
ID Task Type  asc Status Opened Last Edited Summary Private Opened by Progress
1054 Bug Report New 12.06.2015 Hats do Not appear on a diamond chest as 1st slot. No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description
1155 Bug Report New 10.07.2015 Repairing hoes gives no EXP in Repairs. No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description
1159 Bug Report New 13.07.2015 Butlers Weapon effects aren't working No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

The Butlers Valkyrie Sword has no reach, Butlers Vampyrism Sword does not heal them, Butlers cursed blades gives no wither debuffs to players

1162 Bug Report New 14.07.2015 Make spectral tool repair give repair mcmmo exp!McMMO No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

Spectral tool + spectral tool = experance

1292 Bug Report New 26.09.2015 Add show all chests to /shop gui No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Add back an option to list all shops in the gui (at least when searching by player).

Right now not all chests get listed, even when they have stock. (Due to the is a public warp in chests region check)

1309 Bug Report New 08.10.2015 Sphax x64 texture pack contains 128 pixel textures No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Some of the textures in the spax pack are 128 pixels wide, causing upsampling of all other textures.

One example:\assets\minecraft\textures\blocks\quartz_block_top.png

1320 Bug Report New 17.10.2015 Add higher Detailed block distance setting No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Optional for players that want it

1386 Bug Report New 23.12.2015 Two Bugs No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

1. Cody says Fall damage with a high amount of armor causes the player to not take fall damage.

2. high level skeletons knock you far away but you end up teleporting back to that location you were before, High level skeletons are supposed to knock you far.

1427 Bug Report New 01.02.2016 Black Stained Glass No JaniHun123
0 0 Task Description

If u place a Black Stained Glass into a Quarter Blocks Block its just black and cant see through it. I hope it get fixed soon. :)

(If u drop a Black Stained Glass its black as well as in the Quarter Blocks Block)

1446 Bug Report New 20.02.2016 Middle Clicking Blocks and Other Issues In Creative. No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

I noticed while building that when I middle clicked some blocks it would give me the wrong one. So I decided to make a list of blocks that give me the wrong block when you middle click it(I literally placed down every single item that you can middle click):

Middle Clicking Issues

  • Iron Door turns into Oak Wood Door.
  • Stonebrick slab turns into stone slab.
  • Most Leaves can’t be middle clicked
  • Golden Oak Logs can’t be middle clicked.
  • Holystone and Mossy Holystone can’t be middle clicked.

Other Issues

* When placing cobblestone and stonebrick monster eggs they turn into stone monster eggs.

1604 Bug Report New 23.05.2016 Mob Spawn Blocks that need fixing. No Jay
0 0 Task Description

- ShadowCockatrice - Gives normal aether Cockatrice, Needs both the green and red Aether Cockatrices.
- ShadowSheepPuff - Looks like a Normal Aether SheepPuff.

1615 Bug Report New 25.05.2016 Mobs not spawning while under a glass roof. No Cbaby1011
1 0 Task Description

I’m not sure if this is a bug, but it doesn’t make sense on why it would be happening. I placed a glass roof over my natural shadow aether mob grinder and they aren’t spawning. The area isn’t region ed so there is not reason why the mobs shouldn’t spawn while under some glass.

If you want to test it out just go to /warp Shadow Aether Mob Grinder and toggle the bridges on the roof.

1637 Bug Report New 05.06.2016 minor Mcmmo bugMcMMO No austinwhite3132
0 0 Task Description

you gain exp for whatever item your holding if you have thornes on your armor and just get hit over and over meaning you get mcmmo exp without using any of the items durability

1677 Bug Report New 10.07.2016 Agility Cape + Grab No Porkkana1337
0 0 Task Description

If you hold the grab key while wearing an agility cape you will still attempt to crawl up a 1 block high block instead of instantly going up

1721 Bug Report Not Implemented 11.09.2016 Languages on technic launcher mssing No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Languages on technic launcher mssing

1724 Bug Report New 18.09.2016 Night vision pots make screen black No thecreeperking01
0 0 Task Description

When i drink night vision pots, my screen goes black. Simply that

1732 Bug Report Not Implemented 25.09.2016 Stained Clay not generating in Mesa in Mining No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Stained Clay not generating in Mesa in Mining
Only orange

1733 Bug Report Not Implemented 26.09.2016 Rainbow pandas on sphax not showing rainbow texture No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Rainbow pandas on sphax not showing rainbow texture

1749 Bug Report New 18.10.2016 Boosted Hopper filter not showing the item when you fir... No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

When you first add an item to a boosted hoppers filter, it doesn’t show up. You need to close the GUI and then open it again. It also does this when you change the setting for the item(IDK what it is called). When you try to click on it to change the color it doesn’t appear till you close and open up the hopper again.

1755 Bug Report Not Implemented 01.11.2016 Mining fatigure not working on spectral pick No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

It has no negative impact when mining with spectral pickaxe.
Works fine with diamond.

1768 Bug Report New 09.12.2016 Shaders Bug in Shadow Aether. No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

I turned on shaders while I had a night vision potion on and had to warp to the shadow aether to see something, then I noticed that it was extremely bright and buggy. If it yo

1774 Bug Report New 22.01.2017 Clipping through armchairs. No noah1359
1 0 Task Description


1791 Bug Report New 18.03.2017 problem with gui's and shaders No hamham1111
0 0 Task Description

Picking up flux breaks the achevements gui, inventory, etc when you are in the shadow aether and you finish a dungeon. it fixes itself when you change dimension

1858 Bug Report New 09.08.2017 Cryptic dungeons breach No hamham1111
0 0 Task Description

The bottom doesn’t stop the sand from falling entirely, as shown here

1859 Bug Report New 09.08.2017 Forest dungeons breach No hamham1111
0 0 Task Description

Forest dungeon’s doors do not have a big enough hitbox, so you can walk straight through them. As shown here

1935 Bug Report New 30.10.2017 Crash me when I eat steak going thru warp pad No Midgetman_17
0 0 Task Description

dont eat while warping will crash bad bad fix pls now thanks dad alaway welcome to lovers, ps i farted thanks again love craftland man. Pig this is cereal pls fix it or if you are nick then i will need you to fix this even more and if marc is reading this must be lucky duck. Love you all have my kids

1954 Bug Report New 09.12.2017 Weird Slider Glitch No Angouleme01
0 0 Task Description

Watch from 3:30 if you want to see the glitch
I just went through that Slider while it was charging at me without receiving damage, is that normal?

2044 Bug Report Not Implemented 16.01.2019 Bronze Dungeon 14255 loses boss after reset No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description


2068 Bug Report Not Implemented 10.04.2019 Please test craftland on Java 1.6 No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Some ppl still have old macs with java 1.6.
We either have to block them or get craftland to work on 1.6 again.

2090 Bug Report New 16.11.2019 First Mate will randomly stop trading No thecreeperking01
0 0 Task Description

The First Mate will randomly stop trading with you without stealing coins/scamming or being damaged. This tends to happen when you fill up the dollar sign bar that is supposed to unlock rare drops easier, but it just stops trading. Wasted 100ks of money due to this bug
ign: Lucipo

2135 Bug Report New 14.07.2021 axe can mine any stone slab like a pick No oddworld111
0 0 Task Description

axe can mine any stone slab like a pick

2153 Bug Report New 10.09.2021 Game breaks on 4:3 aspect ratio monitors No hamham1111
0 0 Task Description

Game refuses to go fullscreen. If you force it with key shortcuts, it just removes the window, cant see it untill f11 again

1018 Bug Report New 31.05.2015 16.06.2015 Quake Bug Game sound Mute. No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

When me and Redeyed_Treefrog killed eachother at the same time 2 times it muted everyones in game sound that was in the Match of Quake 1 we had to reset our clients in order to get it back, please fix.

2136 Bug Report New 14.07.2021 14.07.2021 snow melt No oddworld111
0 1 Task Description

snow melt on crafdtland
on vanila it dont suppose 2 melt it need to be as a solid block

1781 Bug Report New 11.02.2017 12.02.2017 client/server desync No hamham1111
0 2 Task Description

pigzombie grinder, (i dont know if this is what is happening but its my theory)

my grinder invovles blue clouds, with glass above them. they are above the glass, but they refuse to attack even when they are being guess is they are inside of the glass, serverside, but the client thinks they are above it, making them attackable, but they can’t attack back

858 Feature Request New 27.12.2014 Hat effects No Fightr2021
0 0 Task Description

I would like it so even if a hat can’t fit with another hat and it has an effect, for the effect to still be performed. For example, the glasses don’t fit with the pikachu mask, but the effect from the glasses can be active still.

998 Feature Request New 24.05.2015 Thorns No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

High tier thorns goes over 100% chance of reflecting 1-4 dmg, I don’t get the point of there being a high level thorn enchantment if there is no difference from a thorn 6, I watched a video about a guy modding thorns and the higher thorns got it increased the dmg that was sent back to the attacker, Please make it so the higher thorn enchantment the quicker it breaks your gear (high unbreaking effects how fast thorns break) but sends back higher amounts of damage.

1017 Feature Request New 31.05.2015 Unlimited chests for creative No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

Please add Unlimited chests where you can add a certain amount of items into a chest and it will fill whatever its connected to with hoppers and won’t run out, if you want you can set as many it will give at a time.

1051 Feature Request New 12.06.2015 Buff the perf dia Sword No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

On the CL Wiki it states that “its the best sword in the game” That is giving false information. If it is the Best weapon in the game it should get a buff that does a little more Damage than a Valkyrie sword so you got a Valk sword for medium range and a Perf Diamond sword for close up range that way players can put more DMG in. Also having a perf dia sword stronger will get players who wants more dmg to spend cash on repairs.

1052 Feature Request New 12.06.2015 Huge Sword Request No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

Bring in Huge swords Iron, Diamond, Valkyrie, Spectral, Perf Diamond. These Huge swords will be like Two handers which Needs both of your hands to swing one. These swords will have a short cooldown of a few seconds before you can swing each time but do triple the damage of a Normal sword. There can be two Handed Swords and Axes that goes good with both Axes and Sword MCMMO skill. I think these would be cool for both arena boss fights trying to get the most DMG and PvP where a player should watch out and try to block the enemys 2 Handed Sword/Axe on the right time too reduce Durability and Health lost.

1053 Feature Request New 12.06.2015 Set the Number of items on Dispencers/droppers to Give No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

Would be handy to set a Number of items a dropper/dispencer to toss out so that if you got a system to give you items really quick so you don’t want to waste much time on missing your boss fight you could set your food dispencer to 25 to give a stack of 25 Meat at a time.

1056 Feature Request New 13.06.2015 Code the rest of the Emblems in Mentoring Please. No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

A few of us wants more of them Emblems Coded into craftland please, lucario is mentoring people right now and wants to get a high Emblem and I would like my 110+ Student Emblem that would be cool to have by my name :) And im sure others would get motivated by having something cool by their username instead of just Numbers.

1088 Feature Request New 17.06.2015 Show Players own Dmg in a Green Color No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

It is so hard to wonder sometimes the dmg you are doing when there is 10 other players attacking the boss since everyones damage including your is the same shade of Red and healing is Yellow, I think The player Own dmg show show up Green to stand out :)

1103 Feature Request New 21.06.2015 Add Number of students from mentoring finished to /high... No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

I think this would be a cool high score for players to work towards.

1137 Feature Request New 04.07.2015 /highscore for Arena Bosses Killed and first place No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description
1138 Feature Request New 04.07.2015 Make shields of rep reflect Skeleton Boss lighting No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description

Its supposed to block boss projectiles right? Well i think it would be cool for the shield of rep to protect against skeleton boss lighting so you don’t get blind or damaged.

1170 Feature Request New 19.07.2015 Chiseled and Basalt Stone Brick having slabs and stairs No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

It would be awesome if chiseled stone bricks and basalt stone brick slabs had stairs and slabs.

1209 Feature Request New 07.08.2015 End game Plate Body suggestion No jaylee8111
0 0 Task Description Copy & Paste.

1291 Feature Request New 26.09.2015 Add more glow colors No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description


1578 Feature Request New 28.04.2016 Adding a "playlist" to the jukeboxes. No Cbaby1011
1 0 Task Description

I was waiting for Nide to talk to him about this but I am just going to make a feature request so I don’t forget about it.

It would be awesome if a feature was added where you can select multiple songs to play. On the side of each song title there could be a checkbox of some sort and you can choose the songs you want to play and it would go in order from the first song in the list to the last. On top of this there should be a way to change the placement of a song. If a song is the most recent you added but you want it to be the first one that plays you can move it to the very top. Now I have no idea if this is possible, but I just wanted to throw out this idea because it would be a great feature and lots of players would enjoy it.

1605 Feature Request New 23.05.2016 Spectral Axes are Weaker than Perf Dia Axes (Needs buff... No Jay
0 0 Task Description

A sharpness 5 and smite 5 Spectral Axe does less Damage than a Perfect Diamond Smite 9 and Sharpness 9 Axe, is it meant to be like this so players who don’t have these high enchants can do spectral axes instead. If spectral axes are supposed to deal more damage i’d suggest Increasing it’s base damage up a notch Since you got that enchantment level cap to prevent OP Spectral Pickaxes being abused.

1606 Feature Request New 23.05.2016 A extra command for '/Gameworld effect' No Jay
0 0 Task Description

/gameworld effect -p all add <id> [ticks] [Multi]. This will give everybody in my world the effect from the potion.

1681 Feature Request New 11.07.2016 New hat effects No Midgetman_17
0 0 Task Description

Have new effects such as:

1699 Feature Request 05.08.2016 More Hanging Lanterns No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

It would be awesome if more hanging lanterns were added to give some of the useless ores and blocks a use. Of course some of items do have uses but I think they would look really nice.

Items That Would Look Nice as a Lantern

-Shadow Oak Log
-Dark Shadow Oak Log

1743 Feature Request New 06.10.2016 A machine that grinds things up. No Cbaby1011
1 0 Task Description

I had an idea for a machine that would grind things like flowers, bones, blaze rods, glow stone and really anything that gives you a powdered version of itself. It would be fueled by a Mortar and Pestle and would allow an easy way to massively get some items. This would be an advantage for someone like myself who tends to use A LOT of dye. If hoppers can be connected to this machine it would make it even better.

1746 Feature Request New 09.10.2016 Adding more flowers to bonemealing No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

Most of the flowers grow with bonemeal, except hydrangeas, cala lillies, buttercups and the purple flowers you get from the savanna. Would it be possible to add them?

1777 Feature Request New 27.01.2017 Additions for parkour. No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

If we could get pressure plates similar to the ones that Hypixel uses for parkour, it would add a great addition to the server. There would be a start, end and multiple checkpoints where there can be a high score for each of the parkour places that players can try to beat. This would not only add a new feature to the game, it would give lots of players something new to do and the staff can easily just make a new parkour area.

1780 Feature Request Not Implemented 05.02.2017 Add german translations where possible No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

For blocks/items/guides(books)

1810 Feature Request Not Implemented 21.06.2017 Add female skin to Display Dummys. Also add slots for s... No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Add female skin to Display Dummys. Also add slots for skins

1816 Feature Request New 28.06.2017 More hat slots in the skins GUI No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

It would be wonderful if you open up the skins GUI and you have more than one hat slot. It could be similar to how the hats work in the armor slots, but except you can put them in the skin slots.

1852 Feature Request New 29.07.2017 "Wallpaper" resource pack. No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

I found this video that adds “wallpaper” using a resource pack. You just put an item frame down and then put a banner in it to make wallpaper. It would be amazing if you implemented the resource pack into the server, preferably adding it to the default resource pack on the server.

1873 Feature Request New 13.08.2017 Adding slots on dummies to hold swords and wings. No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

Dummies currently cannot hold wings and swords, making it irritating when you create an outfit that includes them.

1016 Feature Request New 31.05.2015 16.06.2015 More end spawns on islands No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Right now there isnt really that many endermen spawns, there should be as many as vinalla then players could make a ender man XP grinder a little ways from an island within the border with the island all lit up cauing the endermen to spawn into the grinder

1182 Feature Request New 22.07.2015 22.07.2015 Boss spawning Idea, A way to give less geared players a... No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description;t=5428

Copy paste link and check it out :)

1405 Feature Request New 06.01.2016 06.01.2016 1 suggestion for ranks No jaylee8111
0 1 Task Description

Faster Warp pad cooldown, Useful for players who are rich and wants a home filled with warp pads going everywhere

1613 Feature Request New 25.05.2016 12.06.2016 Moas No thecreeperking01
0 1 Task Description

Moa spikes on head when riding get in the way alot!! pls fix mom

1761 Feature Request New 13.11.2016 06.01.2017 Adding a filter for every item. No Cbaby1011
0 1 Task Description

Making an option on the filter that allows it to take every item, making it so it would allow there to be more output chests. This would be useful for someone like me who has a lot of items and my hopper duct system gets filled.

1914 Feature Request New 08.10.2017 09.10.2017 Allowing Helmet Skins to be worn in the extra slots lik... No Cbaby1011
1 2 Task Description

With the recent addition of being able to wear armor skins in your armor slots, it would be great if you could wear multiple helmet skins like you can with hats.

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