- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Medium
- Reported Version Development
- Due in Version Undecided
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- Private
Attached to Project: Craftland
Opened by build_to_the_top - 15.10.2015
Last edited by marc0303 - 16.10.2015
Opened by build_to_the_top - 15.10.2015
Last edited by marc0303 - 16.10.2015
FS#1319 - Iron Door
hey, this seems weird. i encountered it already with arbr but i thought i had to do with where the door was placed but as you can see one opens if its powered and the other doesnt.
Double doors have always been like that(including wooden), one has to be powered and the other not powered. It was like this in vanilla ages ago, but was changed since, and we never changed it.
ok if its normal i can work with it. i was just suprised to see something like that.
pig i think there is something else wrong. if you place one door and a buttton. (look picture) . the door will be remain open and close if you press the button but only the second time you press it. i assume this is the same issue as with 2 doors but this really makes no sense and is really not useful that doors work like that. i am really surprised no one was complaining before. However if it can be changed it would be nice.
the strange thing is that it works if you put the door on the same block but more behind. (place the door from the other side on the same block)
actually now that i think of it its not strange at all as it would be the left door of two doors which works fine.
But just to be clear what i mean here the picture of that as well:
pig i think there is something else wrong. if you place one door and a buttton. (look picture) . the door will remain open and close if you press the button but only after the second time you press the button. i assume this is the same issue as with 2 doors but this really makes no sense and is really not useful that doors work like that. i am really surprised no one was complaining before. However if it can be changed how they changed it for normal mc, it would be nice.
the strange thing is that it works if you put the door on the same block but more behind. (place the door from the other side on the same block)
actually now that i think of it its not strange at all as it would be the left door of two doors which works fine.
But just to be clear what i mean here the picture of that as well:
i thought i could change some typos but it posted it again.