
ID Task Type Status Opened Last Edited Summary Private Opened by Progress
1875 Feature Request New 19.08.2017 All Planks being used to make Wood Objects No Arbr
1 0 Task Description

Some biomes are hard for players to play in because the tree’s do not allow them to get sticks or specific things they need to survive. I would like to suggest making it so this fixed.

Meaning all Planks [including fruit planks] could make the following (if they dont already)

- Piston
- Sign
- Bookshelf
- Note Block
- Wood Tools [Unless its Skyroot]
- Bowls
- Bed
- Boats
- Trap Door
- Oak Door [If they do not have their own Door Design]
- Crafting Table
- Tripwire
- Stick [Also making it so Magic Sticks can be used in replacement for Normal Sticks]

1871 Feature Request New 11.08.2017 01.11.2017 Country Flags Shown in Chat No Arbr
0 1 Task Description

Personally think it would be pretty neat to have the option to have flags displayed in chat next to the players name. Maybe even with Time-stamps too but just general though country flags next to player names in chat.

Maybe option could say like “Chat Nation Flags [ ]”.

1870 Feature Request New 11.08.2017 Bank Account Balance Signs No Arbr
0 0 Task Description

I am not sure if there is an issue with this type of thing being available but would be cool to see us able to make signs that update with our bank accounts so its easier to view the money in them without having to type a command.

A idea on setting one up could be maybe typing this command and punching a sign.

/account link <accountname> [Password]

Once sign is punched would maybe say Bank accounts name (if that wouldnt cause any issues) and the balance in the account.

This maybe could be a Premium Benefit.

1867 Feature Request New 11.08.2017 Gameworld Radio Support No Arbr
1 0 Task Description

Ability to have gameworlds have music played through out the world. This would be the priority radio going on in the world and would disable Jukeboxes. Could be in the Game Settings for like Quake. But doing this would allow everyone to hear the same music as if it was them listening to /musicplayer

Maybe have a new perm in allowing to change music in the world.

so like “/perm Arbr add GlobalMusicEdit”

1866 Feature Request New 11.08.2017 Player Owned Portal Support Again No Arbr
1 0 Task Description

I remember asking about this before and i believe I was told its possible but would be nice to have players be able to make their own portals to the worlds again like Obsidian portals for nether and glowstone for aether. OFC we have 2 new worlds (Shadow Skylands and Deepvale) and those could maybe be like Beam stone for Shadow Skylands and Mudbricks for Deepvale. Portals could have specific colors also to define what portal they are like Portal:5, Portal:8 etc..etc...

These portal concepts when we last talked would just be portals that dont create another portal on the other side but they will teleport the player to a random location within that world.

Last request with this is making it so its like vanilla where 4×5 is min and 24×24 is max. [Would be good for players when making portals for their town]

1844 Feature Request New 19.07.2017 Display Dummy Resetting Issues No Arbr
0 0 Task Description

I am trying to reset my display dummy to its original look as if its brand new. I have picked it up though before when it was in a weird position and everytime i try to fix to original look it goes to the look i placed it down as. Any chance to maybe make it so if you shift middle click the chest it resets all parts back to an original state completely.

1814 Feature Request New 26.06.2017 01.07.2017 Ravens to be Tamable No Arbr
0 1 Task Description

Ravens despawn pretty quickly and that could be reason little to no people see them. So maybe make them not despawn so fast.

But also maybe make them tamable with a specific seed like corn seeds or something. Maybe have them able to follow you around too if they are tamed. :D Just an idea.

1753 Feature Request New 29.10.2016 Quest Log No Arbr
0 0 Task Description

When doing the quests on Grimlock, maybe for future quests or events have some sort of Quest log where we can re-read what the last npc had said or past npc’s we talked to.

1718 Bug Report New 09.09.2016 Better Leaves Sometimes doesnt work No Arbr
0 0 Task Description

Sometimes some leaves if not placed next to another leaf or a leaf of its kind wont bloom with the better leaves thing.

I am currently playing on Dense Better Leaves with 2.30 i believe size

1308 Feature Request New 07.10.2015 Craftland Stats Page: Countries No Arbr
0 0 Task Description

Ability to see how many players joined craftland from X Country.

1094 Bug Report New 19.06.2015 01.07.2015 Villager Trading Bug No Arbr
0 7 Task Description

Seems some fish when trading a villager dont work. ID Values show to be the same and everything seems good for the trade to happen but it does not happen. It apparently is not only Angler fish that does this too btw.

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