- Status New
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Medium
- Reported Version Development
- Due in Version Undecided
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FS#1094 - Villager Trading Bug
Seems some fish when trading a villager dont work. ID Values show to be the same and everything seems good for the trade to happen but it does not happen. It apparently is not only Angler fish that does this too btw.
Can't reproduce.
Can you store that villager in an egg?
It would also help to see the F3 hover of the trade items and the item you used
nide i hade the same problem too already but its not always the same trades. one specific trade is working for one villager and it isnt for another. If i find such a villager in future i will put it in an egg and make a warp and post it here.
i got this villager in an egg...
I actually found a villager for this.
/warp reportpig1
The first trade has uses, and everything looks correct, but it doesnt trade when grapes are instered.
Note: The villager was moved with a reuseable spawn egg, and I believe the villager existed from before the villager update, but its trades reset/where never used origionally.
I cant tell if its just speficic villagers that have this, or its a random bug, but I at least found a singular villager for testing if needed, close if nessesary again obviously.
So, its always the first trade?