  Bug Report Closed 12.11.2013 12.11.2013  Dying with extra hearts  No Porkkana1337
0 1 Task Description

When you die with more than the normal 10 hearts, you will spawn with 10 hearts and start to regen up to the maxinium amount instead of spawning with all your hearts full already.

 382  Bug Report Closed 21.11.2013 21.06.2015  Sticky Piston Glitch  No ctmpkmlec4
0 1 Task Description

While prototyping a redstone circuit design, two of my three placed sticky pistons just disappeared. The first one was places on top of a dirt block at ground level. It disappeared, but then reappeared. The other two were placed on top of cobblestone blocks below ground level. Neither of those reappeared.

 383  Bug Report Closed 22.11.2013 21.06.2015  Little blocks in regions  No Kez323
0 1 Task Description

Seems that when players are in someoneelse's region they can place blocks onto a little blocks mat thing.

 388  Bug Report Closed 27.11.2013 21.06.2015  Vines  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

Breaking Vines with Silk Touch doesn't drop them.

 393  Bug Report Closed 30.11.2013 01.12.2013  Chest Access in Regions  No traq_Mooshroom
0 1 Task Description

By default, NULL chest access goes to deny instead of allow

 394  Bug Report Closed 30.11.2013 17.01.2014  Button/lever usage  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

In regions with the flag "Button/lever usage" set to "deny", you can still toggle wooden buttons (either with fist or arrows) even though you're not added to the region.

 396  Bug Report Closed 02.12.2013 17.01.2014  Riding Swets  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

Hi, another bug!

when Riding a swet (right click him) players can hit you even if NOT in a PvP arena, they deal damage to you by hitting the swet (big).

 408  Feature Request Closed 08.12.2013 29.07.2014  MOTD  No nickmcski
0 1 Task Description

Please allow use to use Bold, Underline, italic, etc. in the MOTD?

 410  Feature Request Closed 09.12.2013 09.12.2013  Enter boutton  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

When typing the passwd for a warp pad, I hate dragging mouse over the "OK" (or comfirme button, so it would nice if you could add a feature to directly enter the passwd then press Enter to comfirme.

 413  Bug Report Closed 12.12.2013 20.12.2013  Fonts  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

Hi. I'm using Georgia Italic on CraftLand. when pressing "TAB" to show the payer list, its basically normal craftland font.

 414  Bug Report Closed 14.12.2013 17.01.2014  Trapdoors  No traq_Mooshroom
0 1 Task Description

Making a trapdoor results in making oak wall because they share the same recipe

 416  Feature Request Closed 14.12.2013 17.01.2014  Give helpers hawkeye permissions for search + tool  No marc0303
0 1 Task Description


 420  Bug Report Closed 18.12.2013 21.06.2015  Privating Glitch  No traq_Mooshroom
0 1 Task Description

A lockable block in front of a privated door shares the door's protection. Like this>

 421  Bug Report Closed 19.12.2013 28.02.2014  Signs color  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

when you try to put any types of "Thing" (ex: Blod,Italic,etc..) you can't put color and the "Thing" both on a line:

 423  Feature Request Closed 21.12.2013 24.08.2019  Add Penguin Spawner to credit shop  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

I wish Craftland had penguins spawner, for 1000 credits like panda spawner.

 427  Feature Request Closed 24.12.2013 02.01.2014  Join leave  No nickmcski
0 1 Task Description

Could you make it so when a player is kicked, normal players will see <name> left craftland. But any staff member will see <name> Was banned! or <name> Was Kicked! (as well as possibly <name> was muted)

 428  Feature Request Closed 24.12.2013 04.01.2014  Npc  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

I guess it will not be accepted.

Each npc have an owner; this owner can modify some parameters of the npc. Like to follow the owner, edit the armor it is wearing,etc..
If the player is not the owner, he can't modify the.

 433  Bug Report Closed 02.01.2014 17.01.2014  Beacon sides not rendering with a block next to it.  No Energyxxer
0 1 Task Description

When you place a beacon and a block besides it, the side of the beacon where you placed the other block is not going to render.

 439  Feature Request Closed 06.01.2014 23.05.2015  Ban people from Shop Chests  No Energyxxer
0 1 Task Description

I've been having a lot of trouble with people breaking my shop rules (Destocking a big amount of items). I really need a way to block people from using chest shops.

 442  Feature Request Closed 07.01.2014 07.01.2014  maps  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

The website maps are using Sphax. maybe add an option to change it?

 443  Bug Report Closed 07.01.2014 23.05.2015  maps  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

The website maps aren't "up-to-date" as said when holding mouse over "Maps". example:

 445  Bug Report Closed 07.01.2014 23.05.2015  Be kicked for being AFK for being on panda  No Laggiest
0 1 Task Description

I was riding a panda when all of a sudden I was kicked for being AFK because I was riding it for a long time.

 448  Bug Report Closed 11.01.2014 17.01.2014  multiple craftland websites?  No BackSlash17
0 1 Task Description
if you click on the forum page, then click on you can just continue that and its weird but not very urgent
and if you click on one of the bigger ones, it overrides the secondary ones and takes them away

 450  Bug Report Closed 12.01.2014 12.01.2014  RGB Wool Changing  No Fightr2021
0 1 Task Description

I was making a secret room today and when I activated a piston on RGB wool it turned the #000000 wool into normal white RGB wool.

 452  Bug Report Closed 13.01.2014 17.01.2014  npc :/  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

When I try to edit an npc (open the trade gui and close it) it sais: you cannot edit that npc. I am just wondering if my feature request on the npc owners is still in testing or its fully done.

 453  Feature Request Closed 14.01.2014 17.01.2014  1.8 snapshot  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

I whish already that craftland has the bouncy slime block
and the new enchanting & anvill system :3 if it could be added...I will be VERY happy and donate more =3 with a special offer

 464  Feature Request Closed 10.02.2014 15.08.2014  Archery Skill  No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

Can archery skill be re-added? I think a lot of people would look forward to it.

 467  Bug Report Closed 11.02.2014 15.02.2014  Changing name colour.  No Vended
0 1 Task Description

When you change it from the forum it doesn't change in game.

 478  Feature Request Closed 28.02.2014 29.06.2014  Ability to edit comments on tickets.  No Energyxxer
0 1 Task Description

I really need this feature. I once commented on a bug and i wanted to edit it later. I didn't see any edit button.

 479  Bug Report Closed 06.03.2014 06.03.2014  pistons cant even push a block  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

I need this 3 tick clock for my farm but the piston dont even move when its powered:

 481  Bug Report Closed 08.03.2014 29.06.2014  sheeps gliching in walls  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

I just finished my sheep farm and I tryed to put sheeps in a 1x1x2 cage
(2 block high) and when the chunk unloads for some time, the sheep will be in the wall trying to escape.

 482  Bug Report Closed 08.03.2014 21.06.2015  Wall jump glitch on certain directions  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

In the directions "south" and "east", when you wall jump, you dont jump UP. In the directions "north" and "west", you jump UP. North and west wall jumping is correct, but south and east wall jumping isnt wall jumping up

 487  Bug Report Closed 19.03.2014 24.03.2014  enchanting  No handman1991
0 1 Task Description

When enchanting you can get a max of level 34, while premium V should have 38.
Is this a typo or a bug?

 500  Feature Request Closed 04.04.2014 15.08.2014  Skill Capes  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Please bring these into the game also I do think this will make alot of the old players come back that left for the reason of nothing left to do this will provide hours of hours of gameplay! Links is here: and look at

 503  Bug Report Closed 11.04.2014 29.06.2014  Dragonborn helmet does not fit most skins.  No terminator473
0 1 Task Description

I have noticed, you can only find a few skins that the dragon born helmet fits with, i have tried a few different skins, and still nothing that fits it. Heres a screenshot:

 506  Bug Report Closed 02.05.2014 29.06.2014  Pistons not pulling blocks when they are underneath a s ... No Trottero
0 1 Task Description

Whenever the pistons and blocks are setup like the image below, they will turn invisible for a second when the pistons try to pull them. the blocks stay excactly in place. the pistons will get contracted.(tested in all four directions)

 512  Bug Report Closed 02.06.2014 15.07.2014  Admin permissions  No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

Can Mods and Admins be able to lock things in other regions we do not have access to? I keep having to lock chests/signs in other regions.

Just now I had to lock this chest: Its full of duped RBG wool, by Bolo

 513  Bug Report Closed 11.06.2014 21.06.2015  16000 Aether border  No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

I flew past the 16000 border was outside it for a while flying around it for a couple minutes before I got teleported to spawn.

 514  Bug Report Closed 13.06.2014 29.06.2014  Weird crafting issue  No marc0303
0 1 Task Description

Esto has a weird issue with crafting. When he opens the crafting workbench, it automatically set the current recipe to a wooden pickaxe and he cannot change it. I've looked into it and I cannot replicate the issue nor see where it could come from. He tried reinstalling and the issue is still there after he reinstalled Windows.


 515  Feature Request Closed 22.06.2014 08.07.2014  Gravite picks  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Have gravite shovel lift gravel,sand.

 516  Feature Request Closed 25.06.2014 26.06.2014  Channel de mod  No nickmcski
0 1 Task Description

Could you please add a command to hero chat to demod players from the channel, (also command like unban)

 518  Feature Request Closed 02.07.2014 10.09.2014  Coal blocks  No Trottero
0 1 Task Description

Coal blocks, the time is now :)

 520  Feature Request Closed 09.07.2014 16.07.2014  New block  No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

There could be a block where you can jump up into it and get pushed above like a blue aercloud, but when you walk on it from the top it is like a solid block. This could be used for adventure maps as Pangaea or other things in general.

 524  Bug Report Closed 11.07.2014 21.06.2015  /reloadskin  No Trottero
0 1 Task Description

the /reloadskin command doesn't work.

 525  Bug Report Closed 12.07.2014 12.07.2014  Freezer  No Trottero
0 1 Task Description

Freezer does not show how much of the icestone is gone (the flame).

 526  Bug Report Closed 13.07.2014 06.09.2014  Damage Noises  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

When I get hurt, I do not hear any damage noise. Also only sometimes plays mob damage noises also.

 529  Bug Report Closed 22.07.2014 25.07.2014  Problem with web look an feel on mac's  No nickmcski
0 1 Task Description

exception class java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to com.alee.laf.rootpane.WebRootPaneUI

(I will test it when I get home)

 532  Bug Report Closed 26.07.2014 26.07.2014  Boss spawner diamond blocks  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

3 diamond blocks doesn't instantly summon the boss, only nearly.

 538  Feature Request Closed 27.07.2014 13.09.2014  Effect hats  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

Have hats with effects have a prefix or some sort in its name so that we can easily find hats with effects in player shops.

Example: Special (hat name)
–> Special hard hat
Special marxglasses

Or like...
Effect hard hat

 540  Bug Report Closed 28.07.2014 16.08.2014  Carpet particles  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

When sprinting or falling from a high distance on carpets, the particles from the block under the carpet appears instead of the carpets particles.

 555  Bug Report Closed 13.08.2014 21.06.2015  Display case bug .-.  No Jayden5467
0 1 Task Description

When you place a 1x1 display case it comes out as a 32x32 display case and when you break it it drops a 32x32 I haven't been able to replicate it with any other sizes

 556  Feature Request Closed 13.08.2014 14.08.2014  TinyBirds  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

I'm not sure if TinyBird spawners require grass, but they won't spawn without grass underneath. Could it be made so that they don't need grass underneath?

 560  Bug Report Closed 16.08.2014 21.06.2015  Fishing rod enchanting bug  No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

When you are enchanting a fishing rod, you can only enchant it with the maximum level that your enchantment table is showing. You cannot enchant the fishing rod with any level below even though you have the requirements. Meaning I can only enchant my fishing rods with level 30 and no other levels.

 564  Bug Report Closed 16.08.2014 21.06.2015  Warp Cooldown appears when the warp has been cancelled  No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

The warp cooldown will always appear when you try to warp and it has been cancelled for whatever reason (teleporting into a dungeon/out of a dungeon/out of a region with warping out disabled)

 566  Feature Request Closed 16.08.2014 13.09.2014  Heads in custom slots  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

Could it be made possible to place mob heads (wither skeleton, skeleton, zombie, creeper and steve) in the custom slot and that you actually wear it (kind of like a hat) (you can already wear them by placing them in the helmet slot, but then you can't wear a full armour set (for the armour effect) ).

 569  Bug Report Closed 16.08.2014 21.06.2015  Mcmmo acrobatics  No THErangeGEEK
0 1 Task Description

When using featherfalling boots paired with the mcmmo acrobatics skill the boots never take damage thus allowing to afk with a regen 1 affect, also if the player uses a sign ([lift]) the player can become "away"
and still gain exp for said skill

 571  Bug Report Closed 16.08.2014 06.09.2014  Enchantment bug  No THErangeGEEK
0 1 Task Description

When holding enchanted weapons i dont see the effect on the weapon or enchanted books idk how many things are like this but ive seen it on tools and books (writen and enchanted)

 572  Feature Request Closed 17.08.2014 29.08.2014  Greycliff Villagers  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

Give higher level villagers in greycliff a tiny % more chance to have better trades.

 573  Feature Request Closed 19.08.2014 19.10.2014  NPC mounts  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

It would be cool to make it possible for NPCs to ride rideable animals (such as panda, moa, pig, phyg, flying cow, etc.) or even mobs not rideable by players (spiders, sheeps, wolves, etc.). If this gets added, make it so that the mount of an NPC can't be killed until the NPC gets taken off of it. This would only allow NPCs to walk faster (the mounts do not help in combat) or fly (in case of the aether mounts).

 576  Bug Report Closed 21.08.2014 06.09.2014  Command error  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

It has been like this since the /tpclear command was added (it's supposed to remove everyone from your tplist). I get this error when using the command:

Error: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException

 579  Bug Report Closed 24.08.2014 21.06.2015  Animate GUI does not work  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

The Animate GUI on the craftland launcher doesn't make the game have an animated GUI, even when its checked.

 583  Feature Request Closed 24.08.2014 13.09.2014  1.7.2+ (The Update That Changed The World)  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

There should be 1.7.2 (and probably 1.7.3-1.7.10) features since this server is 'labeled' as 1.7.2.

Examples of 1.7.2 features: Coal Blocks, names of items popping up when highlighted, etc

 585  Feature Request Closed 26.08.2014 06.09.2014  Chairs  No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

Sitting in chairs should change your Field of View. You should look like you are actually half a block shorter, and your name plate should also lower by half a block. You can not tell when you are sitting in a chair unless you go into f5. Sitting in chairs would be very different this way from your own perspective.

 586  Feature Request Closed 26.08.2014 21.06.2015  Craft Land Hell  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

So people who get banned got to wait it without any other server to go on nothing to do or cannot get back on at all so i came up with this suggestion Craft Land Hell.

What is Craftland Hell?
-Craft Land Hell spawn is in the nether on a pathway to a nether portal at the end which will take them to the normal world.
-Banned players will spawn in this place and will always be in pvp in both nether world and normal world
-In Craftland hell u cannot use global chat only Craftland hell global and you cannot leave it to join craftland
-Craftland hell dont effect anything in craftland its a completely diff save kinda like how creative worlds got a diff save than craftland survival
-Having this feature for banned player will have more players on the forums and stick around for craftland
-In craftland hell everything is griefable and Pvp but the nether path is just PVP (it be funny seeing people kill eachother to get in the portal
-All teleports, player shops, and msot of craftlands features are disable in Craftland hell
-People who arent banned with their friend that is banned on their friends list can go to craftland hell with a new save just to visit them
-Players that arent banned get a room to spectate the banned people killing eachother in craftland hell's nether path spawn

 589  Bug Report Closed 28.08.2014 21.06.2015  Annoying saddle bug  No traq_Mooshroom
0 1 Task Description

Killing a mob you are riding or dying while riding a mob seems to keep you stuck in mid-air

 594  Bug Report Closed 31.08.2014 06.09.2014  Temp F5 when Dying  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When you die, you temporarily go to F5 mode.

 596  Feature Request Closed 31.08.2014 06.09.2014  premium 6  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

As premium 6 already can create enchantements up to level 48, my not make so they can repair stuff in anvils up to level 48 too?

 597  Bug Report Closed 31.08.2014 31.08.2014  Armour stands  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

When someone takes an item out of an armour stand, it doesnt show in the hawkeye logs

 598  Bug Report Closed 31.08.2014 23.05.2015  Rose bushes & Sun flowers  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

Right click on the top part of the bush with bone meal and it makes infinite rose bushes

 602  Feature Request Closed 31.08.2014 06.09.2014  Spinning items when thrown  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Since hard hats spin when thrown in the air, all other items should be like that (blocks rotate on different sides when thrown

 605  Feature Request Closed 31.08.2014 06.09.2014  Floating Rails  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Rails should be able to be placed in the air without a block under it

 607  Feature Request Closed 01.09.2014 12.09.2014  Valkyrie Sword Texture  No BlueShadows22
0 1 Task Description

Woot allowed me to give an attempt at creating a texture for a Valkyrie Sword, so here it is:

Enlarged version:

 610  Bug Report Closed 05.09.2014 06.09.2014  Bed Issue  No Fightr2021
0 1 Task Description

So, I just noticed when I leave the hardcore world and then come back, you don't respawn back at your bed if you die.

 613  Bug Report Closed 06.09.2014 06.09.2014  Erebus Mobs the coders grant decompiling and modpackuse  No Soulmusician
0 1 Task Description

 614  Bug Report Closed 07.09.2014 23.05.2015  Jukebox and Music Discs dont work together  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When you put a music disc in a jukebox, it doesn't play the music. When you try to put the music disc back in the jukebox, it will not go in. If you break the jukebox and place it down again and put the music disc in, the same situation will repeat.

 615  Feature Request Closed 07.09.2014 11.09.2014  Valkyrie Armor should be able to attack people from far ... No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Read the summary.
Also it is not ingame. tested it on an aechor plant. Couldn't hit it from far, but can break the block under it

 616  Feature Request Closed 07.09.2014 21.06.2015  Enchants on Hammers of Notch and Cloud Staffs  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Both should have efficiency for faster shooting, sharpness (for Hammer of Notch) for hand combat (not shooting, but swinging), and Power for projectile damage increase.

 621  Feature Request Closed 09.09.2014 11.09.2014  Foodfight! cause of positive reactions in the forum  No Soulmusician
0 1 Task Description

Random automated event, when player count reaches over 35 players. In the spawn world all food items become leathal and you can throw them at players. The same amount of hunger they give back in normal, they do damage during foodfight. A cacke counts as 9 hearts. No armor is effective against food in this time. Every player kill with food, drops at the place the player died experience like how long the player plays on craftland. This makes it interesting for everybody and its the chance for apprentice :)

Example player Soulmusician slain wirh a carrot drops about 700 xp orbs.
Player craftland killed with a potatoe gives gives 15 xp orbs.

Health can only be recovered by eating ores, gold swords etc.
Foodfight remains for about 20 minutes and noone in the spawn world can leave until then.

Other idea is random minigame event by reaching 30 players for example a quake game gets announced automatically and the winner gets for example all weapons repaired he carried entering the game.

 622  Feature Request Closed 09.09.2014 11.09.2014  Stacking eggs  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

Spawn eggs can only stack when received in stacks from a boss drop. It would be useful if we can stack them as well because if we take some out of a stack now, we can't stack em anymore, they like stay apart then.

 624  Feature Request Closed 10.09.2014 11.09.2014  Valkyrie bow  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

Add a special touch for valkyrie bows so that they will cost slightly more: Valkyrie arrows. A valkyrie bow can only fire these arrows. They look very point, with a golden feather, a wooden stick and a white top. Dropped by the valkyrie queen (4 to 16 as drop per queen).

 627  Feature Request Closed 11.09.2014 31.03.2015  Berry Bushes and Orange Trees  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Those blocks should add Herbalism XP when farmed

 630  Feature Request Closed 13.09.2014 13.09.2014  Valkyrie Bow repairable with Diamonds/Perfect Diamonds  No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

Since Valkyrie Bows are difficult to get within the silver dungeons, maybe add a way to repair them that does not include two Valkyrie Bows. Maybe a diamond like the rest of the Valkyrie set.

TL;DR Valkyrie Bows should be repairable with Diamonds/P Diamonds.

 631  Feature Request Closed 13.09.2014 13.09.2014  Names showing  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

When typing a name in an interface (such as the mentor interface, region (add member/owner) and adding rights to locks), allow either a player's display name OR original name to be typed in to find the player. It will then be like this: Originalname (Displayname). So mine would be: robsherwood (Rob_Kenway). This is pretty much similar to the website when you type a playername in the search bar.

 640  Feature Request Closed 16.09.2014 16.09.2014  Region add-on: Shopchest access  No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

Since nidefawl suggested we could just set chest access to deny to lock our chests instead of wasting LWC locks. What about the people htat have Shop Chests within those regions? I suggest you remove Shop Chests from the "Chest Access" modification and create a new one called "Shopchest Access".
DENY> Block access from using shopchests inside of the region.
ALLOW> Allow access to use shopchests inside of the region.

 641  Feature Request Closed 17.09.2014 17.09.2014  Exp Pots from kits  No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

The EXP Potions from /kit 3/6/9xppotion gives very low exp. Maybe increase it to a few levels per bottle to make donating more worth it (I'm not saying it is not worth it, I just request more exp from the bottles).

 643  Feature Request Closed 17.09.2014 17.09.2014  Diamond Armor repairable with Perfect Diamonds  No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

I think diamond armor should be repairable with Perfect Diamonds (If they aren't already). 1 Perfect Diamond should be able to fully repair a diamond piece of armor.

 648  Bug Report Closed 20.09.2014 20.09.2014  LWC and Hoppers  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When you sort a chest while a hopper puts items in it, the items in the chest unsort themselves instantly and the item the hopper was dispensing goes to your cursor/hand.

 649  Bug Report Closed 20.09.2014 23.05.2015  Silk Touch and Holystone  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When mining holystone that isn't placed with a valk pick with silk touch I, it doesn't count on the Holy Miner VI goal.

 651  Feature Request Closed 20.09.2014 21.06.2015  Hardcore Tasks  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

One of the reasons people don't seem to be playing in the hardcore world any more(I think) is that there's nothing to show for aw the end of it. A possibility for a fix to this is that there are tasks that you can complete. Such as find 4 diamonds, and get credits. If you find and submit these diamonds, then you need to wait 12 hours to so, then you can submit them again. Once you submit them, you get say 10 credits. It doesnt have to be credits though, but a complete and submit system would be cool.

 657  Feature Request Closed 23.09.2014 23.09.2014  Reset mentor progress when mentor is changed.  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

It is currently possible for one person to do 12 out of the 13 tasks with one person, and then another mentor can just take the apprentice and get the credit for being the mentor. I think it would be better if the tasks would have to be done freshly with a different mentor, so that credit is given where credit is due.

 661  Bug Report Closed 26.09.2014 23.05.2015  Special Units can get Students  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

Special Units are able to get students in the Mentor System.

Two people have done it, Cthulhu (no idea what his IGN is), and devinhamster.

They get money etc when their student completes tasks.

Screenshot from devinhamster:

 662  Bug Report Closed 28.09.2014 23.05.2015  Display cases  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Everything in the display case is invisible Please fix.

 668  Bug Report Closed 30.09.2014 23.05.2015  Connected Textures on glass doesn't work  No woot000
0 1 Task Description
 670  Bug Report Closed 30.09.2014 21.06.2015  Shift clicking in shop chests  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When shift clicking items in shop chests, it looks improperly stacked, but when looked in it again, it appears properly stacked.

 677  Bug Report Closed 03.10.2014 04.10.2014  Banner patterns  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

Some banner patterns can't be crafted, such as Bordure Intended (requires vines) and also flower charge because oxeye daisies (flower) doesn't generate anywhere.

Neither can we copy banners (by placing 2 next to each other).

 678  Bug Report Closed 03.10.2014 23.05.2015  Sign breaking animation  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

The animation when breaking a sign is weird; a line in the middle of the sign changing to multiple colours before being broken.

 684  Bug Report Closed 04.10.2014 21.06.2015  Beacons  No traq_Chance Cat
0 1 Task Description

Randomly will not get beacon effects, when server isn't lagging. Sometimes relog 2-3 times before the effects come

 687  Bug Report Closed 05.10.2014 23.05.2015  looting dont work on squids  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

No difference on the amount of fish/ink ask when I kill a squid with my looting 7 sword.

 690  Bug Report Closed 09.10.2014 23.05.2015  MCMMO cancels Fortune  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When you have MCMMO Mining at 1000+, it overwrites fortune and makes it a permanent 2 drops, without fortune (1-8) changing it at all.

 691  Feature Request Closed 10.10.2014 10.10.2014  Armor/Weapons from Mobs  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

A feature that is missed in Craftland is mobs rarely dropping their (enchanted) armor and weapons.

 693  Bug Report Closed 11.10.2014 23.05.2015  Inferno Pickaxes and MCMMO  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When mining ore with an inferno pickaxe, MCMMO makes it so it also drops an ore instead of another ingot.

 703  Feature Request Closed 19.10.2014 21.06.2015  New but challenging way of getting ores!  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Link →

 704  Feature Request Closed 19.10.2014 21.06.2015  Mod worth checking out: Item Physics.  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

-Items float in water some sink.

-any item that is not made of wood does not burn in lava it actually stays under lava until picked up.

-items don't vanish when dropped onto a cactus.

-when an item is dropped it lands flat which looks more realistic than an item floating in the air and spinning.

 708  Feature Request Closed 19.10.2014 20.10.2014  Stackable Doors  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

There should be stackable doors from 1.8

 717  Bug Report Closed 25.10.2014 23.05.2015  Obsidian is now Stonetexture after the Update yesterday  No Soulmusician
0 1 Task Description

Hei folks,

since yesterday obsidian got stonetexture plus redstone mining doesnt affect MCMMO.



 734  Bug Report Closed 30.10.2014 23.05.2015  Invisible Halloween Hats  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Frankenstein and UniversePumpkin (and probably another)

 739  Feature Request Closed 31.10.2014 21.06.2015  Change Auto-Stack Dropping items  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When you drop 2 items near each other, they will stack near each other. The distance for this is 2 blocks. It should be 3/4ths a block or 1 block

 743  Bug Report Closed 31.10.2014 31.10.2014  Exarp's ahievement "Working at the chicken butchery" is ... No Gzer
0 1 Task Description

Exarp's ahievement "Working at the chicken butchery" isnt registering as done even though she has finished the requirement of killing 100 chickens

 749  Bug Report Closed 03.11.2014 21.06.2015  Fog  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When it says its OFF, its still on.

 750  Bug Report Closed 03.11.2014 07.11.2014  Fire from Bows  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When a fire bow hits you, you catch on fire. It stays forever until you go into water.

 761  Feature Request Closed 05.11.2014 23.05.2015  Fruit Tree Herbalism  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Fruit Tree Leaves when sheared should give exp if it drops a fruit

 762  Bug Report Closed 06.11.2014 23.05.2015  TNT not updating w/o logging  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When I blow up tnt in the mining world, I have to relog to see the results

 769  Bug Report Closed 07.11.2014 23.05.2015  Mcmmo commands dont work.  No Gzer
0 1 Task Description

None of the commands for mcmmo works like /mctop and so on...

 770  Bug Report Closed 07.11.2014 21.06.2015  Premiums inventory gets weird at random times  No Gzer
0 1 Task Description

Inventory shrinks down to the standard 3 bar sizes and items dissapear at random times when warping or logging on, relogging fixes it though.

 785  Bug Report Closed 08.11.2014 23.05.2015  Invisible Players in SG  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Nick said it had something to do with teleporting players to unloaded chunks

 790  Bug Report Closed 09.11.2014 30.12.2019  Hopper/Dropper button being disabled randomly on droppe ... No Mudkip0930
0 1 Task Description

I have an item elevator I am building and whenever I go to start the elevator the Hopper button on the droppers randomly gets disabled. I have checked that they are enabled before i start the elevator and while the elevator is running they get disabled

 797  Bug Report Closed 11.11.2014 27.11.2014  Gloves cost more material to repair than to craft  No Gzer
0 1 Task Description

Gloves cost more material to repair than to craft

Just paid 3 Gravitite to repair gloves which only cost 2 gravitite to create.

 802  Bug Report Closed 12.11.2014 21.06.2015  Can't repair perfect diamond armor  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

If you try to repair perfect diamond armor in an anvil with perfect diamonds, it wont work. I know it doesn't work with the perfect diamond chestplate, but it might work with the other types of armor like the leggings.

 805  Feature Request Closed 13.11.2014 14.11.2014  bloom lighting  No Soulmusician
0 1 Task Description

 806  Feature Request Closed 15.11.2014 21.06.2015  Repair suggestion  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Everytime you repair a piece of equipment or gear it gets a durability boost but depends on the repair mmo skill that the % of the durability increases and it starts from 300 repairs. Example: Item got 100/100 durability, When its repaired it gets durability 150/100 then when it hits 100/100 the boost is worn off.

300 repair = 1% durability temp boost

400 repair = 2% durability temp boost

500 repair 3% durability temp boost

600 repair = 4% durability temp boost

700 repair = 5% durability temp boost

800 repair = 6% durability temp boost

900 repair = 7% durability temp boost

1000 repir = 8% durability temp boost

1100 repair = 9% durability temp boost

1200 repair = 10% durability temp boost

 808  Feature Request Closed 16.11.2014 21.06.2015  Basalt/Basalt Brick Slabs and Stairs  No Fightr2021
0 1 Task Description

I know you could just make this with quarter blocks and stuff, but that would take a ton of sand to make all those for most things people build with basalt. I feel like this would be simple to add and would be very useful.

 810  Bug Report Closed 16.11.2014 19.11.2014  Little blocks right click doesnt connect correctly  No Gzer
0 1 Task Description

Right clicking little blocks doesnt connect the textures right like it does with quarter blocks.

 812  Bug Report Closed 17.11.2014 21.06.2015  Snow bugs/problems  No Gzer
0 1 Task Description

If you place the flat snow not a snowblock on a little block you get a snowball back when you try to remove it.

Cold fire melts the flat snow.

 813  Bug Report Closed 18.11.2014 23.05.2015  Basalt drops Red Rock.  No Fightr2021
0 1 Task Description

I was mining some basalt stone for something I'm building, and this is what I noticed:
This only happens when I use Silk Touch on the stone though.

 816  Bug Report Closed 20.11.2014 20.11.2014  Hat Sombero should be named Sombrero  No Gzer
0 1 Task Description

Hat Sombero should be named Sombrero

 820  Bug Report Closed 22.11.2014 28.05.2015  Fortune doesnt work on amber shards  No Gzer
0 1 Task Description

Fortune doesnt work on amber shards

 824  Bug Report Closed 23.11.2014 23.11.2014  OverDose Hat won't show on Armor Stand.  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Its invisible

 826  Feature Request Closed 24.11.2014 21.06.2015  Set region flags so we can have sports on Craftland (Li ... No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

 829  Bug Report Closed 26.11.2014 10.06.2015  MCMMO Stat  No Fightr2021
0 1 Task Description

On, on the MCMMO page, the taming level is still there. Not really a big deal at all, but I thought I should still report it.

 833  Feature Request Closed 29.11.2014 08.12.2014  just a newsflash about a 1.8 new blocktype it looks lik ... No Soulmusician
0 1 Task Description

 837  Feature Request Closed 05.12.2014 21.06.2015  Open ChristmasIsle  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

It's December, the snow is falling, and it'll soon be holiday season.

For this, we should reopen the ChristmasIsle world, even if just for viewing and no building.

I think the time is right to let people visit that world again.

 839  Feature Request Closed 09.12.2014 18.12.2014  Rainbow panda spawn egg color and name  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

Rainbow panda eggs look like a normal panda egg but still spawn rainbow pandas. They are also named "Spawn Panda" instead of "Spawn Rainbow Panda". I would like it if spawn rainbow panda eggs were colored rainbow (Or possibly animated) instead of black and white. They should totally be renamed also.

 841  Bug Report Closed 11.12.2014 11.12.2014  Quicksand texture  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

Quicksand has a pure black texture. I would like it if the texture of quicksand was normal again.

 846  Bug Report Closed 14.12.2014 23.05.2015  Frozen Quicksoil  No Fightr2021
0 1 Task Description

Frozen Quicksoil can only be broken by normal world tools, not not an Aether tool. This isn't that big of a bug, but I thought I'd make a report on it anyways.

 856  Feature Request Closed 25.12.2014 04.09.2015  If you type someone's IGN in the NPC skin field it beco ... No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

If you type someone's IGN in the NPC skin field it becomes that player's skin

Feature Request by herohamp

 859  Feature Request Closed 27.12.2014 21.06.2015  Information about Emotes open Source Mod cause of Smart ... No Soulmusician
0 1 Task Description

Smartmoving is cool but Emotes is cooler?

Source Code

Youtube Vid

 860  Feature Request Closed 27.12.2014 21.06.2015  Newsflash OpenSource RougeLikeUndergroundDungeons  No Soulmusician
0 1 Task Description

Just as info.


 862  Bug Report Closed 31.12.2014 23.05.2015  Achievements colored tab  No Fightr2021
0 1 Task Description

So, when you hover over an item with a colored name, the achievements tab turns that color. For example, these. and [Darker Green]

 882  Feature Request Closed 02.02.2015 21.06.2015  Jumping while climbing  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

You should be able to jump while climbing to get on the top quicker

 887  Bug Report Closed 09.02.2015 23.05.2015  Ambrosium Block Bugs  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

The ambrosium block is broken with normal pickaxes, not aether pickaxes. It also can't be used as fuel for enchanters and disenchanters.

 888  Bug Report Closed 10.02.2015 30.04.2015  Private Chat Bug  No Fightr2021
0 1 Task Description

If you're having a private conversation in a channel on modded Craftland, you can see the private chat on the vanilla server. basically, private chatting someone isn't private on the vanilla server.

 893  Bug Report Closed 19.02.2015 22.02.2015  Item Elevators  No Eplepet
0 1 Task Description

Now i've tried to make an item elevator half an hour but no one of both mine or other's designs dont work.. Because slime blocks dont bounce items up. Also the dropper wont even drop items UP half a block. And droppers wont drop items in to each other. Neither does the fence and ice elevator work (last design in this video: If someone could fix this bug/problem it would make at least my projects much much easier and make me happy. Last thing is that i dont want to use warp pads because they are a bit expensive and i dont see the reason why this problem shouldn't be fixed. -Eplepet

 898  Bug Report Closed 26.02.2015 06.03.2015  Ender Dragon not affected by sharpness  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

The ender dragon is not affected by sharpness.

 900  Bug Report Closed 28.02.2015 06.03.2015  Disenchanter Eats All Items with one product  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

I put 8 iron axes to disenchant, all at once, and I only got 1 book while all the axes were destroyed.

 902  Bug Report Closed 03.03.2015 14.10.2017  Display cases can be dyed, but doesn't do anything  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

I dyed a display case, and it did nothing but wasted the dye.

 903  Feature Request Closed 08.03.2015 08.03.2015  RGB Wool Price  No BlueShadows22
0 1 Task Description

..Should be lowered. It's essentially 6,000 coins for one. Wool, in itself, is usually used for pixel art or large areas of carpet. If RGB Wool was lowered to even 1 credit (3,000 coins), I would think to see a lot more of it being used. Because unlike Plasma Aercloud or Cold Fire, RGB Wool and Wool in general is almost always used in bulk instead of placed for display.

 904  Bug Report Closed 14.03.2015 23.05.2015  Smart Movement 'Dive' causes Disconnection from Server ... No TheLegendJet
0 1 Task Description

I dive-jumped over Spikes while activating Pressure Plates so they got activated (Mining world in that small house with several Spikes and Plates next to each other) and after a few times it disconnected me with a "Invalid Postion" message.

Pig mentioned, that it could be, because I was directly in the Spikes while Dive-jumping and the same thing could happen with quicksoil.

 906  Bug Report Closed 14.03.2015 23.05.2015  Fortune does not work on aether ores  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description
 907  Bug Report Closed 15.03.2015 27.03.2015  Silver dungeon restarts  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

Reported by ono3is

If you relog when inside a silver dungeon, you get teleported outside the region walls, and makes it very easy to do a lot of them.

 908  Bug Report Closed 15.03.2015 19.03.2015  Hopper mob bug  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

Reported by onot3is

When dropping items into a hopper, a nearby skeleton outside picked up a armour and a sword and wore them. Im not sure myself what happened here, ask ono for more detail.

 909  Bug Report Closed 15.03.2015 23.05.2015  Premium 5 or 6 Bug  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

I am not sure if this is a bug, but on Craftland's website, it said for premium 5's, you can repair up to level 42. It also said that premium 6's can repair up to level 48. I cant seem to repair up to level 48 even though I am premium 6.

 916  Feature Request Closed 21.03.2015 26.03.2015  Remove Invisible Potions from SG  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

They are overpowered and make the game worse for everyone else.

 917  Bug Report Closed 21.03.2015 23.05.2015  Looting 7 does not effect Iron golem's Iron drop nor Re ... No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description
 928  Feature Request Closed 29.03.2015 30.03.2015  Space between mobspawner  No Eplepet
0 1 Task Description

The least range of two mobspawners next to each other is 11 i think.
If you could change this to 8-9 it would be perfect because spawners can only spawn mobs in a 9*9 area.

 931  Feature Request Closed 31.03.2015 31.03.2015  Paintings don't fall off when a block is placed in thei ... No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

Could you please make it so that when you place a block where a painting is, the painting won't fall off? Sometimes we need to make paintings that are smaller than 2x2 and this is done by leaving the unneeded areas transparent. However, if we put a block on one of the transparent areas, the painting falls off. Making it so that paintings don't fall off in this situation would make signage and other stuff immensely easier.

 934  Bug Report Closed 01.04.2015 10.04.2015  Block placing  No Eplepet
0 1 Task Description

Image you have your inventory empty: you only have one oak wood log and one spruce wood log. When you place the oak one the spruce get's placed :/

 942  Feature Request Closed 06.04.2015 06.04.2015  Colored glass  No Eplepet
0 1 Task Description

colored glass dont color beacon beams like this:

 943  Feature Request Closed 07.04.2015 13.05.2015  Freezers  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Make Freezers able to right click items in the slot for freezing would make things alot easier than dragging an item in

 944  Bug Report Closed 07.04.2015 21.06.2015  Inventory sorter Button (R)  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

It seems like I cant automatic Sort my inventory by pressing the R key on my keyboard anymore.

 950  Bug Report Closed 14.04.2015 15.04.2015  Unable to knock back fireballs  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

If you are fighting a ghast, blaze, or flesh lich, you can't knock their fireballs back most of the time.

 953  Bug Report Closed 19.04.2015 30.04.2015  Valkyrie Queen Spawn Egg does not work  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

When using a valkyrie queen spawn egg it disappears immediately. This is annoying in a situation in which the queen is to be used as decoration (in creative of course) and it should be fixed so that the queen stays.

 956  Bug Report Closed 25.04.2015 13.05.2015  Glitch into soulsand  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

If you crawl into soulsand you can fall through it and to the floor below.

 959  Bug Report Closed 28.04.2015 28.04.2015  Looting not working on Gaia mobs  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description
 964  Bug Report Closed 01.05.2015 14.10.2017  Arrows selfhurting  No Randoro
0 1 Task Description

Sometimes if you shoot an arrow and sprint after, or maybe if server lags, you can shoot yourself in the back. This didn’t use to be a big problem for me but I just sharpshot myself instantly killing me from full hp.

 965  Bug Report Closed 01.05.2015 23.05.2015  Fire- Aspect maybe flame  No cca22
0 1 Task Description

I bought a Fire Aspect V book and if i hit a mob they burn lower than Fire Aspect 1 I hope you guys can fix it.

 967  Bug Report Closed 02.05.2015 03.05.2015  I am the arrow  No cca22
0 1 Task Description

If i shoot wirh my bow sometimes i fly like i am a arrow this is not this funny if i shoot my in cowebs :D maybe u can fix it

 968  Feature Request Closed 02.05.2015 13.05.2015  Sorting system  No cca22
0 1 Task Description

I know right now i create much tickets :D but i have a dream of a sorting system so no one have to search everything in the chests i have 3 sorting systems in my head one with computer and hard-wears will cost really much or one with piplines of chest to chest with a controll pipeline will fill it in the chest below or maybe a plugin sorter i saw once on a server. Hope you guys can add it it would be osume really i think everybody will be happy about it. Maybe do a vote wich guy want a sorting system wich one dosen't.

 969  Bug Report Closed 08.05.2015 13.05.2015  Angler Fish Subtract Hunger When Eaten  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description
 973  Feature Request Closed 14.05.2015 14.05.2015  Make both Addict and PremIV colors selectable.  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

As shown in this image Premium 4 and Addict are two different forum colors. Why not let people select both? If I could change my color, I would prefer the Prem IV over the Addict.

 976  Bug Report Closed 14.05.2015 14.10.2017  No Randoro
0 1 Task Description

Found Cold aercloud with the name “” in one of the mining world dungeons

 990  Bug Report Closed 21.05.2015 20.09.2015  Inventory texture vanishes after killing ender dragon  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

Not sure why its happening, but apparently has been happening for a long time.

 996  Bug Report Closed 24.05.2015 25.05.2015  Rail up ahead looks like a picture  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description When your riding rails a few up ahead looks like a picture.

 999  Bug Report Closed 26.05.2015 16.06.2015  Aehter Cow / Milking  No build_to_the_top
0 1 Task Description

Apparently if you milk an aether cow you don't get a bucket with milk but you just loose the bucket.

 1002  Bug Report Closed 28.05.2015 16.06.2015  Jungle Saplings turning into Dirt  No TheLegendJet
0 1 Task Description

I don't know how it happened, but when I tried to make a Large Jungle Tree with Saplings in a 2x2 shape (with lots of space around) and used Bonemeal on it it changed to Dirt.

I have seriously no idea how this happened and it sounds like something I've made up, but I've seen it with my own eyes twice.

 1003  Feature Request Closed 28.05.2015 29.05.2015  Gold and Diamond Furnaces  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Soulmusician's Idea (with textures):

 1007  Feature Request Closed 28.05.2015 27.10.2017  Marble Stone  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

This would be the opposite of basalt stone. Marble stone. It generates in the grounds of the mining world. The texture looks like this: and the brick texture looks like this: . It looks kind of like stone, so it would be pretty cool to be added. The only problem is that it looks a little bit like quartz. Maybe even when you combine marble and basalt together, it will make a new rock called slate looking like this: . The bricks look like this: . Marble can also be crafted with bone meal and stone. Maybe even basalt stone and slate can generate in the ground. This will be a really cool feature in my opinion.

 1013  Bug Report Closed 30.05.2015 11.06.2015  Auto-Fill  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Auto-fill is a feature in Craftland in which if you run out of a block you're placing in your hotbar but you have some in your inventory, it will place it into your hotbar so you can place more of it. There are many bugs to it. One bug is that after using a Spawn Villager Egg, it then transferred to Spawn Witch Egg. There might be more bugs similar to this, but I haven't found them yet.

 1022  Bug Report Closed 04.06.2015 04.06.2015  Sort inventory  No Arbr
0 1 Task Description

Sorting of inventory seems to not work at all. I tried and checked to see if my button was changed and it hasn't and wont work.

 1024  Bug Report Closed 04.06.2015 16.06.2015  Warping into mining world  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

Warping into mining world returns the message "null", couldnt find a world setting to change it

 1026  Bug Report Closed 05.06.2015 05.06.2015  Ambrosium Ore Bug - Silk then Fortune  No BeastyBoy5000
0 1 Task Description

I found out that if you Silk touch a Ambrosium Ore and then try to mine it with a Fortune picaxe, it will not act like it was mined by fortune. It will give you only 1-2 shards.
If it would have not been silked, it would have given 3-7 shards.

 1027  Bug Report Closed 05.06.2015 05.06.2015  Sorting Inventory  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

I cannot sort my inventory using the Middle Mouse Button or "R" on the keyboard, which I have checked are the buttons used to sort the inventory and the Middle Click to sort inventory option is on.

 1034  Bug Report Closed 07.06.2015 09.06.2015  Coarse Dirt doesn't drop itself when mined with silk to ... No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

Coarse Dirt doesn't drop itself when mined with silk touch, making it possible to convert gravel into dirt. This might not be a bug.

 1036  Bug Report Closed 08.06.2015 16.06.2015  TP Permission list rolling back after logging out for p ... No DigitalDevil_
0 1 Task Description

I noticed this earlier today. I normally keep no-one but one individual on my TP Permission list and make sure to check it nightly (in case I added someone temporarily) for any that I need to take off. I have checked this after logging off for an hour or more today. Upon logging back in the list has rolled back to contain names that I had on the list yesterday and perhaps even prior to then.

 1037  Bug Report Closed 08.06.2015 11.06.2015  1.8 Crouching  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Change the old crouching to 1.8 crouching (no camera scrolling when crouching, it just instantly goes down)

 1041  Feature Request Closed 08.06.2015 10.06.2015  GUI Notepad  No TheOddTruth
0 1 Task Description

I think this would be a great feature to add to the already awesome GUI without having to use a third-party notepad or messy paper notes that I personally tend to lose. Benefits of this would include allowing players to create to-do lists, save mining world coordinates, as well as other important information. Tabs for separate documents/sections would be a nice addition as well.

 1043  Bug Report Closed 10.06.2015 11.06.2015  Java.exe  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Craftland uses java.exe, but current Minecraft uses javaw.exe.

 1047  Bug Report Closed 10.06.2015 16.06.2015  Crash bug  No terminator473
0 1 Task Description

I noticed when you press F on these to remove someone from your warp, it crashes you....

 1049  Feature Request Closed 11.06.2015 11.06.2015  Change Frozen Quicksoil's Speed  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

The Frozen Quicksoil's Speed should be changed so its that of the original quicksoil (extremely fast)(frozen implies its more slippery, but its the same exact speed as normal Quicksoil)

 1050  Bug Report Closed 12.06.2015 16.06.2015  chest shop hat sell  No bleedingshadow1
0 1 Task Description

noticed when i logged on to Craftland that i had recieved a hat but it said corrupted hat item,—→ (Craftland Logo Hat) was the hat that was "corrupted".

 1061  Bug Report Closed 14.06.2015 16.06.2015  Disenchanters and Ambrosium Blocks  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Ambrosium Blocks don't work as a fuel for the infusement altar.

 1062  Bug Report Closed 14.06.2015 14.06.2015  Depth Strider Levels  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

There is only a Depth Strider I even though there should be a Depth Strider II and III. III makes you run in water with no decrease in speed. I makes you run 1/3 faster, and II makes you run 2/3 faster.

 1065  Bug Report Closed 14.06.2015 14.06.2015  Silk Touch + MCMMO  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

MCMMO doesn't give double/triple drops (super breaker gives triple drops) when mining stone and ore with a Silk Touch Pickaxe.

 1076  Bug Report Closed 16.06.2015 16.06.2015  did /home and spawned in the nether dying  No CodySewell
0 1 Task Description

two people said in the chat /home isn't working so i did /home to try it and i spawned above lava and died i last slept in the aether everything i had burned in lava i didn't set my home their

 1080  Bug Report Closed 16.06.2015 16.06.2015  Craftland memberlist is broken, so are some profile sta ... No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

People who logged on after a certain day in May have their achievements set to 0.

Also, money in players' profiles is 0 (when viewed by others) and when you click your own name in the top right of the website it displays the balance you had a few weeks ago, and not the current one.

 1082  Bug Report Closed 17.06.2015 17.06.2015  problem solved  No CodySewell
0 1 Task Description

last night when i did /home and teleported to lava and pig001 gave me some of my items back what he could today i got a notification saying 13 items awaiting all those items where items i lost some of those pig001 already replaced

 1083  Bug Report Closed 17.06.2015 17.06.2015  Aether bosses  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Too dang slow lol, check out the slider and sunspirit.

 1089  Bug Report Closed 18.06.2015 21.06.2015  Aether PVP  No herohamp
0 1 Task Description

I was in the aether killing things with my friend, when he go inside of sweet and I attacked the set he died and it said I had killed him. The glitch needs to be fixed soon

 1091  Bug Report Closed 18.06.2015 19.06.2015  MCMMO + Onyx  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

MCMMO's Double Drops gives one Onyx gem and one Onyx Ore block instad of two Onyx gems.

 1097  Bug Report Closed 20.06.2015 02.09.2015  Party chat  No terminator473
0 1 Task Description

I was log on, took a look at the party list, I thought my whole party was on but it turns out "Randoro" wasn't online but on the party menu it said he was...

it doesn't say "Randoro[Offline] in party menu

 1099  Bug Report Closed 20.06.2015 21.06.2015  piston problem  No CodySewell
0 1 Task Description

pistons wont push holystone like they use to.

 1100  Bug Report Closed 20.06.2015 21.06.2015  Despawn  No herohamp
0 1 Task Description

I named a creeper and it despond I don’t know if they are still are able to despot or not but everyone else says they will not so i was wondering if they are not supposed to despot or not and if they are not may I have my creeper back. Thank You In Advance

 1106  Bug Report Closed 21.06.2015 21.06.2015  Update Golden Apple Effects  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Regular (not gold block) Golden Apples now give 2 Hearts (4 Hit Points) of Absorption (Yellow Hearts) and Regeneration II for 5 seconds.

 1110  Feature Request Closed 22.06.2015 02.09.2015  Since Lava won't burn valuables, Update cactus to not e ... No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Cactus is DANGER to any item, you could drop a sharpness 9 weapon by accident and never get it back, Since lava won't burn high Valuables i'd recommend to fix cactus aswell. It would not be fair if a player never knew the difference and dropped their first diamond onto a cactus in the desert and lose it.

 1114  Bug Report Closed 23.06.2015 27.06.2015  My right arm is missing  No GotSkeelz
0 1 Task Description

My right arm is missing when I press f5 and also I cant even look at the item in my inventory

 1116  Bug Report Closed 25.06.2015 27.06.2015  Zanite Sword Does not increase Damage when low durabili ... No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

As we all know zanite special effect is to be stronger the lower durability it has I tested the sword out and it did not increase the damage one bit no matter how low the durability was on the sword.

 1119  Bug Report Closed 27.06.2015 27.06.2015  graphic glitch  No CodySewell
0 1 Task Description

if you press a button then run in between 2 pistons pushing 2 blocks together when it pushes you out it sometimes shows you a few blocks on the other side of a wall for a second not long enough to abuse it. other players only see you run into the block while on your screen you run between them.

 1120  Feature Request Closed 27.06.2015 27.06.2015  Hitting the Ender dragons head  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

I think the ender dragon should either:

1. Stop moving for 5 seconds Stunned if hit directly in the head.


2. Whenever hit in the head keep attacking the player but if missed once it flies away.

This way you need to have a bit more skill when fighting a Dragon or it can take awhile to kill it.

 1123  Feature Request Closed 28.06.2015 01.07.2015  Gold chests  No terminator473
0 1 Task Description

I seem to always have lots of gold, gold has virtually no use. Gold chests would be a good thing to add.

 1129  Bug Report Closed 01.07.2015 01.07.2015  Firework Rocket Recipe missing in Recipe Menu  No TheLegendJet
0 1 Task Description

If you search for Firework Rockets or anything related to that(be it inventory: or Crafting table: ), it's not showing anything, but you can still craft them .

I don't know if there is any more Recipes that are like that, but that's one I've figured out and would be great to have it Updated in the Recipe Book!

 1133  Feature Request Closed 03.07.2015 06.07.2015  1.8 Movement  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

In 1.8 Movement, moving was changed a little. Double-tapping &quot;W&quot; and the Sprint Button shouldn't provide 2 different sprints. Also, when sprinting while using the Sprint Button and going backwards after a jump should remove the jump once you stop going foward, not when you stop moving. Crouching was changed so its instant when you crouch down and that you can crouch and jump at the same time.

 1134  Feature Request Closed 03.07.2015 06.07.2015  Shooting Monsters head gives bouns Archery Exp  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

I think this would be a nice touch :)

 1139  Feature Request Closed 04.07.2015 02.09.2015  Make Arena Spawner only collect Materials, Not weapons/ ... No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

People are losing their stuff for accidentally dropping their valuables at /arena, I don't think that is right the spawner should only able to collect materials and not armor/weapons.

 1141  Bug Report Closed 04.07.2015 06.07.2015  Vampire Boss Damage/Weakness Bug  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When I hit a vampire boss after it gives Weakness II, the scoreboard adds damage if I never had weakness II (It would add about 30-40 damage when I really only did about 5-10)

 1142  Feature Request Closed 04.07.2015 06.07.2015  Master Jukeboxes  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Master Jukeboxes should be like normal Jukeboxes, but crafted with a Perfect Diamond instead. It would play music in an entire region (any block, it'd play music in the region with the same constant volume).

 1143  Bug Report Closed 04.07.2015 07.07.2015  Chickens don't work with looting  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description
 1146  Feature Request Closed 05.07.2015 06.07.2015  Armor damage flag  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

This flag would make armor nullified in a region; it has no protecting effect and it does not take damage when the player takes damage.

It would be useful for making minigames in which people need to take damage but you don't want to deal with their armor breaking because of it.

 1152  Bug Report Closed 10.07.2015 02.09.2015  Getting on moas on a 3-block area doesn't work  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

I can't get on a moa when there are 3 blocks available as height. You can ride in 3 block areas, but you can't get back on to a moa on a 3-block high area.

 1160  Feature Request Closed 13.07.2015 14.07.2015  Making every flower/sapling be able to be put in a flow ... No Cbaby1011
0 1 Task Description

I noticed flowers, and saplings that do not come from vanilla are not able to be put in a flower pot. Making it so every flower and sapling can go into a flower pot would be great. Another great plant that should be able to be put in a pot is tiny cactus, root and autumn shrubs. Anyway thanks for reading this! :)

 1161  Bug Report Closed 13.07.2015 14.07.2015  Different colored slab textures  No Cbaby1011
0 1 Task Description

I noticed stonebrick and cobblestone slabs(i'm not sure about the rest of the slabs) have different colored textures compared to blocks and stairs. I am using Sphax texture pack that you can download off the launcher.

 1181  Feature Request Closed 22.07.2015 22.07.2015  Make Chests item stacks Hold a Unlimited Number  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

I think it would be so Awesome! If it was coded so that in Chests Stack able items could be in like a Stack of how many items you want stacked (Example: 1 Million stack of Holy stone, or a 1 Billion stack of holy stone in a chest) When you take a stack out of a Chest it would just take stacks of 64 out at a time in your inventory.

 1184  Bug Report Closed 24.07.2015 02.09.2015  Dropping Portable Music Players  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When you drop a portable music player while it plays music, the music doesn't stop playing. (You're listening to music that you shouldn't hear)

 1189  Bug Report Closed 25.07.2015 30.07.2015  Boss Rewards Auto-Placement  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When shift-clicking items from the boss reward screen into your inventory, the last prize automatically goes into the inventory without a click after the second-to-last item was shift-clicked in.

 1192  Bug Report Closed 28.07.2015 30.07.2015  No Sword Mcmmo when killing Iron Golem  No build_to_the_top
0 1 Task Description

Hey i killed a lot of iron golem but i did not get mcmmo level up for sword.

(maybe nothing for bow too). Maybe it was a lag on my side not sure

 1196  Bug Report Closed 31.07.2015 02.09.2015  Internal Server Error  No terminator473
0 1 Task Description

I get an internal server error when to pick up 1 villager in particular in a reusable spawn egg, Its hard for me to show you with screenshots, so when you're next in game if you just pm me and ask me to show you I will.

 1199  Bug Report Closed 01.08.2015 02.08.2015  Redstone bug  No terminator473
0 1 Task Description

When I put a button/lever on a block and put redstone behind the block leading into a sticky piston, and the sticky piston has a redstone block ontop pushing up it doesn't extend down once you take the redstone signal away

 1200  Bug Report Closed 01.08.2015 02.08.2015  Connected Textures for Stained Glass  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

They don't exist

 1201  Bug Report Closed 01.08.2015 02.08.2015  rgb wool with quarter block patern doesn't seem to work  No darkwayers
0 1 Task Description

Pretty much what the title says

 1207  Bug Report Closed 07.08.2015 02.09.2015  Leaf block and miniblocks  No terminator473
0 1 Task Description

If you place any kind of tree leaves (Not mutation ones) in a little blocks block, and you place lets say 32 blocks in, you'll get 32 saplings back no matter if you use fortune or not. this is a bug jet has been abusing for months now I only just remembered it.

 1208  Feature Request Closed 07.08.2015 07.08.2015  Gem Blocks  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Blocks for the new Gems that can power beacons.
Onyx Block, Ruby Block, Sapphire Block, Zircon Block, Citrine Block, and Tourmaline Block.

 1217  Bug Report Closed 11.08.2015 02.11.2015  Penguins  No darkwayers
0 1 Task Description

If you have 1 or multiple penguins following you they are bound to that dimension (greycliff newworld etc) it's kinda strange that they will follow in the same dimension but not into others.

 1219  Bug Report Closed 13.08.2015 01.09.2015  Pistons can't be crafted with ExtraBiomesXL planks  No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

Pistons can't be crafted with ExtraBiomesXL planks. For example, fir wood planks can't be crafted into a piston. This might be the same with other blocks/items.

 1223  Feature Request Closed 14.08.2015 24.08.2019  /who localization (or whatever the term is)  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Since the server can detect what country the player is in, it should change the &quot;Last login/logout&quot; and related from stuff like 14.8.2015 to 8/14/2015 depending on which country you’re in (mm/dd/yy is usually American)

 1226  Feature Request Closed 15.08.2015 01.09.2015  Boosted furnace  No darkwayers
0 1 Task Description

Little request to make the furnaces quicker with a coal block under them would give it a boost, same as enchanter freezer and incubator

 1229  Bug Report Closed 18.08.2015 21.08.2015  Premium Inventory Tweak  No Jovaniph
0 1 Task Description

So ever since I donated to get premium 2. When you sort your inventory...It also removes it from you quick inventory slot.

 1233  Bug Report Closed 19.08.2015 02.09.2015  Cotton Bug  No Jovaniph
0 1 Task Description

Sometimes, when collecting cotton. The item drop disappears and you don't receive it.

My assumption: I believe it teleports to a location farther than it originally is intend to be.

 1236  Bug Report Closed 21.08.2015 02.09.2015  Unbind/clear option on controls list doesnt work  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

After pressing the button and setting it to &lt;none&gt;, pressing the last bound option still works.

 1237  Bug Report Closed 22.08.2015 02.09.2015  /mctop second parameter has no properties  No the_lumberlord
0 1 Task Description

When the /mctop skill is used, the second parameter, &lt;page&gt;, does not change the page displayed, regardless of the number.

 1245  Bug Report Closed 26.08.2015 26.08.2015  Constant crashing about every ten minutes  No __Layla__
0 1 Task Description

The game goes unresponsive then the game crashes. This makes it so i can't play at all

 1246  Bug Report Closed 27.08.2015 27.08.2015  Laggs, doesnt respond, then crashes  No __Layla__
0 1 Task Description

Very laggy, then after the screen goes white it crashes.

 1247  Bug Report Closed 30.08.2015 10.09.2015  Feather falling  No darkwayers
0 1 Task Description

I have feather falling 8 on my boots but the feather falling doesn't seem to reduce any damage taken by falling, I get the same amount of damage when I fall of something with or without the boots on, the feather falling enchant seems to kinda pointless to me at this point?

 1248  Bug Report Closed 30.08.2015 01.09.2015  little blocks  No darkwayers
0 1 Task Description

If I place stone on the patern and break the paterns with a silk pick I recieve cobblestone instead of stone

 1250  Bug Report Closed 31.08.2015 02.09.2015  Can't spawn an NPC in my world.  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

You see the right click animation but it doesn't spawn. Happens both in Survival and Creative.

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