- Status New
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Feature Request
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version Development
- Due in Version Undecided
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Opened by YellowBird - 24.04.2016
Last edited by YellowBird - 24.04.2016
FS#1571 - Spawn Parkour with all blocks and items in display cases that craftland offers leading to plattforms
Ok here is the idea an i think it can be done in many ways.
Make a parkour around the spawn or have it even go outside the spawn. The parkour simply always uses another craftland block like http://i41.tinypic.com/334qh48.png Although items in display cases can be used that way.
For explanation the blocks can carry signs, which say what it is and what it is useful for.
That is a s-load of fun and very informative and self explanatory.
It is easy to build and would add to spawn.
If someone wants to have it in a own world then go ahead but to get players there a reward would be good.
Just have a parkour with every existing block and item on craftland. Just think about the possibilities with clouds and have even craftbook plattforms to explain things that way. Although redstone could be a thing. The next would be the parkour can easily be expanded when a new update adds new stuff.
I am sure there are plenty of people willing to build something like that. Maybe it could even be a contest in a creative world (christams island?), like who builds the coolest and most fun plus informative parkour about craftland.
Of course you can although set up warps to the most important plattforms in case of the features explained there.
Well i am interested what you think about that.
I was planning on adding a parkour block a while back, basically it was a warp pad that tracked your progress along a "parkour run" or something similar.
It would have allowed players to make their own in creative worlds and such, and could be used in the spawn to create parkours that actually had checkpoints and such.
I might continue it after I return from my exams. I still need to plan out the idea more in my head first.