
ID Task Type Status Opened Last Edited Summary Private  desc Opened by Progress
 199  Bug Report Closed 11.06.2013  Build permissions  No nickmcski
0 0 Task Description

New players dont get the Registered group and consiquenty cant build.

 200  Bug Report Closed 11.06.2013  Special interact key bug  No __Blackjack__
0 0 Task Description

If you tap whatever key your special interact is binded to quickly, it crashes your client.

 201  Bug Report Closed 11.06.2013 16.09.2013  Player stuck on flying cow.  No ctmpkmlec4
0 1 Task Description

In the Aether, I put a saddle on a cow and warped home to put the cow in a fenced area. I could not remove my player from the saddle. Below is the crashlog generated after the client crashed. I will restart the client and see what happens.

Mods loaded: 7
bhd 1.5.2/v3.611 Aether_v1.02
bhi 1.5.2/v3.611
bhe 1.42 (1.2.5)
bhf 1.5.2/v3.611
bhg 1.5.2/v3.611
mod_WorldEditCUI 1.5.2/v3.611

    Minecraft has crashed!      

Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.

— BEGIN ERROR REPORT a2e51bc7 ——– Generated 6/11/13 5:45 PM

Minecraft version: 1.5.2
Mod version: 3.611
OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java: 1.7.0_21, Oracle Corporation
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
LWJGL: 2.8.5 Custom
OpenGL: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 version 4.0.10179 Compatibility Profile Context, ATI Technologies Inc.

Unexpected error

at bhi.a(SourceFile:424)
at amf.a(SourceFile:627)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.C(SourceFile:949)
at Source)

— END ERROR REPORT 7f723567 ———-

 203  Bug Report Closed 15.06.2013 06.08.2013  Sun God Glitch  No DuskyMeteor0
0 1 Task Description

Almost every time that I go to a gold dungeon the sun god instantly appears and then turns on its side and dies.

 206  Bug Report Closed 17.06.2013  Fall damage in lava  No greiko5
0 0 Task Description

when swimming up or down in lava, the second you touch solid ground you get the equivalent damage of if you were falling that length. tested in nether, unsure if it is nether specific.

 207  Bug Report Closed 17.06.2013  Fir Trees won't create Charcoal.  No blobbosezhi2
0 0 Task Description

Not as much a bug as a simple smelting recipe that's been missed out.

 208  Bug Report Closed 18.06.2013 06.08.2013  Trap Doors   No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

You can break the blocks behind a locked trap door, i.e., the block its attached to. Also you can still fall down a locked trapped door by standing on top of it.

 209  Bug Report Closed 18.06.2013 06.08.2013  X-Ray #3  No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

Place a chair under a block and you can see through blocks next to it into rooms and possibly caves. This is not one the the flimsy X-Rays this works easily

 210  Feature Request Closed 18.06.2013  Chiseled stone bricks  No Bu1Ld1nGsK1LLzZz
0 0 Task Description

Is there any possibilities that you can add a recipe for it? Like maybe 4 stone bricks = chiseled stone bricks?

 211  Bug Report Closed 18.06.2013  Saplings  No wizard1222
0 0 Task Description

When a redwood sapling breaks from a missing light source it turns into a Brown Autumn Saplings

 212  Bug Report Closed 20.06.2013  Ice/Obsidian in regioned areas  No traq_Mooshroom
0 0 Task Description

You can use an Ice Pendant in regioned areas.

 213  Bug Report Closed 20.06.2013  Oak and spruce saplings never grow.  No ctmpkmlec4
0 0 Task Description

I've planted many oak and spruce saplings that have never grown into trees.

There are plenty of room between saplings.

I've only had success with growning Skyroot Trees, or Golden Oak trees in both the Aether and new world.

It's only oak and spruce that never seem to grow. On that note, most birch saplings I've planted have taken a while to grow.

 214  Bug Report Closed 20.06.2013  2x2 trees in aether  No greiko5
0 0 Task Description

planting a 2x2 tree from extrabiomes in the aether, when it grows it turns the aether dirt into normal dirt.

 215  Bug Report Closed 20.06.2013  Can't fix a diamond hoe with a diamond  No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Can't fix a diamond hoe with a diamond!

 216  Bug Report Closed 20.06.2013  WitherBoss does not drop netherstars occasionally  No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

The WitherBoss Does not drop a nether star every time. In vanilla minecraft, it drops one nether star upon death no matter what, but on craftland, very frequently it does not drop one at all. This needs to be patched.

 219  Bug Report Closed 20.06.2013  Breaking a dropper drops a dispenser  No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Breaking a dropper drops a dispenser

 221  Bug Report Closed 20.06.2013  Silktouch + double slab block = single slab dropping  No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

When silk touch is used on double slabs, they only drop one slab, instead of two. This needs to be patched.
Reported by Eleazar98 14.06.2013 10:15

 222  Bug Report Closed 21.06.2013  Log Glitch  No traq_Chance Cat
0 0 Task Description

Oak Logs facing different ways stay facing different ways and do not stack after being mined with Silk Touch Axe. Not sure if supposed to happen.

 227  Bug Report Closed 23.06.2013  Dispenser bugs  No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

There are several dispenser bugs present.

For example water will not dispense with an upward facing dispenser

 228  Bug Report Closed 23.06.2013  Hopper button + double chests  No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

With double chests the hopper button only enables one side of the chests. Neither hoppers nor droppers are able to drop or take from the on of the chests

 233  Bug Report Closed 25.06.2013 06.08.2013  Playtime Glitch  No traq_Chance Cat
0 1 Task Description

Players PlayTime will randomly spike up.

Not a constant fast growing of playtime, just a sudden SPIKE in playtime.

 234  Feature Request Closed 25.06.2013  Craftland lacks some 1.4 and 1.5 enchanting features.  No Eleazar98
0 0 Task Description

There are two features in vanilla minecraft enchanting added as of 1.4 and 1.5 that were not implimented into craftland:

1: In the 1.4 update, enchanted books allowed for axes to be enchanted via an anvil with the three main sword enchantments: Smite, Sharpness, and Bane of Arthropods.

2: In 1.5, it was made possible for two enchanted books of equal value to be combined in an anvil to make a single book of one greater enchantment value, and for multiple books of the same enchantment type to be put into one book, ie sharpness 4, fire aspect 2 book.

Craftland lacks both of these features, and I would like to enjoy them on this server.

 236  Bug Report Closed 26.06.2013  Villager Trading  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

When trading with villagers with extra inventory, the extra inventory rows dont show, only the items go out of place.

 237  Bug Report Closed 27.06.2013  Bug in dyeing dog collars  No cocokish
0 0 Task Description

I've tried to dye my dogs collars. I can get them to change but if I warp away from them to do something else, the collar color changes back to red. I was wondering if this is a bug that can be fixed?

 238  Bug Report Closed 27.06.2013  Website Scrolling  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

Im not sure if you are meant to post bugs to do with the website here, but anyway. When I click on the "wiki" tab, and try to scroll down, i cant. It doesnt let me. It only goes down a bit, then there isnt a scroll bar inside the box.

 239  Bug Report Closed 27.06.2013  Phoenix Armor in Lava  No Chedd
0 0 Task Description

While one is swimming in lava with full phoenix armor, if they touch the netherrack ground at the bottom they instantly die of hitting the ground too hard.

 240  Bug Report Closed 28.06.2013  Sit Glitch #2  No traq_Chance Cat
0 0 Task Description

Yet another way to stay sitting after leaving a Chair.
-Sit In The Chair, Then Do /Home, and you will be sit-glitched.

You can not see the glitch yourself, but other players can.

 241  Bug Report Closed 29.06.2013  Wall glitch  No wizard1222
0 0 Task Description

If you place a chair 2 blocks under a ceiling or a top block then a blue aercloud above the chair it will launch you through the block above the blue aercloud.

 242  Bug Report Closed 30.06.2013  hoppers and redstone  No pulp_untuchabull
0 0 Task Description

on every video I see for awesome contraptions, people place comparators and repeaters (on) hoppers, like right on top of them, yet no matter how hard I try I can not do it ;-; and it is limiting my redstone expansion (and i'm sure other's as well)

 243  Bug Report Closed 30.06.2013 06.08.2013  Blue cloud carts  No traq_Mooshroom
0 1 Task Description

Even with gravi armor, if you're riding a cart that hits blue cloud, when you land you take fall damage

 244  Bug Report Closed 01.07.2013 17.01.2014  Launcher crash Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit  No ctmpkmlec4
0 4 Task Description

Rasnav posted in the forums that he was having a problem with the launcher crashing when he'd click the button to connect to the server. I thought it may have had something to do with drivers/Java/memory allocation, etc. I fired up my Ubuntu rig and installed the launcher. Indeed, the launcher crashes for me, too; I've done what was suggested in your crash/low fps sticky.

I am running an AMD A8-3870 APU with Radeon 6550 Graphics, OpenJDK/JRE, 1 GB allocated memory, and I've installed the fglrx driver; however, System Settings shows that I am using VESA:SUMO graphics.

Rasnav is also running 64-bit Ubuntu. He says his computer uses an integrated Intel graphics chipset.

A lot of this may just be extra information, but I'm trying to be a specific as possible. Message me on the forums if you have questions, or view forum post "Can't connect" under Problems.

Here is a Youtube video of what happens:

 247  Bug Report Closed 02.07.2013  Cake Glitch  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

If someone who is in the region eats a cake, then someone who is not, it says "You are not invited to this tea party" And then makes a brand new cake, so you have a cake that has not been eaten.

 248  Bug Report Closed 03.07.2013 29.07.2014  Render Glitch  No pig001
0 2 Task Description

When i was climbing on a fence with blocks above it, something happened. My legs disappeared and something went on my head.

 249  Bug Report Closed 05.07.2013 18.07.2013  "Trapped" death chests  No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

When I died in the beginner area I came back from away to see my chest was a "Trapped" chest so I couldn't retrieve my items. I had to get Chedd to move the chest for me.

 250  Bug Report Closed 07.07.2013 06.08.2013  Unbreaking Bows  No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

If you damage a bow that has unbreaking it will sometimes repair it self a bit when you warp or tp. I always notice my bow heals it self but I can't figure out how it exactly works

 251  Bug Report Closed 08.07.2013 06.08.2013  inventory tweaks with large inventories.   No greiko5
0 1 Task Description

When you sort your inventory and you have a large donator inventory all items in your hotbar will move into your normal inventory and not stay in your hotbar.

 252  Bug Report Closed 09.07.2013  Minecraft shut down after (Logging In)  No marrrou
0 0 Task Description

Today,after the last update my minecraft do not run it launched ...

 253  Bug Report Closed 09.07.2013 10.07.2013  Minecraft shut down after (Logging In)  No marrrou
0 1 Task Description

Today,after the last update my minecraft do not run it...

 254  Bug Report Closed 09.07.2013  Enchanters don't work since update.  No ctmpkmlec4
0 0 Task Description

When a craftable item is placed in an enchanter powered by ambrosium, nothing happens.

 255  Bug Report Closed 09.07.2013 18.07.2013  Instant Throwing  No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

When you throw xp bottles or anything else that is an instant use you will use one then the next will disappear.

 256  Bug Report Closed 10.07.2013  Snow layers make item bounce and aren't stackable  No marc0303
0 0 Task Description

You can't put a snow layer on another on to make it higher.
It also make item bounce like the slabs did on the test server.

 257  Bug Report Closed 10.07.2013  Region teleporting  No nickmcski
0 0 Task Description

warp pads, region owners, etc. are no longer bypassing the teleport into/out of region flag.

 259  Bug Report Closed 11.07.2013  Wither affect  No wizard1222
0 0 Task Description

While having the wither affect you cannot use Gummy Swets to restore health.

 261  Bug Report Closed 11.07.2013  Leather gloves  No EstonianBro
0 0 Task Description

You can't dye leather gloves with any dyes. You are problably supposed to be able to dye em.

 263  Bug Report Closed 11.07.2013  MCMMO Mining Douple Drops Drop Wrong Block?  No FearfulSky
0 0 Task Description

When mining Redrock with a pickaxe that DOES NOT have silk touch, it drops as Red Cobblestone. However, the MCMMO douple drop drops a Red Rock instead of the cobblestone.

 265  Bug Report Closed 12.07.2013 06.08.2013  Moved Wrongly  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

Everytime I walk from any slab (step (half) block) onto an enderchest (probably will also occur when walking on a regular chest), it sends me back on the step as if it would send an error (to the console): (player) moved wrongly!

 266  Bug Report Closed 12.07.2013 06.08.2013  Region Flags  No pig001
0 4 Task Description

Im not sure if its a bug, but its annoying. The "teleport into region" flag also now blocks warping into a region and using lift signs in a region when it is set to deny, even for region owners and members when it never used to.

 272  Bug Report Closed 16.07.2013 06.08.2013  I Died due to a bug and can't get my stuff back  No Anything4
0 2 Task Description

I found a bug it’s when you go into the end sometimes it brings you to another end island instead of the end island the you would expect to be at.This happened to me and i lost all of my stuff my grave chest is still there but i can’t go looking into hundreds of ender portals to find my grave. Please if possible fix this bug and hopefully I can get my stuff back :C!

 273  Bug Report Closed 16.07.2013  Clock in itemframe  No handman1991
0 0 Task Description

it displays the item mirrored, it turns to the left instead of right

 274  Bug Report Closed 19.07.2013  Doors should not open when left clicked on  No marc0303
0 0 Task Description

In vanilla, doors do not open when you left click / hit on it with your fist since some updates.

 275  Bug Report Closed 22.07.2013 13.09.2014  Water placing  No Bu1Ld1nGsK1LLzZz
0 1 Task Description

When you are lying and placing water with waterbucket the water source will get placed a block above where you actually are placing it. I think it is the same for lava bucket aswell.

 276  Bug Report Closed 23.07.2013  Acacia Log  No wizard1222
0 0 Task Description

When broken with a Silktouch tool this wood will drop as a Fir Log.

 278  Bug Report Closed 24.07.2013  Golden cloud parachute  No handman1991
0 0 Task Description

In the recipe book is a recipe that you can make a golden parachute out of 8 cold clouds, 2x2 with 2x cold clouds.
Bug or a feature left out?

 279  Bug Report Closed 24.07.2013  /whois  No Cooper718
0 0 Task Description

Whenever I do (Ex: /whois Nick, the game crashes, whenever I click U then press YOU, the game crashes, when I do /whois (staff) the game crashes. And, only sometimes when I do /whois (player) the game crashes.

 282  Bug Report Closed 26.07.2013  Wither De-spawning  No traq_Chance Cat
0 0 Task Description

Spawned a Wither, and it instantly de-spawned.
Big problem with the high use of beacons on CraftLand.

 283  Bug Report Closed 27.07.2013  Infinite skills from one block.  No Energyxxer
0 0 Task Description

If you place a block, (In this case Stone) pushing it with a piston will allow you to get skills from mining that block that you placed.

 284  Bug Report Closed 27.07.2013  Crash  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

I was fighting a enderdragon and i crashed.

Mods loaded: 7
eiieeitlfjltjfjf 1.5.2/v3.7.7 Aether_v1.02
ltlteifjltielttl 1.5.2/v3.7.7
eitlfjfjjfltltfj 1.42 (1.2.5)
tlielteitlieiefj 1.5.2/v3.7.7
jfiejfeiietlfjjf 1.5.2/v3.7.7
mod_WorldEditCUI 1.5.2/v3.7.7

    Minecraft has crashed!      

Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.

— BEGIN ERROR REPORT 3adaebcc ——– Generated 27/07/2013 23:51

Minecraft version: 1.5.2
Mod version: 3.7.7
OS: Windows 8 (amd64) version 6.2
Java: 1.7.0_17, Oracle Corporation
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
LWJGL: 2.8.5 Custom
OpenGL: AMD Radeon HD 6670 version 4.2.12002 Compatibility Profile Context, ATI Technologies Inc.

Unexpected error

at Source)

— END ERROR REPORT 6e1d2e46 ———-

 285  Bug Report Closed 28.07.2013  Arrows don't activate wood buttons  No traq_Mooshroom
0 0 Task Description

As title says

 287  Bug Report Closed 01.08.2013  Dog Collars  No Vantacular1218
0 0 Task Description

I dyed my dogs collar and left them at my grinder. I went to my house then warped back and the collars were back to red.

 289  Bug Report Closed 05.08.2013  End portal  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

When you go into an end portal, sometimes you fall though and go into the lava, it is not always though. You have to go back up to go though and stay there for a bit.

 292  Bug Report Closed 05.08.2013 16.09.2013  Invisible Chest Bug (when chests is set to fast)  No Kez323
0 1 Task Description


On default, I see the chests fine, when i swap it to 'fast' all chests go invisible.


- Kez323

 293  Bug Report Closed 05.08.2013  Connected Textures: Dropdown Box text doesn't update  No Kez323
0 0 Task Description

When enabling Connected Textures to 'fast', it enables it, but the drop down box text stays as 'OFF'


 294  Bug Report Closed 05.08.2013  Wolf Health  No Kez323
0 0 Task Description

When feeding my pet wolf, you can get it to a maximum health of 20, this being 20/8, so should the wolfs health bar display x out of 20. ( x/20 )


 295  Bug Report Closed 06.08.2013  Pushng K creates spam  No traq_Mooshroom
0 0 Task Description

Nothing more to say

 296  Bug Report Closed 06.08.2013 16.09.2013  Region messages  No robsherwood
0 2 Task Description

Regularly, region greet/farewell messages just randomly get removed from an existing region.

 298  Feature Request Closed 06.08.2013  /love  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

A keybind that performs the /love command.

 300  Bug Report Closed 09.08.2013  Mob health bars  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

When riding a phyg, and other rideables sometimes the health bar gets in your face and you cant see.

 302  Bug Report Closed 10.08.2013 16.09.2013  Unbreakable half slabs  No Porkkana1337
0 2 Task Description

When you push and pull an upside down half slab with a piston it will become unbreakable.

 303  Bug Report Closed 12.08.2013  Aerclouds + Agility cape  No Porkkana1337
0 0 Task Description

You are unable to walk up aercloud like normal blocks with the agility cape.

 305  Bug Report Closed 20.08.2013 16.09.2013  About gravel  No Onot3is
0 1 Task Description

When replaced, can be destroyed again and throw again flint. i think that means unlimited flint. also can be made like a clay into the water.

 308  Bug Report Closed 23.08.2013  Gravitite sword has wrong texture on Sphax Texturepack  No MRebhan
0 0 Task Description

My gravitite sword has the texture of a gravitite shovel on sphax purebd.

 310  Bug Report Closed 24.08.2013 17.01.2014  lamps  No handman1991
0 1 Task Description

Lamps don't turn on when there is a lever placed on it or on a block near it so that the leaver in above it.

 312  Bug Report Closed 24.08.2013  Saplings  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

When you break a purple skyroot sapling, it turns into a green one.
This may also happen for other ones.

 314  Bug Report Closed 27.08.2013  Pillar Tops  No Joyman533
0 0 Task Description

When you place a Pillar Top block, it immediately switches to a regular Pillar block. While this isn't a major bug, I noticed it and just wanted to report it.

 317  Feature Request Closed 29.08.2013  Gathering ice  No batuortal
0 0 Task Description

We all know that silk touch wasn't working on old versions in minecraft i hope you code that to craftland because only way to gather ice is freezers.

 319  Bug Report Closed 01.09.2013  Juke box radio volume  No Kez323
0 0 Task Description

I can still hear the radio music pretty loud even if I turn the radio volumes to 0.

even tried turning every audio level to zero, still hear it (MAC OS X)

 322  Bug Report Closed 04.09.2013 17.01.2014  Inifinite Ice  No BackSlash17
0 3 Task Description

Whenever you have a boosted freezer and put a skyroot bucket in the top slot with a bit of Ice in the bottom. wheather you put it in with water or not, it just keeps producing more and more ice, Forever it would.

!Only Works with Skyroot!
(i even tried it with normal)

 323  Bug Report Closed 06.09.2013 17.01.2014  too many ender pearls?  No BackSlash17
0 1 Task Description

With ender pearls, i don't know if i have a sensitive mouse or whatnot, but every time i click once with and ender pearl... it uses 2-3 pearls without notice?

Anyone explain or is it a bug?

 324  Bug Report Closed 06.09.2013 17.01.2014  Chests..  No Kez323
0 4 Task Description

Chests look like the old ones from minecraft beta for me, 1block high with the line down the middle


 326  Feature Request Closed 07.09.2013  Sheepuff do not bread  No marc0303
0 0 Task Description

You can not bread sheepuff. A certain player seemed tremendously unhappy about it.

 327  Bug Report Closed 11.09.2013 17.01.2014  Losing vanilla levels  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

When reaching over 135 levels (XP orb levels, vanilla levels) and then relogging, they reset back to 135. This happened twice when I had about 175 levels after having killed enderdragons.

 329  Bug Report Closed 13.09.2013  Warpto button on warps list  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

The warpto button at the bottom of the warp list doesnt work.

 330  Bug Report Closed 15.09.2013  Warping  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

Sometimes, when warping from a different world to the aether, you get warped on the wrong Y coordinate (higher than you should).

 334  Bug Report Closed 16.09.2013 20.09.2013  Moas dissapering when warping  No maxjadin
0 1 Task Description

Iv been noticing that when ever i warp sometimes my moa will dissaper
and you will still be sitting on it but its invisable. its also happend to some other people on the server. and sometimes when you warp to a different location you will get it back but rarely ever happens. once you leave the server and rejoin to try to get it back its no longer there like it never existed. and then you then have to get a new one

This is the bug report by:maxjadin

 337  Bug Report Closed 20.09.2013  Silk Touch On Ender Chests  No Eleazar98
0 0 Task Description

Silk touch does not work on enderchests on craftland, please fix this.

 339  Feature Request Closed 20.09.2013 13.09.2014  Holystone Brick half slabs  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

Seem pretty simple to add, along with stairs. Will help people like me who like to use the material.

 340  Bug Report Closed 21.09.2013  Comparators not updating.  No Eleazar98
0 0 Task Description

A comparator will update correctly if a minecart with hopper or chest rolls up to a detector rail connected to it, but if the minecart is already at rest, and items are fed into it, it will go beyond 25 items and keep filling up unless the comparator is updated in some way. Please fix this so that comparators will notice once a container in a minecart hits 25 or more items, just as they notice with regular containers. I can show this bug in-game if needed.

 341  Bug Report Closed 21.09.2013  Greycliff leaves and Rei's minimap  No marc0303
0 0 Task Description

Greycliff leaves appear white on Rei's minimap.

 342  Bug Report Closed 25.09.2013  commands in private messages  No Kez323
0 0 Task Description

when typing for example: ./i <item> in a private message window, it opens another pm window with the 'you got 1 x' message

 344  Bug Report Closed 27.09.2013  Slimes not yielding mcMMO xp  No Porkkana1337
0 0 Task Description

Slimes do not yield mcMMO like all the other hostile mobs.

 345  Bug Report Closed 27.09.2013  Brewing stand bugs  No BackSlash17
0 0 Task Description

The bug involves u cant shift click something in a brewing stand, the bottles.

The next one is when u can only shift click out of a brewing stand into the first three rows of your inventory (vanilla inv space) yet with bigger inv, premiums, you cant shift click it out past the 3 normal rows.

 347  Bug Report Closed 28.09.2013 17.01.2014  Armor Stand bugs  No Porkkana1337
0 3 Task Description

The top half of the armor stand isn't a "block" so you can place anything over it.

When you destroy the armor stand you don't get it back, even with a diamond pickaxe with silk touch on it.

 349  Bug Report Closed 28.09.2013 17.01.2014  Display Cases  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

Although these may already be known, i put together a list of bugs and render glitches with display cases.

Block/item sizes


Will update when i get more

 350  Bug Report Closed 28.09.2013  Item frames  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

You can place multiple item frames on one block

 352  Bug Report Closed 04.10.2013  Server stats: Player count graph on the website isn't w ... No marc0303
0 0 Task Description

It has not updated since ~April-May of this year. I am not sure if it is intentional.

 354  Bug Report Closed 05.10.2013 17.01.2014  The orange "fog" when you're in lava doesn't show with  ... No marc0303
0 1 Task Description

The orange "fog" when you're in lava doesn't show with advanced OpenGL.

 355  Bug Report Closed 05.10.2013  When pressing escape in the "Performance" screen in vid ... No marc0303
0 0 Task Description

... it brings you back in-game while other screens bring you back at the video settings screen.

 357  Bug Report Closed 05.10.2013  Hoppers do not work well together with Enchanters  No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

It will always put the items in the lower slot

 359  Bug Report Closed 09.10.2013 17.01.2014  Mooshrooms dont like to breed  No Trottero
0 1 Task Description

You cant breed mooshrooms with cows or other mooshrooms. The particle does display above their heads

 360  Bug Report Closed 09.10.2013 17.01.2014  Giant Mushrooms cant grow  No Trottero
0 1 Task Description

Using bonemeal on a mushroom (Which is standing on a Mycilium block and meets all the requirements to become a giant mushroom.) it does nothing, it does not waste your bonemeal.

 363  Bug Report Closed 18.10.2013  Enchanted capes  No Porkkana1337
0 0 Task Description

Enchanted capes do not glow while equipped.

 365  Bug Report Closed 20.10.2013  Cant make Skyroot walls  No BackSlash17
0 0 Task Description

The crafting recipe says 6 skyroot logs like you make glass panes but that recipe does not seem to be working...

 368  Bug Report Closed 26.10.2013  Text colour on signs dont work   No Kez323
0 0 Task Description

Old signs don't seem to be effected, just new ones don't work.

 371  Bug Report Closed 02.11.2013  Bird Spawner spawns very slowly.  No Joyman533
0 0 Task Description

The now obtainable bird spawner spawns birds very slowly, about 1 bird every 3-4 minutes.

 372  Bug Report Closed 05.11.2013 03.12.2013  Map bugs  No Porkkana1337
0 1 Task Description

The Craftland online map doesn't show players in the newworld and public warps in old world.

 373  Bug Report Closed 07.11.2013  Bird Spawner still very slow and the birds always kill  ... No wizard1222
0 0 Task Description

they fly into the wall, then they die

 374  Bug Report Closed 07.11.2013  Transparent Blocks show all faces  No wizard1222
0 0 Task Description

 385  Bug Report Closed 23.11.2013 17.01.2014  Empty spawn eggs  No BoLo_
0 2 Task Description

You can pickup ANY mobs (including villagers at utopia mall) using the Empty Spawn Egg.

 387  Feature Request Closed 26.11.2013  Holystone Brick Slabs  No Joyman533
0 0 Task Description

Please add these to craftland! They are a much needed addition.

 391  Bug Report Closed 28.11.2013  Sit down -> Open inventory  No Kez323
0 0 Task Description

 392  Bug Report Closed 30.11.2013  "golden Grass"  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

-"golden aether grass" has incorrect TileName.Still "aether grass when passing mouse over + hold FNF3.

placing it in survival mode after silk touching it places normal aether grass.

 394  Bug Report Closed 30.11.2013 17.01.2014  Button/lever usage  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

In regions with the flag "Button/lever usage" set to "deny", you can still toggle wooden buttons (either with fist or arrows) even though you're not added to the region.

 395  Bug Report Closed 30.11.2013  Removing people from chestshop access  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

When you add someone to chest shop access, it will show they are removed. Close and re-open the GUI for that chest shop and they're back on it.

 396  Bug Report Closed 02.12.2013 17.01.2014  Riding Swets  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

Hi, another bug!

when Riding a swet (right click him) players can hit you even if NOT in a PvP arena, they deal damage to you by hitting the swet (big).

 399  Bug Report Closed 03.12.2013  Book and quill writing bug  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

If you don't write anything in a book & quill yet (so empty, no text inside!) and rename the book & quill (using an anvil), then you can't write in it anymore. You CAN write in it afterwards though if you first type something in it and then rename it.

 401  Bug Report Closed 05.12.2013  RGB wool stacking  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

When placing down RGB wool and then destroying it and taking it back, or when seperating RGB wool (bought from credit shop), it doesn't stack together anymore. It starts a new stack.

 407  Bug Report Closed 08.12.2013  Removing achievements from the GUI  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

I added a few achievements via the /achievements GUI, by clicking the little "X". Ive completed the achievements now and unchecked the "X". While im still in the same session, they go away, but when i restart the launcher, they reappear.

 411  Bug Report Closed 09.12.2013  Ender chest  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

Breaking an Ender Chest with SILK TOUCH doesnt drop the Ender chest itselfs, it dropes 8 obsidian.

 412  Bug Report Closed 11.12.2013 17.01.2014  /kit rails  No Joyman533
0 2 Task Description

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, /kit rails now gives only 3 rails while it used to give 20 rails. It is very difficult to build a railway with only 3 rails from the kit, and 20 was perfectly fine.

 414  Bug Report Closed 14.12.2013 17.01.2014  Trapdoors  No traq_Mooshroom
0 1 Task Description

Making a trapdoor results in making oak wall because they share the same recipe

 415  Bug Report Closed 14.12.2013 20.12.2013  Block updates  No pig001
0 3 Task Description

Block updating is really bugged. Redstone leading into a repeater doesnt activate the repeater, water doesnt flow(until it updates a few seconds later), Same for lava, most other redstone things dont work either and sand/gravel dont fall.

I thought it was tick lag to start, but the ticks seem to be running fine and at a not to laggy level. Everything else like picking up items, chatting, moving, mobs moving, other players moving etc. is fine and works/

 416  Feature Request Closed 14.12.2013 17.01.2014  Give helpers hawkeye permissions for search + tool  No marc0303
0 1 Task Description


 417  Bug Report Closed 15.12.2013 17.01.2014  Player List  No BoLo_
0 2 Task Description

Hi. my player list is soo huge and I even dont know why:
Using Georgia Italic
Size: 15

It's the same in everywhere.

 419  Feature Request Closed 17.12.2013  Leads and nametags  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

Leads and nametags should really be added sometime soon.

 421  Bug Report Closed 19.12.2013 28.02.2014  Signs color  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

when you try to put any types of "Thing" (ex: Blod,Italic,etc..) you can't put color and the "Thing" both on a line:

 424  Bug Report Closed 22.12.2013  Spawners  No saegi
0 0 Task Description

My friend painlessly found a bug: every time he tried to mine a Spawner with a silktouch diamond pickaxe, the game disconnects him from server with the message "Internal server error".


 425  Bug Report Closed 22.12.2013  wither skeleton drops  No handman1991
0 0 Task Description

Dropped arrows, should not be.
Not sure if all drops are correct.

 426  Feature Request Closed 24.12.2013  say  No nickmcski
0 0 Task Description

Could you make it so when you do /say it will appear in every channel (including PM's) to ensure everyone no matter that channel they are in will get the announcement) (as well as IRC)

 428  Feature Request Closed 24.12.2013 04.01.2014  Npc  No BoLo_
0 1 Task Description

I guess it will not be accepted.

Each npc have an owner; this owner can modify some parameters of the npc. Like to follow the owner, edit the armor it is wearing,etc..
If the player is not the owner, he can't modify the.

 429  Feature Request Closed 28.12.2013 17.01.2014  Missing beacon feature.  No Energyxxer
0 2 Task Description

When the beacon was added, the effect from the beacon was given at a set radius from the BEACON. But then, later on, they changed it, so the effect is given at a set radius from the BEAM of the beacon. I think that should be changed in Craftland.

TL;DR: Make the beacon effect players around the beam of the beacon, not the beacon block, like in vanilla.

 430  Bug Report Closed 30.12.2013  Jukeboxes not repeating correctly.  No Energyxxer
0 0 Task Description

At my shop i have a jukebox, with a MP3 song in it. It works correctly, but when i leave the chunk, unloading it, it stops and doesn't want to play again until i do it manually. And Yes, i have the Repeat set to "ON". If i don't leave the chunk, it can actually repeat.

 431  Bug Report Closed 30.12.2013  ghasts attack  No handman1991
0 0 Task Description

There attack doesnt hit you

 432  Bug Report Closed 02.01.2014 17.01.2014  MusicPlayers not repeating.  No Energyxxer
0 3 Task Description

Playing MusicPlayers don't repeat, even with the Repeat option on. I remember this is not an issue in jukeboxes.

 433  Bug Report Closed 02.01.2014 17.01.2014  Beacon sides not rendering with a block next to it.  No Energyxxer
0 1 Task Description

When you place a beacon and a block besides it, the side of the beacon where you placed the other block is not going to render.

 435  Feature Request Closed 03.01.2014  Warp pads  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

Is it possible for warp pads to be compatible from one world to another please?

 438  Bug Report Closed 06.01.2014  Large trees  No handman1991
0 0 Task Description

using bone meal on a oak sapling doesn't create a large tree (only the leaves though)

 454  Bug Report Closed 18.01.2014  Cannot place water while crawling  No traq_Adam
0 0 Task Description

I cannot place water while crawling. Im not quite sure how severe it is, I figured it would be a good idea to report it though.

 458  Bug Report Closed 01.02.2014  Incorrect Spruce Wall mining tool  No Energyxxer
0 0 Task Description

According to the game, the proper tools of Spruce Walls are Aether axes. That means that using Aether Mod's Axes (On this case, Gravitite) is faster than a diamond axe.

 460  Feature Request Closed 04.02.2014  Place Rails on Redstone Blocks  No Energyxxer
0 0 Task Description

In vanilla minecraft, you can place rails on redstone blocks. That isn't the case for craftland.

 462  Feature Request Closed 09.02.2014  Dipensers able to plant seeds  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

As the title says, will plant seeds on hoed grass in-front of the dispensers.

 464  Feature Request Closed 10.02.2014 15.08.2014  Archery Skill  No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

Can archery skill be re-added? I think a lot of people would look forward to it.

 470  Bug Report Closed 14.02.2014  Greycliff Leave Bug  No saegi
0 0 Task Description

There is a bug by collecting Greycliff leaves: when I try to collect leaves with shears the following changes happen:
- redwood leaves turn into fir leaves with a dropchance redwood saplings
- fir saplings (2×2 planted), the leaves of the growth tree are brown autumn leaves (might be a feature)
- acacia leaves turn into fir leaves with a dropchance of acacia saplings
- orange, yellow and red autumn leaves turn all into brown autumn leaves

It works fine if I collect them with a silktouch tool, without any changes.

 473  Bug Report Closed 16.02.2014  Strange nickname display  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

Basically, I see all player's nickname like that and I can only read they're nickname if theyre not premium because of the premium stars:

I just opened up my craftland but before I changed the "Animate GUI" and "Use FrameBuffer Objects" in the launcher settings.I desactivated them to make my computer faster.

 474  Bug Report Closed 16.02.2014  Sometimes cannot join with Bass Library enabled  No wizard1222
0 0 Task Description

Sometimes when I try to log on Craftland, I click connect and it just sits on the screen with the dirt background. Then Craftland will stop responding. Also I noticed a bunch of people experiencing this problem, and some (like my friend) gave up on trying to fix it.

 484  Bug Report Closed 10.03.2014  Not pickupable items  No Trottero
0 0 Task Description

When you drop an item in stairs which are in the floor you cant pick it up anymore,
Really annoying.

 486  Bug Report Closed 18.03.2014  "the end is near" achievement  No chellius
0 0 Task Description

to get the end is near achievement we got to mine 50k of endstone. But the stones don’t count up if we use silk touch or fortune on it...
Not a critical bug but maybe good to fix.

 488  Bug Report Closed 21.03.2014  Golden oak logs from skyroot logs  No Porkkana1337
0 0 Task Description

Placing skyroot logs sideways in little blocks block and destroying it causes the skyroot to become golden oak.

 489  Feature Request Closed 22.03.2014  Regenerating spawners  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

This topic title is bad but, It seems that spawners spawns slower and slower the more mobs they have spawned. But seriusly, is this is same with the panda spawner? So I would suggest an Item called "Spawner stick" or whatever you want to call it (you can buy it from the online shop) and once you right click with it on a spawner that has a mob count, it will reset it.
If you think its a good idea, dont wait! Add it! ;)

Thanks for reading.

 493  Bug Report Closed 29.03.2014  Armor/Cape textures  No wizard1222
0 0 Task Description

The Cape textures hang off of the models Also the armor is very weird looking

 495  Bug Report Closed 30.03.2014  Creative with no flying  No Joyman533
0 0 Task Description

When you go from creative world to normal world then come back, you lose your flying ability even if in creative mode.

The only way to get your fly back is to set gamemode to survival, then back to creative.

 496  Bug Report Closed 30.03.2014  Inventory wiped in creative world  No Joyman533
0 0 Task Description

Every new time you go to the creative world, your inventory is completely wiped and empty.

 499  Feature Request Closed 03.04.2014  Cloud staffs, shields and Steve's head.  No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

Please make cloud staffs and shields in the vote shop repairable also bring back steve's head would love to purchase one the NPC that used to sell those heads either ran out of Steve's heads or they got taken out of the game.

 502  Bug Report Closed 08.04.2014  Musicplayer repeat button  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

My musicplayer (in my inventory) won't repeat the songs while it does for other players (they say it does).

 503  Bug Report Closed 11.04.2014 29.06.2014  Dragonborn helmet does not fit most skins.  No terminator473
0 1 Task Description

I have noticed, you can only find a few skins that the dragon born helmet fits with, i have tried a few different skins, and still nothing that fits it. Heres a screenshot:

 504  Bug Report Closed 11.04.2014  The sphax 64x texture pack  No terminator473
0 0 Task Description

I have noticed that the 64x sphax texture pack has added 2 new boxes to an npc, nide has already told me its a texture pack bug, but he said to log it so he doesn't forget to fix it:

 506  Bug Report Closed 02.05.2014 29.06.2014  Pistons not pulling blocks when they are underneath a s ... No Trottero
0 1 Task Description

Whenever the pistons and blocks are setup like the image below, they will turn invisible for a second when the pistons try to pull them. the blocks stay excactly in place. the pistons will get contracted.(tested in all four directions)

 507  Bug Report Closed 05.05.2014  Premium 6 players cannot use Premium Kits  No traq_Adam
0 0 Task Description

Premium 6 players do not give the kits premium 5 players have.

 509  Bug Report Closed 10.05.2014  Admins cannot use /model  No wizard1222
0 0 Task Description

Admins without premium 6 cannot use /model

 511  Bug Report Closed 16.05.2014  Enchanted capes not showing enchanted  No Trottero
0 0 Task Description

Capes are enchanted but do not like they are enchanted.

 514  Bug Report Closed 13.06.2014 29.06.2014  Weird crafting issue  No marc0303
0 1 Task Description

Esto has a weird issue with crafting. When he opens the crafting workbench, it automatically set the current recipe to a wooden pickaxe and he cannot change it. I've looked into it and I cannot replicate the issue nor see where it could come from. He tried reinstalling and the issue is still there after he reinstalled Windows.


 517  Bug Report Closed 28.06.2014  New Enchantment Books From Update 4.9 Do Not Work  No ESP_ScOpEzZ
0 0 Task Description

In the new update 4.9 the new enchantment books do not work on armor or tools

 519  Bug Report Closed 07.07.2014  Moa textures cache not being flushed after Texturepack  ... No Cerbion
0 0 Task Description

Moa textures look glitched after changing the texturepack.
Probably Moa texture cache not properly being cleared.

 522  Bug Report Closed 09.07.2014  Achievement sidebar gets messed up  No Trottero
0 0 Task Description

Achievements sidebar gets messed up after defeating the boss mob.

 523  Bug Report Closed 11.07.2014  Players Online screen does not work in login to arena.  No traq_Adam
0 0 Task Description

If you login to the arena, occasionally the players online does not load.

 526  Bug Report Closed 13.07.2014 06.09.2014  Damage Noises  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

When I get hurt, I do not hear any damage noise. Also only sometimes plays mob damage noises also.

 527  Bug Report Closed 16.07.2014  Tiny ocelotes can be captured  No Trottero
0 0 Task Description

The tiny ocelots that the ocelot boss spawns can be captured, is this a bug? This gives normal players acces to tiny mobs.

 528  Bug Report Closed 18.07.2014  The /wiki command  No traq_Adam
0 0 Task Description

When you type in /wiki, although it brings you to the wiki, it says "Unknown command. Type "help" for help.

 529  Bug Report Closed 22.07.2014 25.07.2014  Problem with web look an feel on mac's  No nickmcski
0 1 Task Description

exception class java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to com.alee.laf.rootpane.WebRootPaneUI

(I will test it when I get home)

 530  Bug Report Closed 23.07.2014  Renamed regions  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

When a region gets renamed with the easy command (that was added recently I think, /rg rename or so), they successfully get renamed. However, this is the second time my region (that was renamed from Elysium to Nexus) has its old name back, being Elysium.

 535  Bug Report Closed 26.07.2014  herbalism  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

When breaking fully grown carrots or patatos is doesnt give you herbalism xp.

 537  Bug Report Closed 27.07.2014  ocelot  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

When you die while doing a boss the big health bar doesnt move anymore.

 542  Bug Report Closed 02.08.2014  Raw fish having the wrong name  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

Raw fish item has an odd name, a name that is probably used in the code but shouldn't be the games display name.

 544  Bug Report Closed 02.08.2014 06.09.2014  Random fall damage  No marc0303
0 2 Task Description

You get fall damage when falling when you have a block over your head.

 546  Bug Report Closed 03.08.2014  Eating new fish  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

When eating new fish (I don't know if this is with clownfish or pufferfish, but it did with salmons), raw fish in particular, the regular raw fish particles appear instead of e.g. the salmon particles.

 549  Bug Report Closed 06.08.2014  little blocks block turns into a quarter blocks one  No chellius
0 0 Task Description

when I break a little blocks block, the item appears as quarter blocks block in my inventory.

 551  Bug Report Closed 08.08.2014  Aercloud damage  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

When falling from a high distance on aerclouds (I think this even happens with clouds that push/bounce you off), you get fall damage like you would normally get it (without a cloud).

 558  Bug Report Closed 14.08.2014  didnt get rewards  No TheGreat51
0 0 Task Description

I did not get 31 cold fire from the boss awards I lost 31

 559  Bug Report Closed 16.08.2014 06.09.2014  Traveled Blocks increases when..  No Beandon
0 2 Task Description

Whenever you are to stand on the same block as another player, your total blocks traveled will continuously go up. Around once per second. This does not work if one of the players are using a smart moving technique.

 561  Bug Report Closed 16.08.2014  Villagers with null trades  No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Whenever a villager has been spawned via a MobSpawner block, it has a slight chance to spawn with trades of null. What I mean here is that there are no trades in the villager making it a pointless entity that should die in a fire.

 565  Bug Report Closed 16.08.2014 06.09.2014  AFK whilst fishing...  No Beandon
0 3 Task Description

AFK can be triggered whilst fishing, meaning when a non-donor is fishing, they will be kicked for suspicion of being AFK.

 567  Bug Report Closed 16.08.2014  Coco beans  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

When a coco bean is fully grown on jungle wood and you make water pass to destroy them (to make a farm) it doesnt drop them . Please fix this bug as soon as you can I have build a huge farm and I got nothing from it ;(

 568  Bug Report Closed 16.08.2014  Enchants lvls  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

i am premium VI. In the web page of premium VI it says can create enchants up to lvl 48. But I only can create up to 42. Thy for reading

 570  Bug Report Closed 16.08.2014  Graphical bug whilst holding an item in the inventory  No Beandon
0 0 Task Description Look at the sky.

 571  Bug Report Closed 16.08.2014 06.09.2014  Enchantment bug  No THErangeGEEK
0 1 Task Description

When holding enchanted weapons i dont see the effect on the weapon or enchanted books idk how many things are like this but ive seen it on tools and books (writen and enchanted)

 575  Bug Report Closed 20.08.2014  Suffocating when warping into a 2 block tunnel with rai ... No Joyman533
0 0 Task Description

If you create a warp in a 2 block tall tunnel that has rails placed on the bottom layer, and then warp there, you are teleported to inside a nearby wall and suffocate.

 576  Bug Report Closed 21.08.2014 06.09.2014  Command error  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

It has been like this since the /tpclear command was added (it's supposed to remove everyone from your tplist). I get this error when using the command:

Error: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException

 577  Feature Request Closed 23.08.2014  Making warp pads inter-dimensional.  No Joyman533
0 0 Task Description

Please make it so that warp pads are able to teleport you between worlds.
(Added to bugtracker at the request of nide.)

 578  Bug Report Closed 23.08.2014 24.08.2014  Region teleport inside deny  No robsherwood
0 5 Task Description

Even though my region has teleport inside set to deny, people still get to teleport to me while I'm in the region. It only prevents them when I set it to 'deny' again (even though it already is).

 581  Bug Report Closed 24.08.2014  Cape of insivibility texture  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

When wearing the cape of invisibility, it's a completely grey cape.

 585  Feature Request Closed 26.08.2014 06.09.2014  Chairs  No wizard1222
0 1 Task Description

Sitting in chairs should change your Field of View. You should look like you are actually half a block shorter, and your name plate should also lower by half a block. You can not tell when you are sitting in a chair unless you go into f5. Sitting in chairs would be very different this way from your own perspective.

 587  Bug Report Closed 26.08.2014  Archery effects Survival Games (Over Powered Bows in Su ... No woot000
0 0 Task Description

The MCMMO skill "Archery" effects survival games even though no mcmmo skils are supposed to.

 588  Bug Report Closed 27.08.2014  Corrupted Hat Item = Hard Hat  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

Whenever someone buys a Hard Hat from my shop, the ChestShop chat calls it a "Corrupted Hat Item".

 590  Bug Report Closed 28.08.2014  herbalism  No BoLo_
0 0 Task Description

When breaking fully grown carrots or patatos is doesnt give you herbalism xp.

 598  Bug Report Closed 31.08.2014 23.05.2015  Rose bushes & Sun flowers  No pig001
0 1 Task Description

Right click on the top part of the bush with bone meal and it makes infinite rose bushes

 603  Bug Report Closed 31.08.2014  Can use invtweaks in spawn.  No Trottero
0 0 Task Description

Cant use the sort key or anything invtweaks related in the spawn world
happens 100% of the times that I try it.

 609  Feature Request Closed 03.09.2014  Craft Land Mentor System.  No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

What is Craft Land Mentor system? NOTE: Since the server is getting big thought i'd bring this up it would help out!

In simple terms what the mentor system basically is:

This system is when a player sends a request to a new player who is in need of help and the new player accepts, the new player becomes the mentor's pupil.

When the Mentor (Player helping Noob) is in the party with his/her pupil he/she gains respect points for helping out it all depends on how much the mentor helped his/her pupil.

Respect points can be gained from clearing Aether dungeons, Ender dragons, Boss at /arena, with the pupil in your party and many more things like maybe helping level up skills could give a small amount of Respect points however it gets put into the game.

Respect points can be added up to unlock cool new icons to be added by your player name tag like an emblem.

Players cannot have more than 3 pupils accepted at a time You must wait 24 hrs before deleting a pupil

This also shows the community how much of a helpful player you are.

Suggestion idea came from : Dragon Nest's Player mentor system.

 611  Bug Report Closed 06.09.2014  Jukeboxs appears to be Noteblock  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

When you put a music disc into a jukebox, the texture changes to a noteblock. It still plays the sound track and when broken, it drops a jukebox

 614  Bug Report Closed 07.09.2014 23.05.2015  Jukebox and Music Discs dont work together  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When you put a music disc in a jukebox, it doesn't play the music. When you try to put the music disc back in the jukebox, it will not go in. If you break the jukebox and place it down again and put the music disc in, the same situation will repeat.

 618  Bug Report Closed 07.09.2014  Herbalism Icon  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

When I gain experience in Herbalism, it shows a lever instead of a flower.

 620  Bug Report Closed 09.09.2014  Can't check stats  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

I cannot seem to check the stats of people on the GUI.

 626  Bug Report Closed 11.09.2014  Bow animation  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

When shooting a bow (I don't know if this also happens with a regular bow, but it does with valkyrie), the animation while charging up looks screwed up. You just hold the actual item while your arms do the charging animation.

 627  Feature Request Closed 11.09.2014 31.03.2015  Berry Bushes and Orange Trees  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Those blocks should add Herbalism XP when farmed

 628  Bug Report Closed 12.09.2014  Phoenix Leggings (maybe more phoenix gear) break early  No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

As stated in the summary. Phoenix Leggings and possibly other pieces of the Phoenix set break before their durability hits 0. They break when the durability is classified with the color red or somewhere near that durability.

TL;DR Phoenix gear break before they're supposed to.

 633  Feature Request Closed 14.09.2014  Making /Mentor better!  No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

This is what I would suggest to be added to my Mentor Idea:

- Every completed student (13/13 tasks done) You achieve 10 Respect Points.

- You need 3k Respect points to get All Emblems and when you have all Emblems you get the Master Mentor Rank.
1st Emblem 1 Respect Point [Looks like an egg]
2nd Emblem 50 Respect Points.
3rd Emblem 150 Respect Points.
4th Emblem 300 Respect Points.
5th Emblem 500 Respect Points.
6th Emblem 800 Respect Points.
7th Emblem 1400 Respect Points.
8th Emblem 2000 Respect Points.
9th Emblem 2500 Respect Points.
10th Emblem (Last Emblem) 3000 Respect Points. (Of course you can keep getting higher respect points to be top Mentor.)

- Emblems is a small symbol next to the players name.

 638  Bug Report Closed 16.09.2014 23.05.2015  Milking a cow  No jaylee8111
0 2 Task Description

You Milk a cow with a stack of buckets on your hot bar then u get 1 bucket of milk but the other empty buckets dissapears.

 644  Bug Report Closed 17.09.2014  Unable to unprotect  No Porkkana1337
0 0 Task Description

If you have exceeded the limit of protections you are unable to unprotect using the GUI

 646  Bug Report Closed 17.09.2014  Name color unlocks (in-game GUI)  No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

I am Premium IV and Special Unit. I only have access to the Apprentice, VIP, Special Unit and Premium IV name colors. I do not have access to the P.I, P.II or P.III name colors.

 647  Bug Report Closed 19.09.2014  Spawnpoint for new players  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

New players seem to spawn on top of the big tree at /warp newspawn (which is a really old spawn).

 649  Bug Report Closed 20.09.2014 23.05.2015  Silk Touch and Holystone  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When mining holystone that isn't placed with a valk pick with silk touch I, it doesn't count on the Holy Miner VI goal.

 653  Bug Report Closed 20.09.2014  Better Grass doesn't work  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

When I turn better grass off, the retarded all sided grass is still there.

 655  Bug Report Closed 22.09.2014  BOW: One-shotting a pig/cow etc.. with having flame doe ... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

If you were to shoot any entity that drops a raw food type and were to kill it whilst also having flame equipped to your weapon does not drop the cooked version of the food type.

 661  Bug Report Closed 26.09.2014 23.05.2015  Special Units can get Students  No Joyman533
0 1 Task Description

Special Units are able to get students in the Mentor System.

Two people have done it, Cthulhu (no idea what his IGN is), and devinhamster.

They get money etc when their student completes tasks.

Screenshot from devinhamster:

 662  Bug Report Closed 28.09.2014 23.05.2015  Display cases  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Everything in the display case is invisible Please fix.

 666  Bug Report Closed 29.09.2014  I can still see aerclouds  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

When I have blindness (for example from the boss skeleton), I can still see aerclouds everywhere; both in display cases and regularly placed aerclouds while all the rest (except in near proximity) is black (= blindness).

 667  Bug Report Closed 29.09.2014  Dark Oak Log to Plank  No Arbr
0 0 Task Description

Cannot Craft Dark Oak Logs into Planks

 668  Bug Report Closed 30.09.2014 23.05.2015  Connected Textures on glass doesn't work  No woot000
0 1 Task Description
 669  Bug Report Closed 30.09.2014  Anvils make slime sounds  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

When placed and broken, they make slime sounds.

 672  Bug Report Closed 01.10.2014  Breaking banners  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

Breaking banners always drops a plain black banner, all designs disappear as well as the main background colour turning to black.

 674  Bug Report Closed 02.10.2014  NPC Bug at fishing spawn  No GotSkeelz
0 0 Task Description

Well, on the first trade if you trade raw fish instead of bass to the npc you get salmon .. its really weird.

 676  Bug Report Closed 03.10.2014  Lapis lazuli block  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

The lapis lazuli block texture is plain black.

 678  Bug Report Closed 03.10.2014 23.05.2015  Sign breaking animation  No robsherwood
0 1 Task Description

The animation when breaking a sign is weird; a line in the middle of the sign changing to multiple colours before being broken.

 679  Bug Report Closed 03.10.2014  Spawn eggs  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

Renaming a spawn egg, or reusable spawn egg makes it not work at all.

 686  Bug Report Closed 05.10.2014  Respiration doesn't work  No woot000
0 0 Task Description
 687  Bug Report Closed 05.10.2014 23.05.2015  looting dont work on squids  No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

No difference on the amount of fish/ink ask when I kill a squid with my looting 7 sword.

 690  Bug Report Closed 09.10.2014 23.05.2015  MCMMO cancels Fortune  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When you have MCMMO Mining at 1000+, it overwrites fortune and makes it a permanent 2 drops, without fortune (1-8) changing it at all.

 693  Bug Report Closed 11.10.2014 23.05.2015  Inferno Pickaxes and MCMMO  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When mining ore with an inferno pickaxe, MCMMO makes it so it also drops an ore instead of another ingot.

 695  Feature Request Closed 12.10.2014  Panda spawn eggs  No robsherwood
0 0 Task Description

When buying a panda spawn egg from the credit store, or when getting a panda spawn egg from the arena boss, it should have a low chance to be a rainbow panda.

Also, caught rainbow pandas in eggs should have the egg named Spawn Rainbow Panda instead of Spawn Panda.

 699  Bug Report Closed 18.10.2014  New Fences  No ZChaoticLight
0 0 Task Description

Some of the new 1.8 fences don’t drop what they are meant to drop.
I was building a structure with Dark oak fences and when I broke one it dropped redwood fence.

 700  Bug Report Closed 19.10.2014 23.05.2015  Incorrect crafting recipe  No Joyman533
0 3 Task Description

Red bricks and Basalt bricks are made with red/basalt cobble instead of red/basalt stone.

 701  Bug Report Closed 19.10.2014 23.05.2015  Invisible compass and clock  No Joyman533
0 7 Task Description

The compass and clock (called a 'watch' in the inventory) are invisible. This isn't a new bug, it's been around for a few months. It makes these two items unusable.

Also before they went invisible, the red thing in the compass that shows other players in sg never showed anyway.

 707  Bug Report Closed 19.10.2014  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

 713  Feature Request Closed 21.10.2014  Depth Strider 1-3 (and 4-8)  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

There should be depth strider in game. The 4+ books would make you go fast in the water.

 717  Bug Report Closed 25.10.2014 23.05.2015  Obsidian is now Stonetexture after the Update yesterday  No Soulmusician
0 1 Task Description

Hei folks,

since yesterday obsidian got stonetexture plus redstone mining doesnt affect MCMMO.



 719  Bug Report Closed 25.10.2014  Aerbunny disguise is broken  No Soulmusician
0 0 Task Description

The Prem6 Aerbunny disuise does not work anymore it says then silverfish.

 721  Bug Report Closed 26.10.2014  Villagers and Doors  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

Villagers do not recognize Dark Oak Doors as Doors. They don't open or close them.

 729  Bug Report Closed 30.10.2014  Bug That People Can Abuse But Doesn't Do Much  No Joyman533
0 0 Task Description

Well this is a fun little bug, discovered by ZETDeces.

If y'all go into the "You" part of the "U" menu, y'all can choose the name color of 1 premium level above y'all.


ZETDeces (Prem1) Can get Purple (Prem2)
megaMC (Prem2) Can get Yellow (Prem3)

This is probably a bug so I decided to share it with the coders.

 730  Bug Report Closed 30.10.2014  Dispenser's activate randomly on signal off  No Gzer
0 0 Task Description

When using a dispenser it will at random times activate when the signal turns off.

 734  Bug Report Closed 30.10.2014 23.05.2015  Invisible Halloween Hats  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

Frankenstein and UniversePumpkin (and probably another)

 736  Bug Report Closed 30.10.2014 16.06.2015  MCMMO doesn't affect redstone  No woot000
0 2 Task Description

MCMMO doesn't do anything to redstone. It doesn't increase mining skill.

 737  Bug Report Closed 30.10.2014  Punch doesn't knock you back  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

My Valkyrie Bow Punch 7 doesn't knock me back without it rubberbanding me back to my original spot.

 738  Bug Report Closed 30.10.2014 02.11.2014  spellchecks  No Gzer
0 2 Task Description

"U" menu region "telport into region" option.
Should problably be "teleport into region"

When you try to place a bucket of water in someone else's region you aren't allowed in it says "You cannot empty buckkets in this area"
Should problably be "You can't empty buckets in this area"

 740  Bug Report Closed 31.10.2014  Daylight Sensor  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

You can right click daylight sensors in regions you are not a member in to change it to an inverted daylight sensor.

 741  Bug Report Closed 31.10.2014 16.11.2014  Axpex and her brother have a weird see through walls "b ... No Gzer
0 4 Task Description

Axpex told me and showed me a screenshot.
( )

Its a really weird and unique bug which makes me speculate if it isnt her brother that downloaded some sort of see through mod hes been known to do shady stuff...

 742  Bug Report Closed 31.10.2014  Achievement "Trembling at the Tower" says 100 but track ... No Gzer
0 0 Task Description

Achievement "Trembling at the Tower" says you need to dive off 100 times but when you track it the tracker only says 50.

 743  Bug Report Closed 31.10.2014 31.10.2014  Exarp's ahievement "Working at the chicken butchery" is ... No Gzer
0 1 Task Description

Exarp's ahievement "Working at the chicken butchery" isnt registering as done even though she has finished the requirement of killing 100 chickens

 747  Bug Report Closed 01.11.2014  potion effects  No pig001
0 0 Task Description

When you have a potion effect, the time remaining that shows in your inv doesnt count down

 748  Bug Report Closed 02.11.2014  Fire arrow bug much more severe then previus thought  No Gzer
0 0 Task Description

If you get hit twice in a row with fire arrows the fire keeps on until you go into water doesn't go away by itself.

 750  Bug Report Closed 03.11.2014 07.11.2014  Fire from Bows  No woot000
0 1 Task Description

When a fire bow hits you, you catch on fire. It stays forever until you go into water.

 756  Bug Report Closed 05.11.2014  Blackberry Bushes  No woot000
0 0 Task Description

Blackberry Bushes dont drop anything when on Grass
Blackberry Bushes drop Blue Berrys when on Aether Grass

 757  Bug Report Closed 05.11.2014 23.05.2015  Newbies turning VIP cant change theyre name color  No Gzer
0 2 Task Description

The new people turning vip cant change theyre color i dont know if it has something to do with being mentored or not but it might be so far i have only seen mentored ones say it...

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