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Attached to Project: Craftland
Opened by Randoro - 13.06.2016

FS#1653 - Payment warps

Add the ability to create a pay-to-use warp.

Could be that players can make 2 of these similar to how public warps work, with higher ranks being able to make more.
Before warping to a payment warp the GUI would pop up and say something similar to “Do you wish to pay 100 Coins to warp to warpname?” Yes/No.

Make it so warpowner can set the cost, capped at something like 5k idk. Could also use this to get money out of economy take a % of cost that disappears, costs 100 coins, warpowner gets 80 coins
I think this could be very useful for challenges/mazes as well as shops with nice prices to try make people shop a lot in one go.

pig001 commented on 13.06.2016 13:31

I think a better way of doing this would be to do it with warp pads. Make it so a paid warp pad can be created, that only allows players who paid for it to use it. This would simplify it a lot, and make it easier I think to create paid for shops and stuff (Rather than having to advertise different warps and things).

Would it be paid for per warp use? Or pay a single fee and get access forever.

Randoro commented on 14.06.2016 16:00

Per warp use i would say, or have it an option to be each time/forever, clearly stating which is toggled when a player tries to use the warppad.

Because the forever one could be nice for shops/grinders, the each time could be useful for challenges like parkour with a prize at the end or similar.

A_Land_Whale commented on 07.09.2016 01:29

i like this idea, it would be very cool to see it implemented


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