
  • Status New
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  • Reported Version Development
  • Due in Version Undecided
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  • Votes 2
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Attached to Project: Craftland
Opened by paul0608 - 26.02.2017
Last edited by paul0608 - 03.12.2018

FS#1785 - My Feature Requests


Woodcutting: Ability causes lag and could be done better (like doing the whole tree and planting the sapling again)

Axes: is the same skill like swords, could maybe use a different ability (ig. Strong knockback hits)

Swords: Bleeding skill is useless and can be realy annoying at PVP


Chisel and bits: (only works with forge but you might be able to make it work without

Builders Wand: saves alot of time when building flat things (if its a lag issue you could reduce the placeable amount and maybe increese it with your rank)


New item: Trashcan or Voidpipe (alternitive to Dropper+lava which whould lag less and also easyer to do)

Weapons and armor: Balance PVP/PVE (Bow = DMG+ ; Armor=DEF- You shouldnt be able to be immortal but beginnes shouldn’t have a to hard time ; BOSS=ADD True damage)

Daily Quest / Reward System: would get you to do different stuff (ex. Mine 100 diamondore , Win one goldrush, Win one match of survivalgames, place 1000 Blocks...)

Villagers: To get emeralds you have to trade with a bigger variety of items that a premium 6 Player can carry maybe just focus on Harvest and Fish (personally i would prefer only Harvest)

Spawner Counts: eating one skyberry then clicking on the spawner twice and repeating is realy annoying to do, you should be able to use 1 skyberry to reset 500 or 1000 spawns of th e spawner directly

Servershop: It looks realy outdated and could use some additions/changes (ex. why would you sell stuff for 0)

Warppads: Rather that making passwords you should be able to just add the people you want to be able to use it

Skins: Add another row of slots where you can put in your hats rather that using the Reg.stone and goldenfether or hat slot.(so you would also keep your hats in gamesworlds)

Chests: would be nice if you could mark multiple chest with some command like /fasthoppertoggle and edit them all at once (all given permissions and hopperoption)

Autocrafter/Compacter: would craft chosen items for you if they have the material for you

Item Favourite: In the game “Terraia” you can favorite items so you dont accedently sell/ quickstack or drop them
I would really like that feature on Craftland too and i don’t think it is as hard to make because the Mjölnir has also such a behavior.
You could use a command like /favorite slot XY or as it is in “Terraia” Alt-leftclick them (not sure if that matches with an existing shortcut

Hopper ducts: there should be a slot in the hoppers like the filter, where you can tell it to look like a block which you put in , this would allow you to hide Hopperducts.

Custom mob Spawners: It would be cool to be able to add drops to monsters from custom Mobspawners
it could for example drop the items from the chest on top of or next to the spawner
or have slots in the spawner

“Search”-function for you warps


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