- Status New
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Feature Request
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Medium
- Reported Version Development
- Due in Version Undecided
Due Date
- Votes
- Private
Attached to Project: Craftland
Opened by terminator473 - 30.10.2015
Last edited by nidefawl - 02.11.2015
Opened by terminator473 - 30.10.2015
Last edited by nidefawl - 02.11.2015
FS#1330 - Filters and hats
Is it possible for you to make it so any HATS with effects go through the item filter of that hat but without an effect
so you can add a filter of lets say... Mushroom Cow hat without an effect, and if you put a Mushroom Cow with Smelly through the sorting system it’ll get pushed right to the end, but its impossible to have every single Mushroom Cow effected hat on the filter list as its not long enough to fill. it’ll make my sorting systems a lot better working if this is added.
how many effects are there? you can filter 4*9 items if im not mistaken. so for instance one normal mushroomcow hat and 35 mushroomcow hats with effect you could sort using one hopper if im not mistaken?
How does one get every effect mooshroom hat?
Right now the filter system ignores item tags. That means it will treat all hats as if they were the same. I planned to add NBT/Item tag support in the future.