- Status New
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Feature Request
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Medium
- Reported Version Development
- Due in Version Undecided
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Opened by build_to_the_top - 29.06.2015
Last edited by build_to_the_top - 12.07.2015
FS#1125 - Hoppers facing upwards
hey, i know that you guys are thinking about pipes or something in that direction. This may be an idea if you dont wanna implement pipes.
My suggestion is that you can place hoppers as you are used to.
click shift + look at a block => will create a hopper looking into the block
What if you could place hoppers looking upward to transport items up? Is that even possible?
hoenstly this would be awesome, as with the new sorting feature for hoppers you can make awesome sorting system however there is one down side. If you want to sort a too big amount of one item (cobble f.e) the hoppers wont put the cobble fast enough in the chest and as soon as the hopper slots are full no cobble is sorted. So you need to reinput it in the beginning. having hoppers that transport items upwards you could make an infinite circuit. this would be just one possible usage there are for sure tons.
Hoppers look like they're suppose to have a funnel effect, as in you put it on the top and goes out the bottom. but if you put something inside a funnel, and turned it around, it will just fall right out, this is what droppers are for. to send items up
And before anyone says that its difficult to make a dropper system that goes up, you can drop it into blue aercloud then catch it with water and a hopper at the top, you could also save time for long hopper chains using a dropper and coloured aercloud.
The issue with that is any random person could pick the stuff up and steal it, while an upward hopper system would be enclosed.
yes or possible despawning because the items are not dropped at the exact spot each time and you may loose one or the other. i thought about this to avoid the need to use droppers