- Status New
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- Task Type Bug Report
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Very Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version Development
- Due in Version Undecided
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FS#2055 - /advertise - no damage data possible and weird behaviour when using inline formatting
When trying to figure out how to do damage values on item-id’s for the /advertise command I came across 2 bugs:
1. /advertise shows that it supports “id:data” but there’s no way to actually make damage values work
2. If you mix the item data with an inline tag it completely goes haywire
Expected Behaviour
1. doing /advertise -item 189:4 -1 test
Should output a test advertisement with forest dungeon stone as the icon
2. doing /advertise -item &i189 -1 test
Should output a test advertisement with carved dungeon stone as the icon
Actual Behaviour
1. doing /advertise -item 189:4 -1 test
Outputs a test advertisement with carved dungeon stone (189:0) as the icon
2. doing /advertise -item &i189 -1 test
Steps to reproduce
1. Log into the game
2. Open the Chat (T)
3. Type: /advertise -item &i189 -1 test OR /advertise -item &i189 -1 test
4. Hit enter
5. Cry (optional)