- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Medium
- Reported Version Development
- Due in Version Undecided
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- Private
FS#225 - Renaming items
When you rename 2 stacks of the same item at different times or by different players, they dont stack. I think this would be the NBT data, or just something weird in vanilla minecraft.
Thats a feature request and I will not implement it.
Wait, do you mean it has the exact same name + color (if any) + subtype + enchantments (if any)
Well, for weapons this may never work as weapons have a repair modifier value that changes each time you repair an item
You can press F3 to see more information about items that don't stack
Not to be fixed!
I was renaming gold nuggets to $1(for a game im making), I got someone else to rename the first stack of them to $1, then i renamed the second to $1, both with the exact same color, name, everything(Every thing is the same when using F3) then when i try to stack them, they wont.