- Status New
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Feature Request
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Very Low
- Priority Low
- Reported Version Development
- Due in Version Undecided
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- Votes
- Private
Attached to Project: Craftland
Opened by BoLo_ - 18.10.2015
Last edited by terminator473 - 08.11.2015
Opened by BoLo_ - 18.10.2015
Last edited by terminator473 - 08.11.2015
FS#1324 - heads
All kinds of rare heads available at the craftland shop only for real money (no credits) and for 10 bucks each. Why? Because I’ve never participated in a staff even and I don’t know how often and what they are.
Thank you for reading,
This task is a sub task of FS#1356 - Player Head
If this was to be added it would use credits of be a special offer.
we already have too many different systems (Vote-points, coins, credits, etc.) Its not worth adding another new system just for a few items
The question is: Why only for real bucks?
If I add them for 10 Euros worth of credits what would be the downside compared to "only for cash"?
Rare heads? if they stay on the shop for ages, they will end up not being rare. if its a special offer depending on how many people buy them depends on how rare they actually are. putting them on the shop isn't that good of an idea, a special offer as nick said would be much better.