
ID Task Type Status Opened Last Edited Summary Private Opened by Progress
2172 Bug Report New 02.02.2025 Honey Blocks No cca22
0 0 Task Description

When crafting honey Block the Glass Bottle disappear. Not 100% sure if this is intended or not....

2171 Bug Report New 15.01.2025 15.01.2025 renamed hostile mobs No cca22
0 1 Task Description

Ive realized renaming a mob with a nametag still lets them despawn.

As Wiki states:

The Name Tag can be renamed within an anvil in order to give it a name. The newly renamed Name Tag can be right clicked on any non-hostile entity in order to name it.
Naming an entity also prevents the entity from despawning.

2169 Feature Request New 03.11.2024 Resizeable minimap No Tjolleeeh
0 0 Task Description

I forgot if this was suggested previously, but a reziseable minimap would be nice (if possible?). It is currently pretty small on bigger monitors

2168 Bug Report New 20.10.2024 Villager Trading Region Flag Bug(?) No TheLegendJet
0 0 Task Description

Region Setting: Villager Trading

On Default and Everyone (Allow): Outsiders can trade with Villagers (Intended mechanic)
On Members (Deny): It deactivates the ability to trade entirely inside the given Region, as the Owner and for all Members

I am guessing that the Region Flag Permissions on “Members(Deny)” is bugged, as it should let Owners and Members still trade.

If you could please look at that and possibly fix would be amazing, thanks in advance!

2167 Feature Request New 20.10.2024 Daily quests achievement watch No Tjolleeeh
0 0 Task Description

You used to be able to toggle daily quests to show on screen (just like achievements), I guess it was removed at some point?

2166 Bug Report New 20.03.2024 signs go poof No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

if signs are not broken directly, they go poof quite litearlly

2165 Bug Report New 14.02.2023 afk grinding 2.0 No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

Possible to never go afk/ even get steps recorded, if floating in water, without depth strider, using smart moving swimming, in an not water source block

2164 Bug Report New 10.02.2023 region bypass No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

the new book case added by pig a while back is accessible for anyone, even inside regions

2163 Feature Request New 13.01.2023 possible quest system No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

There is already a limited version of a quest system.
However i think it would be beneficial to further expand on the currently existing features, by adding markers on mini and world map.

It would also be a huge advancment if multiple quests could be done at the same time, the overlay for pinned achievements would suit that aswell.
With those 2 thing implemented, nothing would stand in the way of turning cl into a decent quest based rpg.

2162 Bug Report New 02.01.2023 crops grow back rapidly No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

as said in title, happened to notice on multiple occassions, crops after being harvested, grow back in seconds again, multiple times, stops suddenly, is limited to specific chunks, haven’t tried to reproduce yet

2160 Bug Report New 07.08.2022 Flux Bottles value decreased by dispenser No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

While using dispenser, the actual flux released by the bottle is greatly diminished in comparison to broken by hand

2159 Bug Report New 01.05.2022 01.05.2022 Jukebox cannot properly gauge length of .ogg files No Xan
1 1 Task Description

I found that there are a number of issues where the Jukebox and music Player either prematurely terminate/loop a song, or allow it to play past its maximum length. I discovered these when using my website to host static .ogg file links for use in a base.

Some files that cause this problematic behavior are:
- the_empires_finest.ogg (Actual length is 2:22, jukebox reads 2:07 yet oddly terminates the song at 1:50)
- eti_ambition.ogg (Actual length is 2:32, jukebox reads as 2:18 and the gray background bar will actually go beyond the bounds of the screen when rendering. This one terminates at 2:32 as it is expected to.)
- aki_composure.ogg (Actual length is 2:44, jukebox reads as 2:35, and this one terminates at 2:02)
- eternal_bond.ogg (Actual length is 00:58, jukebox reads 0:34 and but play until the end, the gray bar rendering beyond the bounds of the screen here too)

I have not yet tested:
- Other file formats
- Other static sources (though this is unlikely to change anything)
- Other means of generating the ogg files (ffmpeg is the best out there, and all other media players seem to be fine with the files)

These ogg files were generated with ffmpeg.

2158 Bug Report New 12.01.2022 valk armor passive reach No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

valkyrie passive reach does not apply when attacking mobs, works fine otherwise

2157 Bug Report New 12.01.2022 breeding type of mob quests No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

The quest of breeding mobs does not count properly, took me about 28 tries to get a count of 5

2156 Feature Request New 12.01.2022 dart shooters exist? No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

enable bow enchants or at least bow mcmmo for darts, rework overdue

2155 Feature Request New 12.01.2022 acrobatics abusableMcMMO No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

acrobatic mcmmo should not increase in case of immediate death

2154 Bug Report New 12.01.2022 Herbalism mcmmo doesnt workMcMMO No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

double drop and green tera do not work with pams harvestcraft crops

2153 Bug Report New 10.09.2021 Game breaks on 4:3 aspect ratio monitors No hamham1111
0 0 Task Description

Game refuses to go fullscreen. If you force it with key shortcuts, it just removes the window, cant see it untill f11 again

2150 Feature Request New 08.08.2021 Golden amber drops from golden oak trees are whacky No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

Seems way to little + unaffected by fortune on axe and treefeller multi drops

2148 Bug Report New 25.07.2021 30.07.2021 FOV setting No Tjolleeeh
0 1 Task Description

The FOV setting “Dynamic Field of View from Movement” does not save upon exit. You have to toggle it everytime you log in, it defaults to Static.

2147 Bug Report New 25.07.2021 World map filter No Tjolleeeh
0 0 Task Description

When trying to change the filters on the world map, clicking NPCs is the only one that does anything, if you wanna toggle the other stuff it doesn’t work.

2146 Bug Report New 25.07.2021 Relog crash No Tjolleeeh
0 0 Task Description

When using /relog as a macro it crashes the game

Crash log:

#   Minecraft has crashed !   #      


— BEGIN ERROR REPORT c2d8fefd ——– Generated 7/25/21 11:07 AM

Mod version: 9.64
Launcher: Craftland
Shaders: Disable
Resource Packs: Default;;;;;resources;Default (minecraft.jar)
OS: Windows 10 (amd64 on x64 OS) version 10.0
Java: 1.8.0_281, Oracle Corporation
JVM Memory: 3641MB
Texture Memory: Allocated 236.51 MBMB
Tesselator buffers: 6684672 Bytes / 3538944 Bytes
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
LWJGL: 2.8.5 Custom
OpenGL: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 version 4.6.0 NVIDIA 471.41, NVIDIA Corporation

Unexpected error

at Source)

— END ERROR REPORT 78f9d6f5 ———-

2144 Feature Request New 21.07.2021 Finish the conversion over to UUID data storage No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

As far as I’m aware, there’s not too much left to do in regard to this topic. The big issue that stands out currently is the Wikipedia depending on Player Names for User pages, but this may need to be something that just has to stick.

Finishing this will allow users to change their name via Mojang’s traditional method and get that new name on Craftland without requiring an Administrator or Name Change Tag.

2143 Bug Report New 21.07.2021 Creative Inventory does not include the Extended Invent... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

This currently makes it inconvenient for players in creative, or administrators in general, when it comes to equipping and unequipping non-vanilla pieces of gear.

2142 Feature Request New 21.07.2021 Additional 2 equipment slots for Miscellaneous items. No Beandon
1 0 Task Description

With the gradual increase of Miscellaneous equip-able items, it may be wise to consider additional slots, and redesigning the inventory interface slightly to suit these new slots. Or perhaps a different inventory tab altogether.

2141 Feature Request New 21.07.2021 A Region Flag that disallows interaction and combat wit... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

This would be a very useful flag when it comes to decorating events with passive entities without having to place spawners everywhere.
This would also be very nice for those who wish to place their special passive entities in places other than cages.

Might be wise to keep this as a moderator flag only in order to prevent potential abuse.

2140 Feature Request New 21.07.2021 Gameworld Permission GUI No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

A graphical interface for Gameworld Permissions will make it easier to manage these things in those specific worlds, this is mostly here as a reminder.

2139 Bug Report New 21.07.2021 Display Dummies aren't considered by WorldGuard No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Players are able to edit Display Dummies in regioned zones, can be quite annoying when trying to set up a specific stance, and then someone comes along and edits it for the lols.

2137 Feature Request New 21.07.2021 Portal Traveling Effect is always Purple, even in non-P... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Not really a bug, just a feature that hasn’t been considered yet.

2136 Bug Report New 14.07.2021 14.07.2021 snow melt No oddworld111
0 1 Task Description

snow melt on crafdtland
on vanila it dont suppose 2 melt it need to be as a solid block

2135 Bug Report New 14.07.2021 axe can mine any stone slab like a pick No oddworld111
0 0 Task Description

axe can mine any stone slab like a pick

2134 Bug Report New 19.04.2021 Trap door placing on quarter blocks No xLiselle
0 0 Task Description

I can place trap doors on quarter blocks, appears as a quarter of it. Does not return the trap door upon breaking.

2133 Bug Report New 26.03.2021 Breaking brewing stand No xLiselle
0 0 Task Description

When breaking a brewing stand it takes on a plant texture

2128 Bug Report New 24.12.2020 Switching to desktop and back causes issues with the me... No Jonni
0 0 Task Description

When you switch to desktop while being in-game and then back by using Windows key + D the menu glitches out and you can’t get out of it, it keeps coming back, you can fix the issue by going out of the game and back, even just pressing the Windows key and immediately going back by clicking on the client.

2126 Bug Report New 28.10.2020 bridges still buggy No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

dk how much wiggle space there is with that feature, but there is a common problem with bridges, typically with grass, where the grass turns into dirt thru external factors, it becomes a “seperate bridge” since it doesnt correspond with the initial bridge, thus you need to either turn it back into grass or destroy the bridge and place a dirt bridge to activate-deactivate, else the blocks just stay invincible, floating for forever
somehow some people managed to do that with other blocks, thats pretty rare tho

2125 Bug Report New 28.10.2020 Growing trees affects soil No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

planting overworld trees in aether turns the aether dirt underneath the trunk to normal dirt, also managed to create aether dirt out of normal grass

2124 Bug Report New 17.09.2020 Spurce wood glitch, bug No BlackJugler
0 0 Task Description

So apperantly Spurce wood drops Oak wood once placed sideways and if you place spurce wood sideways it changes to Oak wood.

2123 Feature Request New 27.08.2020 26.03.2021 Couple of slightly faulty customblocks No M_E_Lagius
0 1 Task Description

Known ones are Moonglobe, off centred, Penguin Doll, eyes 1 block too low, “arbrs white chair” is turned by 90°, there are a couple more, maybe just quickly check all custom blocks, then “hire”(enslave) a aw creator to fix them, override the existing files

2121 Bug Report Not Implemented 10.06.2020 FOV Normal/Static setting doesn't save/load No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

FOV Normal/Static Setting doesn’t save on client shut down, or doesn’t read on client boot.

2120 Bug Report Not Implemented 19.05.2020 27.08.2020 Fortune works on Skyroot Trees No Beandon
1 1 Task Description

Been a thing for a while, forgot to fix it.

2119 Feature Request Not Implemented 16.05.2020 27.08.2020 Unique Sign that displays a player's stat No Beandon
1 1 Task Description

Can be used to flex off a stat that the player has

2117 Feature Request Not Implemented 16.05.2020 27.08.2020 Quicksoil Glass Pane No Beandon
0 2 Task Description

no task description

2115 Bug Report Not Implemented 16.05.2020 When wearing a glinted item, held blocks and shields re... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Also that.

Can be seen with a grass block, the top of the grass block becomes grey also.

Can be seen with shields and all blocks held, as they get darker.

2114 Bug Report Not Implemented 16.05.2020 Shields render with a tint when the player is wearing a... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description


2113 Bug Report Not Implemented 16.05.2020 27.08.2020 Fire Spreading flag doesn't do shit No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

Thank you mini

2112 Bug Report New 01.05.2020 hopper duct splitter No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description

when a hopper duct splitter is active and 1 of the chests is full with an item that can’t be devived it gets stuck

2111 Bug Report New 30.04.2020 damage lock doesn't work No BlueShadows22
0 0 Task Description

the damage lock ability applied by elysian knight, captain,etc. doesn’t work. observed while using an enchanted valkyrie sword

2110 Bug Report New 30.04.2020 Captain HP listed as 10,000 instead of 5,000 No BlueShadows22
0 0 Task Description

health bar above captain boss’ head is 10,000 (not the boss hp bar at the top) instead of 5,000

2109 Bug Report New 29.04.2020 27.08.2020 Bees not working No FuzzyPandaPurple
0 1 Task Description

Bees don’t work at all in the aether, I have my habitat exactly how I had it in the overworld, but the bees do not come out of their nests.

2107 Feature Request Not Implemented 12.04.2020 27.08.2020 A way to see the range of beacons No Beandon
1 1 Task Description

Yes. Requested many times.

2104 Feature Request New 12.04.2020 Sort candy by rarity/amount added No Tjolleeeh
0 0 Task Description

Being able to sort candy by rarity/amount added in the “Hungry Bag o’ Treats”

2103 Bug Report New 24.03.2020 Item off center No Gzer
0 0 Task Description

Hello, The item “Moon Globe” by Vermillion X is off center.

Its especially visible if you put it on fence and look from below.

2102 Bug Report New 24.03.2020 27.08.2020 Hopper Ducts loss of items No Gzer
0 1 Task Description

Hello, I havn’t tested it thoroughly, but a chest with water bottle with a boosted hopper below going into brewing stands, makes you loose a lot of the water bottles.

My guess is that its the bottles odd stack size, 8, which does it when it goes into boosted hopper or from there to hopper ducts or even from the hopper ducts and into the brewing stands.

2098 Bug Report New 08.02.2020 map display fails on leaves and slabs No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

leaves and half block slabs display incorrectly on mini and bigger map

2096 Bug Report Not Fixed 20.12.2019 27.08.2020 Bounce cloud collision is wack No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

When bouncing on clouds, if the player has enough downward momentum their hitbox can SOMETIMES slip through the base of the aercloud, allowing the player to collide with anything underneath. If this happens to be lava, the player will burn.

2094 Bug Report New 28.11.2019 Boobs on Artifact Glow No Beandon
0 0 Task Description


2090 Bug Report New 16.11.2019 First Mate will randomly stop trading No thecreeperking01
0 0 Task Description

The First Mate will randomly stop trading with you without stealing coins/scamming or being damaged. This tends to happen when you fill up the dollar sign bar that is supposed to unlock rare drops easier, but it just stops trading. Wasted 100ks of money due to this bug
ign: Lucipo

2089 Bug Report New 11.11.2019 Lit elysian dungeon stone does not produce light. No KidoftheForest
0 0 Task Description

Lit elysian dungeon stone is infact not lit.

2084 Bug Report New 13.10.2019 18.10.2019 disabling of certain spawner misfunctioning No M_E_Lagius
0 1 Task Description

Disabling spawners with a lever normally works, seems to malfunction on a pig spawner, havent tested alot others but works on cow, blaze and villager
The particles do vanish but the spawner continues spawning

2081 Bug Report New 26.09.2019 vanishing of levitated blocks No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

levitating blocks with gravitite tools through half slabs causes them to vanish

2072 Bug Report New 14.05.2019 boss spawner at arena has a visual glitch No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

as said in summary, boss spawner in arena still works, fails to show the amount of percentage that it has loaded though

2068 Bug Report Not Implemented 10.04.2019 Please test craftland on Java 1.6 No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Some ppl still have old macs with java 1.6.
We either have to block them or get craftland to work on 1.6 again.

2067 Feature Request New 05.04.2019 Making Coldfire switchable No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

An option to switch cold fire on and off like normal fire on netherrack with a lever would be highly appreciated
Atm using cookingbook recipes with cold fire uses up 1 cold fire bc you need to place it after inserting the ingredients or else it ruins the cooking
Would suggest dark holystone or magma block or maybe a new block droppable from a shadow skylands mob

(sorry if that feature already exists, information about such plugins are sadly not that easily accesible and asking didnt brought me anywhere)

2060 Feature Request New 10.02.2019 Durability Notifier (like the bukkit plugin) No Soulmusician
1 0 Task Description

2056 Bug Report New 03.02.2019 Jukebox Direct Link Buffer No Inspector_Dawgy
0 0 Task Description

About a year ago I didn’t have this issue, but now that I’ve returned I’ve noticed that the jukebox is a bit finicky. When using any direct link to a song (.mp3) I’ve noticed that (depending on the song it seems) it will play for X amount of seconds and then suddenly go into a state of buffering and loop back to the start before the song really even got started and it’ll do this on repeat. I’ve tried multiple sites to see if they’d yield different results however they didn’t.

2055 Bug Report New 31.01.2019 /advertise - no damage data possible and weird behaviou... No Cerbion
0 0 Task Description

When trying to figure out how to do damage values on item-id’s for the /advertise command I came across 2 bugs:
1. /advertise shows that it supports “id:data” but there’s no way to actually make damage values work
2. If you mix the item data with an inline tag it completely goes haywire

Expected Behaviour

1. doing /advertise -item 189:4 -1 test
Should output a test advertisement with forest dungeon stone as the icon

2. doing /advertise -item &i189 -1 test
Should output a test advertisement with carved dungeon stone as the icon

Actual Behaviour

1. doing /advertise -item 189:4 -1 test
Outputs a test advertisement with carved dungeon stone (189:0) as the icon

2. doing /advertise -item &i189 -1 test



Steps to reproduce

1. Log into the game
2. Open the Chat (T)
3. Type: /advertise -item &i189 -1 test OR /advertise -item &i189 -1 test
4. Hit enter
5. Cry (optional)

2053 Feature Request New 27.01.2019 28.01.2019 Hidden doors (inspirational) No Soulmusician
0 1 Task Description

Basically doors in any blockcolor.

2048 Bug Report New 20.01.2019 20.01.2019 please add a flint block, wall, stairs, slabs, bricks e... No Soulmusician
0 1 Task Description

How about a flint block.

Aswell flint, gund and gunpowder plus iron could be a recipe for grenades.

Special tnt with flint blcocks which gets gravity and falls like sand once it hits the ground it goes boom.

2044 Bug Report Not Implemented 16.01.2019 Bronze Dungeon 14255 loses boss after reset No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description


2041 Bug Report New 10.01.2019 Deepvale Cherry Tries aren't correctly rendered on the ... No Cerbion
0 0 Task Description

The leaves of cherry Trees in Deepvale will have the wrong colour on the big/full map.

Expected Behaviour

Opening the full map will show bright pink colours for the leaves of any cherry tree.

Actual Behaviour

Opening the full map will only render the floor beneath the leaves and adjust the edges for the height of the leaves (so it looks like something is there, but you can’t tell that it’s cherry tree leaves).


100% (at least in Deepvale)

Steps to reproduce

1. Log Into the Game (Craftland)
2. Teleport to Deepvale
3. Discover or plant any “Cherry blossom” Tree (Not the actual fruit trees)
4. Open the full map

Can be easily viewed at our base: /warp forestcastle
Biome: Cherry Grove

2034 Bug Report New 19.11.2018 Lift thru allows glitching thru floor No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

Using lift thru while the destination height is covered by 1 block it doesnt show destination obstructed but rather ports you into the bock, without a block underneath it you glitch thru

2030 Bug Report New 20.09.2018 kicked by pressing f onto staff while they change world No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

got recently kicked bc I wanted to look into nides inventory while he was warping into another world
not sure which tho

2028 Bug Report New 20.09.2018 afkexemption thru water No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

recently discovered that floating in a 1 high block of water with the smartmoving swimming prevents you from going afk
you can still get banned for it
works on all premium and non premium

2025 Bug Report New 08.09.2018 Buying soldout items at arena No M_E_Lagius
0 0 Task Description

If you buy items at the arenanpc that are already sold out you will just get the next item to the right that he offers, haven’t tried how it works if that item is sold out too, only works if you have enough medals for that other item

2024 Feature Request New 07.09.2018 Rewards for Contributing to the Wiki No BlueShadows22
1 0 Task Description

Title says it all, our wiki is an outdated wasteland and as someone who used to contribute to it daily a few years ago I am slightly saddened by the fact. Why not just give out some crappy rewards for making contributions? “Abuseable” you say, but the few players we have are quite loyal and I think could easily be trusted not to abuse the system. Plus, all wikis have things set in place to deal with garbage. Deleting misinformation would count as contribution too.

2020 Bug Report New 23.08.2018 21.10.2018 Achievement task thingie, the last one wont get away, a... No darkwayers
1 1 Task Description
2018 Feature Request New 17.08.2018 observer No Jufhuto
0 0 Task Description

can you please add observer to the server?
its from a later version of vanilla minecraft

1996 Bug Report New 02.07.2018 Pine saplings do not grow if there is ANY snow nearby No Peurankello
1 0 Task Description

Was having some difficulties with growing pine trees, when I discovered that pine saplings only grow if there is no snow nearby. I tried creating a 20×20 ring of snow around a sapling to see how much grass they need, still nothing. Even having a single snow carpet near the sapling will result in the sapling not growing. (OpenCreative - +19, -1324, 77)

1994 Bug Report New 06.06.2018 Super Breaker on Zircon Ore drops materials + an extra ... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

When using Super Breaker on Zircon Ore, it drops the materials + a zircon ore instead of just dropping extra materials.

And no my pickaxe didn’t have silk touch.

1992 Feature Request New 06.06.2018 ItemEntity sucker and destroyer type block No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

The idea of this block is to suck up unneccessary item entities within a radius and destroy them from the game entirely.
This type of block would be useful to place within grinders that produce an excess amount of items that nobody really wants (flesh, bones, bows etc...).

The reason why I suggest this be a thing is because it can significantly reduce the entity count within an area, reducing the amount of lag on the server and nearby users using low-end machines.

In order to counteract users abusing this block to potentially destroy other players’ items I suggest;

  • Don’t pickup items that were dropped by players (if this can be checked).
  • Limiting the types of items that can be set to be picked up and destroyed to Rotten Flesh, Sticks, Glowstone, Glowstone Dust, Blue Aercloud, Bones, Arrows, String, Spider Eyes, Gunpowder and Non-Enchanted Bows/Wood-Gold tools|armor (I’d also like to recommend to allow users to toggle which of these specific items are picked up or ignored by the block).
  • Limiting the radius to 3 blocks.

If this is an issue: To prevent potential lag being caused from the block itself, make it so it only checks for item entities every 30 seconds/1 minute or so.

I was going to suggest a hopper that sucked nearby items in, but this can be abused in more ways than this block can with the limitations put in place.

1991 Bug Report New 03.06.2018 Mandragora's don't give Monster Hunt points No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Title says it all.

1989 Bug Report New 24.05.2018 Spider Jockeys from Spider Spawners give Monster Hunt P... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Spider Jockeys have a low chance of spawning from a Spider Spawner. Mobs spawned from spawners should not give points but since the Jockey part is done seperately, the skeleton is still worth Monster Hunt Points.

1986 Bug Report New 02.05.2018 Chest skins page on the Wiki is bugged/unfinished No YatoOfCalamity
0 0 Task Description

If you are to visit the chest skins page of the wiki ( , You will see that after “Burger king” all of the skins are nameless and have the exact same icon. I also noticed that the item image at the top right is also that of the skirt skin and has the skirt skin name. Not sure if this is just unfinished or it’s a bug but just notifying you of it.

1980 Bug Report New 11.04.2018 Region Flag - "Send leave notify msg" - Does not work w... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

When teleporting (into a different world) out of a region with “Send leave notify msg” enabled, the owners of the region do not get notified of this action. However, when walking/jumpto’ing/enderpearling out of the region (basically anything within the same world), the message is sent as intended.

1976 Bug Report New 11.03.2018 24.04.2018 Source of the Sign Bug (the one that Mizsi has) No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

Seems to be that the source of this bug is NOT a large amount of entities nearby. It’s the nearby activity of blockstate changes. For example; within my grinder I turned off my bridges, the signs no longer had an issue. Turned them back on.. The bug came back.

For those who don’t know the bug; Editing a sign causes the data of the sign to be lost whilst editing every few seconds (which turns out to be the regular intervals that the bridge switches on/off), leaving the player with only a few seconds to try and change the sign information. If the user tries to edit the sign for too long, they crash.

1974 Feature Request New 25.02.2018 Gold Dungeon Loot No Bubik2
0 0 Task Description

Ik there was already a dungeon loot update
but i think since u can get so many life shards in the elysian dungeon its useless to keep them in gold dungeons
maybe add a food shard only for the gold dungeon so its worth doing them and so you can have 2 bars of hunger instead of one

1973 Bug Report New 20.02.2018 First Mate No Bubik2
1 0 Task Description

So after the First Mate got updated you cant trade with him anymore he shows always 0 Coins and no Item thats after i catched him with a reuseable spawn egg also the spawn egg dont changes to spawn first mate you inv gets bugged you cant break blocks until you relog

Im not sure if its at all first mates because i got some old ones stored but dont want to risk it that i get bugged again

1971 Bug Report New 06.02.2018 Monster Hunt - LavaSlime doesn't double pts No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Killing any sized magma cube in the monster hunt does not give 20pts instead of the usual 10 when it’s boosted.

1969 Bug Report New 30.01.2018 Cannot sort full chests with a full inventory No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Pressed the [Sort] button in a chest filled with armor whilst having an inventory filled with armour, it didn’t work. I then removed one item from my inventory and clicked the [Sort] button, it worked.

1960 Feature Request New 10.01.2018 Item announcements for Silver, Gold and Pirate dungeons... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

The “just won” thing is nice to see from time to time and I believe it would be nice to see people “win” a rare item from a different dungeon other than Elysians. For example; the Silver Dungeon could announce for winning a Valkyrie Sword/Valkyrie Wings. The Gold Dungeon for the Braixen Tail/Inferno Pickaxe or a Clarinet. The Pirate Dungeon.. Revenant Dagger/Ender Bag or any of the shields. Bronze Dungeon... theresnothingreallytherethatsworthalot:(

If the amount of spam that comes from this becomes too much, if it doesn’t exist already; have an option to send these messages to a different tab.

It would make the newer players see what kind of things you could get from these dungeons and make them want to try those dungeons instead of being intimidated by the difficulty of the Elysian Dungeon for newbies. Additionally, it will allow a newer player to see the value of that item since it was worthy of being announced that they had obtained it (also this is probably just me, but i get a little thrill when an item I win is announced because its like “oh wow i got something good :D”).

1955 Bug Report New 11.12.2017 Invalid Carved/Sentry Stone Drop Tooltip No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

When looking at Carved Stone, it says that it drops Pirate Stone. Same goes with Sentry Stone saying it drops Light Pirate Stone.

1954 Bug Report New 09.12.2017 Weird Slider Glitch No Angouleme01
0 0 Task Description

Watch from 3:30 if you want to see the glitch
I just went through that Slider while it was charging at me without receiving damage, is that normal?

1950 Bug Report New 19.11.2017 Sign gone, bridge stays activated however No Crovan
0 0 Task Description

It’s pretty easy to set up a bridge and a good way not to waste so much resources but instead signs.
However, if you break the block the sign stands on, the bridge won’t dissapear.
Like this it’s theoretically possible to “build” huge platforms in nearly no time, using 2 signs and a few resources.
Pretty unbalanced? just make sure Hamster won’t find out, he might use it for his platform otherwise :3

*Not that I do not appreciate this bug, but it still is a bug :P

1947 Feature Request New 18.11.2017 New slots for armor stands No fin344
0 0 Task Description

What about 3 new slots for armor stands:
Cape slot for capes :o
A slot where you can put any item that hes holding
A slot for shields

1945 Feature Request New 15.11.2017 Blazes don't drop rods when killed through water No Crovan
1 0 Task Description

In case Blazes die through water they won’t drop blaze rods.
For all people looking for an automatic furnace, this turns out to be.. bullshit.
Me and Tweety would appreciate to have at least the normal drop chance or lower for blaze rods if killed through water.

1944 Bug Report New 12.11.2017 Being able to skipp the breaking of the stones at the p... No fin344
0 0 Task Description

When fighting a captain, you can when he hides in the room just relog and he spawn with the hp he lost
in the boss room so you can skipp the phase where you have to break the stones. (the mobs he is spawning when hes beginning to hide will still remain)

1936 Bug Report New 01.11.2017 22.11.2018 Sound No paul0608
0 2 Task Description

I’d like an option called “mute sound in background”

1935 Bug Report New 30.10.2017 Crash me when I eat steak going thru warp pad No Midgetman_17
0 0 Task Description

dont eat while warping will crash bad bad fix pls now thanks dad alaway welcome to lovers, ps i farted thanks again love craftland man. Pig this is cereal pls fix it or if you are nick then i will need you to fix this even more and if marc is reading this must be lucky duck. Love you all have my kids

1933 Bug Report New 24.10.2017 Slimes get always stuck in blue aerclouds No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description

Some mobs get stuck on the outlines of the block, especially the slimes since they are usually multiblock mobs. players can also get stuck in between 2 or more edges of blue aercloud blocks

1931 Bug Report New 24.10.2017 (Boosted) Hopper doesn't always pickup the items No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description

the items just sit on the boosted hopper or keep flowing over it especially with many different whitelisted items

1930 Feature Request 24.10.2017 Loot All button for Loot Chests No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

A [Loot All] button for Loot Chests would be convinient. Some players don’t know how to shift click and in general having a [Loot All] button would be quicker for people who are looting dungeons.

1928 Approved Task New 21.10.2017 20.09.2018 Add Boosted droppers No darkwayers
2 2 Task Description

It’s odd to have only boosted hoppers, while if you use droppers to get rid of the waste material by burning it, for example, it generates less lagg than ignoring the entities that aren’t being picked up.

1927 Feature Request New 20.10.2017 Homing Bow No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Potential loot for a future dungeon; a homing bow.

The bow would not be able to be enchanted with Flame, Infinity or Punch to keep it balanced (Basically, only enchantable with power and unbreaking through the anvil) and its base damage would be slightly less than the average bow (not to the extent of rendering it useless). The arrows fired by this bow, as long as its charged long enough, will lock on to a nearby entity within 20-30 blocks of the arrow in flight and will prioritise higher risk enemies (Such as bosses or higher level mobs). The arrow would dissapear once it has hit the ground to prevent a potential bug that could arrise and for balance purposes. The durability of this bow would be the same as any other and repaired with Zircon/Onyx. The colour of this bow could be black or blue (hence the repair materials either being zircon or onyx, giving more use to these materials). The rarity of this bow could be epic (bright purple) and a slightly less chance to obtain in a loot chest than a Valkyrie Sword (about 0.5% instead of 1%)

I thought of this idea since the future could hold more mobile bosses, we need more bows and it helps people who have bad aim but wish to use a ranged weapon :3

1926 Feature Request New 20.10.2017 A new Cookpot recipe - "Upgraded Aether Orb" No Beandon
2 0 Task Description

I was think that another magical recipe could be added; It would consist of the Aether Orb for certain and the result would be a brew that could give you *almost* any item in the game (excluding stuff like wands, bedrock, trap blocks, dungeon doors, invis blocks, unobtainables etc.) once you ate it. It would need to be a semi-expensive recipe (similar to the sucking and pushing potions) but it would be much more fun than just being limited to gems, think of it as an upgraded Aether Orb. The chances of getting something of value would be small due to the amount of items that exist but the chance is still there.

Just an idea that I think would be pretty cool to see :)

1924 Feature Request New 17.10.2017 12.08.2018 Extra Wing Slot No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

Wondering if it would be possible to create a secondary wing slot? Due to there being wings and tails now; some people would like to wear both. Maybe add an additional NBT tag for the “Tail” wings so that only one of each can be worn and not two of the same type.

1918 Feature Request New 10.10.2017 Disabling helmet showing only No devinhamster
0 0 Task Description

Most hats look terrible when wearing a helmet, so you have to not wear a helmet or put hide armor on. I request a hide helmet feature.

1916 Feature Request New 09.10.2017 Valk heads in valk dungeon No 2hairman2
0 0 Task Description

Valk heads (hat) for loot in valk dungeon pls.

1914 Feature Request New 08.10.2017 09.10.2017 Allowing Helmet Skins to be worn in the extra slots lik... No Cbaby1011
1 2 Task Description

With the recent addition of being able to wear armor skins in your armor slots, it would be great if you could wear multiple helmet skins like you can with hats.

1911 Bug Report New 08.10.2017 09.10.2017 Vote Detection No Beandon
0 1 Task Description

Perfectly fine when detecting my vote, I recieve all the points I should get, but it leaves the vote button flashing. Sites 5 and 6, for me at least, do not go down as voted and the button continues to flash.

1907 Feature Request New 06.10.2017 Stackable Dungeon Weapons No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

Like regular tools and weapons, they can stack up to 8 as long as they are exactly the same. I think this would be useful for loot from Bronze, Silver and Gold dungeons. Mainly for people who want to do a day of farming those dungeons and it will save going back to “camp” to store all of them and go back again.

1901 Bug Report New 01.10.2017 Occasionally, half/all of your message sent vanishes fo... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

When typing a longer message, there seems to be a completely random chance for half of the message, if not, all of the message not to appear for your side but appear for everyone else. This can confuse users, causing them to repeat their message or ask if their message was sent.

(Bare in mind I have only seen this happen on my account and my brothers account)

1897 Feature Request New 29.09.2017 Axe skins No Beandon
1 0 Task Description

Since Axes could be used as weapons, I was thinking that maybe make it possible that they could either have their own skin slot, or also be effected by the weapon skin slot.

1894 Feature Request New 27.09.2017 Hat/Skin Icons on front of Diamond Chests No Beandon
1 0 Task Description

Simply put, I would like to be able to see the top hat icon on front of a diamond chest with hats in the first slot and whichever skin icon is used if that is in the first slot too :3

1893 Feature Request New 26.09.2017 An additional region attribute to disable potion throwi... No Beandon
0 0 Task Description

An additional toggle to disable/enable potion throwing would be helpful to prevent any poison throwing in areas where projectiles are enabled but pvp is disabled.

Would it be possible to maybe allow positive effects and disable negative effects within a pvp-free region too? Could be easier than creating another attribute.

1880 Feature Request New 05.09.2017 A person who's not added to the region as member/owner ... No darkwayers
5 0 Task Description

in the region where they are in, it’s quite annoying if you allowed someone to tp and the person is going to kill your animals.. trade with villagers and so forth

1879 Bug Report New 04.09.2017 Some mobs don't add to monster hunt scores No VetaPhoenix79
0 0 Task Description

I’m not sure if this was intentional, but I’ve been noticing that Zephyrs don’t add to your score. Just now, I also noticed that Mummies in Deep Vale do not add to your monster hunt scores.

1875 Feature Request New 19.08.2017 All Planks being used to make Wood Objects No Arbr
1 0 Task Description

Some biomes are hard for players to play in because the tree’s do not allow them to get sticks or specific things they need to survive. I would like to suggest making it so this fixed.

Meaning all Planks [including fruit planks] could make the following (if they dont already)

- Piston
- Sign
- Bookshelf
- Note Block
- Wood Tools [Unless its Skyroot]
- Bowls
- Bed
- Boats
- Trap Door
- Oak Door [If they do not have their own Door Design]
- Crafting Table
- Tripwire
- Stick [Also making it so Magic Sticks can be used in replacement for Normal Sticks]

1873 Feature Request New 13.08.2017 Adding slots on dummies to hold swords and wings. No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

Dummies currently cannot hold wings and swords, making it irritating when you create an outfit that includes them.

1871 Feature Request New 11.08.2017 01.11.2017 Country Flags Shown in Chat No Arbr
0 1 Task Description

Personally think it would be pretty neat to have the option to have flags displayed in chat next to the players name. Maybe even with Time-stamps too but just general though country flags next to player names in chat.

Maybe option could say like “Chat Nation Flags [ ]”.

1870 Feature Request New 11.08.2017 Bank Account Balance Signs No Arbr
0 0 Task Description

I am not sure if there is an issue with this type of thing being available but would be cool to see us able to make signs that update with our bank accounts so its easier to view the money in them without having to type a command.

A idea on setting one up could be maybe typing this command and punching a sign.

/account link <accountname> [Password]

Once sign is punched would maybe say Bank accounts name (if that wouldnt cause any issues) and the balance in the account.

This maybe could be a Premium Benefit.

1867 Feature Request New 11.08.2017 Gameworld Radio Support No Arbr
1 0 Task Description

Ability to have gameworlds have music played through out the world. This would be the priority radio going on in the world and would disable Jukeboxes. Could be in the Game Settings for like Quake. But doing this would allow everyone to hear the same music as if it was them listening to /musicplayer

Maybe have a new perm in allowing to change music in the world.

so like “/perm Arbr add GlobalMusicEdit”

1866 Feature Request New 11.08.2017 Player Owned Portal Support Again No Arbr
1 0 Task Description

I remember asking about this before and i believe I was told its possible but would be nice to have players be able to make their own portals to the worlds again like Obsidian portals for nether and glowstone for aether. OFC we have 2 new worlds (Shadow Skylands and Deepvale) and those could maybe be like Beam stone for Shadow Skylands and Mudbricks for Deepvale. Portals could have specific colors also to define what portal they are like Portal:5, Portal:8 etc..etc...

These portal concepts when we last talked would just be portals that dont create another portal on the other side but they will teleport the player to a random location within that world.

Last request with this is making it so its like vanilla where 4×5 is min and 24×24 is max. [Would be good for players when making portals for their town]

1859 Bug Report New 09.08.2017 Forest dungeons breach No hamham1111
0 0 Task Description

Forest dungeon’s doors do not have a big enough hitbox, so you can walk straight through them. As shown here

1858 Bug Report New 09.08.2017 Cryptic dungeons breach No hamham1111
0 0 Task Description

The bottom doesn’t stop the sand from falling entirely, as shown here

1857 Feature Request New 08.08.2017 Nether Wart Herbalism Levels No DoomRider76
0 0 Task Description

This isn’t the biggest request and it doesn’t affect too much so i’ll keep this short. Nether warts, unlike other crops, do not give herbalism. It would make sense to give xp, since nether wart is quite similar to crops. Plus it’s the only farm i’ve built and I want herbalism levels. Thanks :)

1852 Feature Request New 29.07.2017 "Wallpaper" resource pack. No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

I found this video that adds “wallpaper” using a resource pack. You just put an item frame down and then put a banner in it to make wallpaper. It would be amazing if you implemented the resource pack into the server, preferably adding it to the default resource pack on the server.

1851 Feature Request New 27.07.2017 Be able to change the flag about what level of mobs the... No darkwayers
1 0 Task Description

At the moment if you want to get leveled mobs you need to make a box around an area and region that and hope no-one gets through, which is the opposite a region should do. atm if I want a grinder with redstone etc I need to make about 20 different small regions to protect the grinder instead of having a region that is just letting leveled mobs spawn

1847 Bug Report New 21.07.2017 Invisiable Item icon No xXLadyMagmaXx
1 0 Task Description

When the new Deepvale item, Toilet is in your inventory, it is invisible and we are only able to see the name of the item by hovering over the slot that it is in. It says “toilet” But does not show anything else.

1846 Bug Report New 20.07.2017 Enchanter doesn't give XP when shift clicking No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description

This might be the same with furnaces

1845 Feature Request New 19.07.2017 Elysian Key Crafting No ESP_ScOpEzZ
0 0 Task Description

Please allow it to be that you can craft a stack at a time (Stack as in 8)

1844 Feature Request New 19.07.2017 Display Dummy Resetting Issues No Arbr
0 0 Task Description

I am trying to reset my display dummy to its original look as if its brand new. I have picked it up though before when it was in a weird position and everytime i try to fix to original look it goes to the look i placed it down as. Any chance to maybe make it so if you shift middle click the chest it resets all parts back to an original state completely.

1842 Feature Request New 15.07.2017 Interacting with decoration blocks No fin344
1 0 Task Description

It were be pretty nice if u could interact whit some decoration by rightclicking with hand like:The lights going on and of,the brass trap is making smoke particels,the iron cast kettle is making smoke particels and deco sets like toilet + cistern are making sounds.

Also if this comes a region flag “Decoration Interacting” or something like that were be nice.

1840 Bug Report New 14.07.2017 unable to sort inventory No CodySewell
0 0 Task Description

when I login i get
InvTweaks: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
and when I press R I get
InvTweaks: [ERROR] [2] Failed to sort inventory: -1
if i try and sort a chest i get the same error but [3] instead of [2]

1836 Feature Request New 10.07.2017 Toggle Mob Spawners in regions No ESP_ScOpEzZ
0 0 Task Description

So when you own a region you can toggle natural spawned mobs, and i think its a nice thing if you could toggle this for mob spawners aswell so that if you need to fix something in a grinder you can toggle the spawners off fix it and enable it again, as apose to allowing levers on mob spawners because this is easier and isnt game breaking.

1833 Feature Request New 08.07.2017 Single Woodenchest -> Iron chest -> Diamond chest No Randoro
1 0 Task Description

Upgrading a chest by clicking it with another chest in hand. To save time moving everything or risking things despawning by breaking. It would be nice to be able to change chest type, at least in one direction into bigger ones, as a storage becomes more filled. Could be that you lose the old chest as a small punishment for the laziness of using the click method.

1826 Bug Report New 03.07.2017 Scythe not working 50 times of the 50 No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description

I placed down 50 wither bosses and started to attack them with my scythe. I’ve only used my scythe to kill them yet I only received 48 wither souls instead of the 50. I looked around but couldn’t be found. So my other guess was the scythe doesn’t do its job.

1823 Feature Request New 01.07.2017 Boosted hopper / hopperducts extended filters No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description

With large sorting systems like my own, I have gotten into an issue. It would be very useful to have more filter slots to filter stuff through, atm it’s 36, but something higher would probably better for a large sorting system.

1822 Bug Report New 01.07.2017 cooker gives you a second book when you unlock ???? tab No CodySewell
0 0 Task Description

when you unlock the ???? tab in the book it gives you a second book one has the unlocks the other doesnt

1820 Bug Report New 01.07.2017 27.10.2017 Cooker eats bottles No The_Mushroomcow
1 1 Task Description

When putting water in a bucket, it consumes the bottle

1818 Bug Report New 30.06.2017 Iron Bubble allows you to breath infinitely. No enderguy24
0 0 Task Description

With the Iron Bubble, you can breath infinitely. All you have to do is go underwater and lose all air. Once you begin to get hurt, put on the Iron Bubble and take it off. Now you can breath infinitely until you get air.

1816 Feature Request New 28.06.2017 More hat slots in the skins GUI No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

It would be wonderful if you open up the skins GUI and you have more than one hat slot. It could be similar to how the hats work in the armor slots, but except you can put them in the skin slots.

1814 Feature Request New 26.06.2017 01.07.2017 Ravens to be Tamable No Arbr
0 1 Task Description

Ravens despawn pretty quickly and that could be reason little to no people see them. So maybe make them not despawn so fast.

But also maybe make them tamable with a specific seed like corn seeds or something. Maybe have them able to follow you around too if they are tamed. :D Just an idea.

1810 Feature Request Not Implemented 21.06.2017 Add female skin to Display Dummys. Also add slots for s... No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Add female skin to Display Dummys. Also add slots for skins

1804 Bug Report New 14.05.2017 the last block broken with shears doesn't drop No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description

I was collecting vines and the last one didn’t drop when the shears broke

1803 Bug Report New 10.05.2017 World Edit No Bubik2
0 0 Task Description

I wanted to set blocks and got this error

1802 Feature Request New 07.05.2017 Inv See No Bubik2
0 0 Task Description

It would be nice if you can toggle that players can look in you inventory or not
Just a little idea

1801 Bug Report New 30.04.2017 If you right click the cardboard npc at spawn, sometime... No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description

I don’t know if this problem is just for me, but here’s the message:

“Internal exception: Corrupt GZIP trailer”

This might be the same for the other npc’s (I don’t think so) and I also noticed that it happens when I right click the npc while walking.

1798 Bug Report New 05.04.2017 Inventory Tweaks No Bubik2
0 0 Task Description

If you use the auto armor from inv tweaks it dont work by sorting

Some Parts cant get use by InvTweaks (Custom Slot,Cape Slot,Glove Slot,Shield Slot)

1791 Bug Report New 18.03.2017 problem with gui's and shaders No hamham1111
0 0 Task Description

Picking up flux breaks the achevements gui, inventory, etc when you are in the shadow aether and you finish a dungeon. it fixes itself when you change dimension

1787 Feature Request New 04.03.2017 Item Favourite No paul0608
1 0 Task Description

In the game Terraia you can favorite items so you dont accedently sell/quickstack or dropp them
I would realy like that feature in craftland too and i dont think it is as hard to make because the Mjölnir has also such a behavior.
You could use a command like /favorite slot XY or as it is in Terraia Alt-Leftclick them (not sure if that matches with an excisting shortcut

1785 Feature Request New 26.02.2017 My Feature Requests No paul0608
2 0 Task Description


Woodcutting: Ability causes lag and could be done better (like doing the whole tree and planting the sapling again)

Axes: is the same skill like swords, could maybe use a different ability (ig. Strong knockback hits)

Swords: Bleeding skill is useless and can be realy annoying at PVP


Chisel and bits: (only works with forge but you might be able to make it work without

Builders Wand: saves alot of time when building flat things (if its a lag issue you could reduce the placeable amount and maybe increese it with your rank)


New item: Trashcan or Voidpipe (alternitive to Dropper+lava which whould lag less and also easyer to do)

Weapons and armor: Balance PVP/PVE (Bow = DMG+ ; Armor=DEF- You shouldnt be able to be immortal but beginnes shouldn’t have a to hard time ; BOSS=ADD True damage)

Daily Quest / Reward System: would get you to do different stuff (ex. Mine 100 diamondore , Win one goldrush, Win one match of survivalgames, place 1000 Blocks...)

Villagers: To get emeralds you have to trade with a bigger variety of items that a premium 6 Player can carry maybe just focus on Harvest and Fish (personally i would prefer only Harvest)

Spawner Counts: eating one skyberry then clicking on the spawner twice and repeating is realy annoying to do, you should be able to use 1 skyberry to reset 500 or 1000 spawns of th e spawner directly

Servershop: It looks realy outdated and could use some additions/changes (ex. why would you sell stuff for 0)

Warppads: Rather that making passwords you should be able to just add the people you want to be able to use it

Skins: Add another row of slots where you can put in your hats rather that using the Reg.stone and goldenfether or hat slot.(so you would also keep your hats in gamesworlds)

Chests: would be nice if you could mark multiple chest with some command like /fasthoppertoggle and edit them all at once (all given permissions and hopperoption)

Autocrafter/Compacter: would craft chosen items for you if they have the material for you

Item Favourite: In the game “Terraia” you can favorite items so you dont accedently sell/ quickstack or drop them
I would really like that feature on Craftland too and i don’t think it is as hard to make because the Mjölnir has also such a behavior.
You could use a command like /favorite slot XY or as it is in “Terraia” Alt-leftclick them (not sure if that matches with an existing shortcut

Hopper ducts: there should be a slot in the hoppers like the filter, where you can tell it to look like a block which you put in , this would allow you to hide Hopperducts.

Custom mob Spawners: It would be cool to be able to add drops to monsters from custom Mobspawners
it could for example drop the items from the chest on top of or next to the spawner
or have slots in the spawner

“Search”-function for you warps

1781 Bug Report New 11.02.2017 12.02.2017 client/server desync No hamham1111
0 2 Task Description

pigzombie grinder, (i dont know if this is what is happening but its my theory)

my grinder invovles blue clouds, with glass above them. they are above the glass, but they refuse to attack even when they are being guess is they are inside of the glass, serverside, but the client thinks they are above it, making them attackable, but they can’t attack back

1780 Feature Request Not Implemented 05.02.2017 Add german translations where possible No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

For blocks/items/guides(books)

1778 Feature Request New 27.01.2017 New/Full MCMMO No darkwayers
2 0 Task Description

The server has a outdated and a very unbalanced version of mcmmo also currently it’s missing certain skills that have been added long ago to mcmmo There used to be taming on the server aswell but got removed, I rather have a full reset of all skills and start with a new fully working new version of mcmmo than using the unbalanced, nerfed version of craftland..

1777 Feature Request New 27.01.2017 Additions for parkour. No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

If we could get pressure plates similar to the ones that Hypixel uses for parkour, it would add a great addition to the server. There would be a start, end and multiple checkpoints where there can be a high score for each of the parkour places that players can try to beat. This would not only add a new feature to the game, it would give lots of players something new to do and the staff can easily just make a new parkour area.

1774 Bug Report New 22.01.2017 Clipping through armchairs. No noah1359
1 0 Task Description


1773 Feature Request New 06.01.2017 Custom mob spawnersCreative No paul0608
1 0 Task Description

It would be a cool feature to be able to add dropps to monsters from custom mobspawners

it could for example dropp the items from the chest ontop or next to the spawner
or maybe have slots in the spawner

1772 Bug Report New 30.12.2016 Breedable animals shouldn't interact with eachother if ... No darkwayers
1 0 Task Description

they will walk into a wall and not breed, it’s fairly annoying, sometimes it’s upto 50% loss of breeds cause they will just headbang into a wall and not breed at all

1768 Bug Report New 09.12.2016 Shaders Bug in Shadow Aether. No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

I turned on shaders while I had a night vision potion on and had to warp to the shadow aether to see something, then I noticed that it was extremely bright and buggy. If it yo

1767 Approved Task New 03.12.2016 Hopperducts must have more filter slots atm it's just 3... No darkwayers
1 0 Task Description
1766 Bug Report New 01.12.2016 Kicked by using spawn portals No chellius
0 0 Task Description

Using the spawn portals while using rightclick kicks me at least every 3rd time with the error: “Received invalid block coordinate (1073, 123, 1063)”

As you can see in the screenshot below.

1765 Bug Report New 30.11.2016 Regions are bugging at my mc No Bubik2
0 0 Task Description

I was in a region and thought the region was deleted/edited but my mc just dont showed the region anymore
pls fix

1762 Bug Report New 16.11.2016 Patterns on slabs disappear when using quarter blocks n... No VetaPhoenix79
0 0 Task Description

We might very rarely see this issue, but I figured I would let everyone know that it exists. When I placed some regular stone slabs, then quarter blocks with slabs behind it, the pattern disappears from the quarter-slab that shows right above the regular slab. I tested it with a wooden slab, as well.

When I removed the regular block, the pattern reappeared. I can redo what I’m doing with quarter blocks that look like normal slabs, but unfortunately that means I need a lot more sand.

1761 Feature Request New 13.11.2016 06.01.2017 Adding a filter for every item. No Cbaby1011
0 1 Task Description

Making an option on the filter that allows it to take every item, making it so it would allow there to be more output chests. This would be useful for someone like me who has a lot of items and my hopper duct system gets filled.

1757 Bug Report New 03.11.2016 inventory seemed to have messed up No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description

1756 Bug Report New 02.11.2016 invalid block coordinate No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description I keep getting kicked out, it seems to happen to me often while sitting in a minecart doing back and forth

1755 Bug Report Not Implemented 01.11.2016 Mining fatigure not working on spectral pick No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

It has no negative impact when mining with spectral pickaxe.
Works fine with diamond.

1754 Approved Task New 31.10.2016 Be able to see invisible people in your region if you'r... No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description
1753 Feature Request New 29.10.2016 Quest Log No Arbr
0 0 Task Description

When doing the quests on Grimlock, maybe for future quests or events have some sort of Quest log where we can re-read what the last npc had said or past npc’s we talked to.

1750 Feature Request New 23.10.2016 Be able to shoot arrows through players in arena No darkwayers
1 0 Task Description

When people are using archery which is rare in the arena, please be able to shoot the boss through players cause the close combat players can get hits way easier and don’t have to pay attention of how to hit, the drawback time and the chance that the arrow can just deflect from the mob/boss.

1749 Bug Report New 18.10.2016 Boosted Hopper filter not showing the item when you fir... No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

When you first add an item to a boosted hoppers filter, it doesn’t show up. You need to close the GUI and then open it again. It also does this when you change the setting for the item(IDK what it is called). When you try to click on it to change the color it doesn’t appear till you close and open up the hopper again.

1748 Bug Report New 13.10.2016 Arrow on Still-Locked Elysian Dungeon Boss No The_Mushroomcow
0 0 Task Description

Stand in the center of the still-locked room and fire upwards to where the arrow lands on the boss activator and it spams the message

1747 Feature Request New 12.10.2016 Hammer of Notch/Hammers No Bubik2
0 0 Task Description

It would be cool if hammer of notches or the other hammer can get entchantments
(maybe sharpness,power,or a new like damage shoot)

1746 Feature Request New 09.10.2016 Adding more flowers to bonemealing No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

Most of the flowers grow with bonemeal, except hydrangeas, cala lillies, buttercups and the purple flowers you get from the savanna. Would it be possible to add them?

1743 Feature Request New 06.10.2016 A machine that grinds things up. No Cbaby1011
1 0 Task Description

I had an idea for a machine that would grind things like flowers, bones, blaze rods, glow stone and really anything that gives you a powdered version of itself. It would be fueled by a Mortar and Pestle and would allow an easy way to massively get some items. This would be an advantage for someone like myself who tends to use A LOT of dye. If hoppers can be connected to this machine it would make it even better.

1741 Bug Report New 04.10.2016 Missing exp No darkwayers
1 0 Task Description

Whenever I log in I am missing exp, I got a empty bar for flux for level 3 and a fully empty bar from normal experience..

1739 Feature Request New 03.10.2016 add an achievement for killing the ender dragon a thous... No CodySewell
0 0 Task Description

the ender dragon on craftland takes awhile to kill so id like to request a achievement for killing it a thousand times like most other bosses and be worth 1 million

1737 Feature Request New 28.09.2016 Add craftbook [doors] No darkwayers
2 0 Task Description

1735 Feature Request New 27.09.2016 Make bones usefull for farming again. No darkwayers
2 0 Task Description

Make it usefull to have bones/bonemeal for insta growth of plants. for wheat etc, it’s making sense it shouldn’t insta grow chillies etc but other stuff shouldn’t be bugged by the new update..

1734 Bug Report New 26.09.2016 (probably) feather falling bug No CodySewell
0 0 Task Description

so i jumped out of the aether with feather 8 and took no damage so i think thats a bug might not be but

1733 Bug Report Not Implemented 26.09.2016 Rainbow pandas on sphax not showing rainbow texture No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Rainbow pandas on sphax not showing rainbow texture

1732 Bug Report Not Implemented 25.09.2016 Stained Clay not generating in Mesa in Mining No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Stained Clay not generating in Mesa in Mining
Only orange

1731 Bug Report New 25.09.2016 Double zanite recipes No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description


1730 Feature Request New 24.09.2016 allow ice rings to be auto-equiped when auto-equip armo... No CodySewell
0 0 Task Description

so id like you to be able to auto equip ice rings when auto equip armor is enabled because technically they are armor

1728 Feature Request New 22.09.2016 Disenchant Zircon Blocks No ESP_ScOpEzZ
0 0 Task Description

Pretty self explanatory, Just allow zircon blocks to be disenchantable, make it give the same amount of Exp of 9 zircon.

1724 Bug Report New 18.09.2016 Night vision pots make screen black No thecreeperking01
0 0 Task Description

When i drink night vision pots, my screen goes black. Simply that

1721 Bug Report Not Implemented 11.09.2016 Languages on technic launcher mssing No nidefawl
0 0 Task Description

Languages on technic launcher mssing

1719 Bug Report New 10.09.2016 Particle Effects Priority No The_Mushroomcow
0 0 Task Description

Potion effects appear on Decreased. They... really shouldn’t be.
They probably shouldn’t really exist at all.

Ignelum has no particles on Minimal

1718 Bug Report New 09.09.2016 Better Leaves Sometimes doesnt work No Arbr
0 0 Task Description

Sometimes some leaves if not placed next to another leaf or a leaf of its kind wont bloom with the better leaves thing.

I am currently playing on Dense Better Leaves with 2.30 i believe size

1714 Bug Report New 08.09.2016 Shadow Skylands Shaders No red2minecraft
0 0 Task Description

when I was in the shadow skylands doing a region, I got a strange bug when creating the region, the sky went really bright, the region marker went black, the background of my chat went completely clear and lots of other things ended up going fairly dark. Here is a screenshot:

I did /crashme with these things and it came up with this:

#   Minecraft has crashed !   #      

You crashed by command

— BEGIN ERROR REPORT 7a0f1627 ——– Generated 08/09/16 21:38

Mod version: 7.20
Launcher: Craftland
Shaders: internal_bsl
Resource Packs: Default;;;;;resources;Default (minecraft.jar)
OS: Windows 10 (amd64 on x64 OS) version 10.0
Java: 1.8.0_91, Oracle Corporation
JVM Memory: 10923MB
Texture Memory: Allocated 229.89 MBMB
Tesselator buffers: 12705792 Bytes / 7798784 Bytes
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
LWJGL: 2.8.5 Custom
OpenGL: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 version 4.5.0 NVIDIA 372.70, NVIDIA Corporation
Worlds: 5
Chunks: 289/299
C: 213/4624. F: 311, O: 46, E: 4204, V: 377136
E: 18/176. B: 0, I: 158
P: 295. T: All: 176

Unexpected error
java.lang.RuntimeException: You crashed by command

at gffgbbdtgfbbfgbb.for(SourceFile:27)
at fgdttdgffgfgdtbb.if(SourceFile:252)
at fgfgdtfgdtdtfgfg.keyTyped(SourceFile:137)
at gffgbbfgbbdtdttd.handleKeyboardInput(SourceFile:416)
at gffgbbfgbbdtdttd.handleInput(SourceFile:338)
at Source)

— END ERROR REPORT 7dcf13b4 ———-

1713 Feature Request New 08.09.2016 Mining world waypoints No terminator473
0 0 Task Description

Can you make it so when you reset the mining worlds all waypoints are removed, ty.

1705 Feature Request New 18.08.2016 02.10.2016 add a version of the rules in german No CodySewell
0 1 Task Description

so its obvious the server gets alot of german speaking players and its clear some of them dont know english so adding a version of the rules on the forums and /rules for german speaking people would be a good idea you cant ask someone to follow rules they cant read therefore shouldnt be allowed to punish them for it either

1704 Bug Report New 16.08.2016 21.08.2016 Respiration No camyoshi
0 1 Task Description

I put respiration 8 on my helmet and it seemed to have the same effect as respiration 3.

1703 Feature Request New 14.08.2016 17.08.2016 setting an npc's skin No CodySewell
0 2 Task Description

so when editing a npc one of the options is skins and it wants a value for the skin it would be nice if i was able to use a players full name for setting a skin

1699 Feature Request 05.08.2016 More Hanging Lanterns No Cbaby1011
0 0 Task Description

It would be awesome if more hanging lanterns were added to give some of the useless ores and blocks a use. Of course some of items do have uses but I think they would look really nice.

Items That Would Look Nice as a Lantern

-Shadow Oak Log
-Dark Shadow Oak Log

1697 Feature Request New 31.07.2016 Spectral Planes or Spectral Realm (Dimension with no mi... No YellowBird
0 0 Task Description

- A spectral plane is a dimension of ghosts. It´s just a world generated either as floating islands or normal overworld but instead of having material blocks all blocks are slightly see through like in the world edit mode where you can see the projection of blocks

- In this world you can fly naturally because of you become a ghost.

- To build in this world you need to bring blocks from other dimensions. Those blocks can be placed on the normal ground of the spectral world (even though the ground is note mineable. The new place blockeds will become over time spectral versions of the same block and will then no longer be mineable.

- A potion (splash) or device could be introduced to make spectral blocks into normal ones (instant with a potion or over time with a device in a certain radius).

- Any mob of craftland can just be part of this world in a spectral slighty transparent form and as you may have already figured you will be in need of special equipment to be deal with the mobs (spectral sword, spectra bow, spectral hammer, etc)

If possible give that world a red sky.

Thank you.

PS: The more you have died before in the normal world the more you get haunted in the spectral world. Ghosts and souls can travel through everything (new pathfinding)

1696 Bug Report New 26.07.2016 unknown crash when loading map No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description

Occasionally when you load the map in-game (not the item), I don’t know why, but it crashes with this message:

“Internal exception: dttddtgfgfgfgffg Cannot read packet with id: 70”

This happened when zooming out of the map for the Aether in-game.

1694 Feature Request New 24.07.2016 Infusement Table Additions with minor items No YellowBird
0 0 Task Description

What if you could use the infusement table sort of like a exchange table (somehow like in Equivalent Exchange).

Basically a converter that enables you to convert things into other things.

- Each base gem into another base gem. Like diamonds into rubys, sapphire, zircon, onyx. Can vary in quantity needed to get the exchange.
- Each minor gem into another minor gem, like lapis into redstone, ambrosium, zanite, quartz.
- Each metal into another metal, like iron into gold or gravitite.
- Each glowstone into other ones depending on rarity.
- so on



1689 Bug Report New 21.07.2016 Glitching into places No lazerboy94
0 0 Task Description

It has become more and more common to break into people’s places. It’s happened to me multiple times, the bug here is that all you have to do is dig under the region, log off, and have a friend place blocks where they logged off. Once the log back on they are inside the region. How about making it so that if you log on/off in blocks, it just teleports you straight to spawn? There is also a glitch where if you dive into water with depth strider and then proceed to walk on blocks, you are half inside the block, by being half inside, its easy to break into peoples places.

1684 Bug Report New 16.07.2016 Block Glitch No Bubik2
0 0 Task Description

If are in cobwebs you can glitsch into the block under it and you will went thru it

1682 Feature Request New 12.07.2016 new filter options for hopper ducts No CodySewell
2 0 Task Description

sorting systems would be easier if i could set a a filter like;
Blocks: all place able items like stone cobble stone brick etc.
Food: any edible items like pork chicken etc.
Mob Drops: bones arrows spider eyes blaze rods etc.
weapons/armour: any wearable items or anything designed to be a weapon like swords and chestplate rings leggings etc.

1681 Feature Request New 11.07.2016 New hat effects No Midgetman_17
0 0 Task Description

Have new effects such as:

1677 Bug Report New 10.07.2016 Agility Cape + Grab No Porkkana1337
0 0 Task Description

If you hold the grab key while wearing an agility cape you will still attempt to crawl up a 1 block high block instead of instantly going up

1675 Bug Report New 08.07.2016 Hopper text filter breaks when using spaces No Poksi
0 0 Task Description

Hopper text filter breaks when using spaces in filter text.

1674 Feature Request 07.07.2016 Global cooldown for /advertise No TheLegendJet
0 0 Task Description

I think we all know the Spam for Shops has always been a Problem and annoying everyone who advertises.
Not just for the People who advertise, but also the People who want to read what shop has been posted, but if it’s 4 at a Time, because they wanna “Rek” the Guy who posted before, is not pleasent for anyone.
I’d suggest to add a 15 to 30 Seconds Global Cooldown for everyone, so the Advertisements stay apart we have less spam and everyone has time to read everything.

1668 Bug Report New 01.07.2016 Nature staff can't reach more then 2 blocks away even w... No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description

no task description

1667 Bug Report New 01.07.2016 Aqua Affinity and Efficiency X No build_to_the_top
1 0 Task Description


yesterday i wanted to mine some prismarine and I noticed that aqua affinity is not working for Eff X.

How come? I was under water with an eff X pick and I was mining really slow.

1665 Bug Report New 26.06.2016 Copy and Paste Feature for Shop Chest No build_to_the_top
2 0 Task Description

It would be awesome if you could copy paste the account name and permissions of shop chests.

Coyping/Pasting both (Account Name and Permissions Name) at once would be optimal.

1660 Feature Request New 18.06.2016 Add Monsterhunt points for Enderdragon No darkwayers
0 0 Task Description

While monster hunt is active and you kill one there are no points given for that,

1657 Bug Report New 16.06.2016 Autofilling hotbar No Frostring_
1 0 Task Description

There are blocks that don’t autofill, i’ve tested this with dark holystone bricks but im sure there are more blocks it doesnt work with, may do some more testing later.

Also there are some visual bugs/glitches with autofilling (when it does work). like the stack thats supposed to autofill goes invisible when you open your inventory or is locked on your cursor automatically. I dont know if that can be fixed but it would sure be nice, I lost my eff X Unb X pick that way because i had a random stack of cobblestone on my cursor when i openend my inventory which caused me toss my pick into the void in the shadow aether.

1653 Feature Request New 13.06.2016 07.09.2016 Payment warps No Randoro
0 3 Task Description

Add the ability to create a pay-to-use warp.

Could be that players can make 2 of these similar to how public warps work, with higher ranks being able to make more.
Before warping to a payment warp the GUI would pop up and say something similar to “Do you wish to pay 100 Coins to warp to warpname?” Yes/No.

Make it so warpowner can set the cost, capped at something like 5k idk. Could also use this to get money out of economy take a % of cost that disappears, costs 100 coins, warpowner gets 80 coins
I think this could be very useful for challenges/mazes as well as shops with nice prices to try make people shop a lot in one go.

1652 Feature Request New 13.06.2016 New infusement fuel No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description

I thought of a new infusement fuel. It is another kind of star like the white point star, just stronger. The Red Giant Star. In order to make it, you need to first craft some lava stars. They are made with 8 lava buckets surrounding a nether star. You will need 4. Then, you use those to craft the fuel. The fuel requires 4 lava stars and a dragon soul, or maybe possibly a wither soul. You will then get 4 red giant stars. The fuel lasts for either 2500 or 3000 ticks. Textures also included.

1647 Feature Request New 11.06.2016 Cosmetic QuakeCraft Guns! No DarkLoogiah
0 0 Task Description

hello! I was on TeamSpeak when I came up with a cool idea for QuakeCraft! what if you added certain cosmetic features for QuakeCraft...
Such as hammers of light and tempest or even hammer of shadows!. Maybe you can get a certain number of kills or wins for eachone? hope you think about it :3! -Gir

1645 Bug Report New 10.06.2016 23.06.2016 Chat window error No The_Mushroomcow
0 1 Task Description

It’s a bit hard to replicate, but occasionally, when the chat window is sized to be near the end of a text in chat, it makes the message disappear

1641 Feature Request New 07.06.2016 09.06.2016 Add region flag- Players cant kill passive mobs No devinhamster
0 1 Task Description

I believe you should have a region flag to prevent players from killing passive mobs with a sword, so you can let rainbow pandas or other rare mobs free roam at a warp without worrying about them getting killed by a player.

1640 Feature Request New 07.06.2016 Add a flag for items that players can use that prevents... No devinhamster
0 0 Task Description

I would suggest that if you hit a certain key on an item, it prevents the item from being thrown out of the inventory with the drop key, or dragging it out of the inventory. It would prevent people from throwing items out of the Shadow Aether,throwing things into lava, spikes, and cactus as well. I and many other people have thrown lots of stuff away needlessly, and I believe this is the best fix for this issue.

1638 Bug Report New 05.06.2016 Shadow bunnies despawning when name taged No EthanLeviFord
0 0 Task Description

My shadow Bunny despawned when he was named taged

1637 Bug Report New 05.06.2016 minor Mcmmo bugMcMMO No austinwhite3132
0 0 Task Description

you gain exp for whatever item your holding if you have thornes on your armor and just get hit over and over meaning you get mcmmo exp without using any of the items durability

1634 Bug Report New 04.06.2016 21.06.2016 Thorn Vines and Shadow Vines are unclimbable No woot000
1 1 Task Description

Thorn Vines and Shadow Vines in the Shadow Aether are unclimbable using the grab button.

1631 Feature Request New 01.06.2016 21.06.2016 Skyberries Balancing Suggestion No TheLegendJet
1 2 Task Description

I think the Skyberries are op as of now, since you can eat them 24/7 and just grind xp, making it too easy.
How about it gives you more in the Hunger Bar, more saturation and you can only eat them while hungry?
Maybe buff the xp you get a little since you actually have to run and sprint around to lose hunger in order to eat the Berries.

1625 Feature Request New 31.05.2016 03.06.2016 Increase "Chunk load distance" capacity No woot000
0 1 Task Description

The “Chunk load distance” option should have options higher than 6 or 8 in the CraftLand menu. (10, 12, 14, etc.)

1622 Feature Request New 29.05.2016 Aether Orb Block No camyoshi
0 0 Task Description

The new ore, aether orb, needs a new feature. I was thinking a decorative block. It would be made with either 4 aether orbs in an infusement altar, or 4/9 aether orbs in a crafting table. I made a texture for the block also.

1621 Feature Request New 29.05.2016 Shadow Tree Saplings No woot000
1 0 Task Description

The new shadow trees in the ShadowAether world should drop their own saplings instead of the original Aether saplings.

1619 Bug Report New 29.05.2016 29.05.2016 Dark Shadow Planks can't make Wooden Aether Picks. No woot000
0 1 Task Description

As the title describes, Dark Shadow Planks can’t make Wooden Aether pickaxes. They also make normal Surface-world sticks.

1617 Feature Request New 28.05.2016 Swet Cape No Bubik2
0 0 Task Description

The Swet cape isnt to get get at the voteshop pls fix

1615 Bug Report New 25.05.2016 Mobs not spawning while under a glass roof. No Cbaby1011
1 0 Task Description

I’m not sure if this is a bug, but it doesn’t make sense on why it would be happening. I placed a glass roof over my natural shadow aether mob grinder and they aren’t spawning. The area isn’t region ed so there is not reason why the mobs shouldn’t spawn while under some glass.

If you want to test it out just go to /warp Shadow Aether Mob Grinder and toggle the bridges on the roof.

1613 Feature Request New 25.05.2016 12.06.2016 Moas No thecreeperking01
0 1 Task Description

Moa spikes on head when riding get in the way alot!! pls fix mom

1609 Bug Report New 24.05.2016 Moa Eggs No The_Mushroomcow
0 0 Task Description

Moa eggs added to incubators via hoppers get added in stacks

1608 Bug Report New 24.05.2016 Moa Size No The_Mushroomcow
0 0 Task Description

Moas suffocate in walls if in a 1×1 room when you leave the region and return

1607 Feature Request New 24.05.2016 New Bow No THErangeGEEK
0 0 Task Description

Elysian spirit bow that comes with infinity that shoots beam and has a faster draw rate then pheonix bow but a slight nerf on the damage

1606 Feature Request New 23.05.2016 A extra command for '/Gameworld effect' No Jay
0 0 Task Description

/gameworld effect -p all add <id> [ticks] [Multi]. This will give everybody in my world the effect from the potion.

1605 Feature Request New 23.05.2016 Spectral Axes are Weaker than Perf Dia Axes (Needs buff... No Jay
0 0 Task Description

A sharpness 5 and smite 5 Spectral Axe does less Damage than a Perfect Diamond Smite 9 and Sharpness 9 Axe, is it meant to be like this so players who don’t have these high enchants can do spectral axes instead. If spectral axes are supposed to deal more damage i’d suggest Increasing it’s base damage up a notch Since you got that enchantment level cap to prevent OP Spectral Pickaxes being abused.

1604 Bug Report New 23.05.2016 Mob Spawn Blocks that need fixing. No Jay
0 0 Task Description

- ShadowCockatrice - Gives normal aether Cockatrice, Needs both the green and red Aether Cockatrices.
- ShadowSheepPuff - Looks like a Normal Aether SheepPuff.

1589 Feature Request New 08.05.2016 Raid concept ideas etc. No Randoro
0 0 Task Description

1. A /sayworld command that works like /say but in current world only, usable from player and commandblocks.

2. Mob flag “walk to location” (or possibly just increase aggro range), to prevent mobs from standing in outer parts of a room without players going there to aggro them.

3. If enchantments work up to level 20, you said that was the cap, would be nice to add them to extended creative inventory. (important for classes like tanks to soak damage)

4. Someway to make items indestructible, but not per world or per player, some items you want the player to break after a while.

5. Worldedit through worldowner support for commandblocks, multi-commands in commandblock using semicolons;

1588 Feature Request New 04.05.2016 Hopper ducts No paul0608
0 0 Task Description

there should be a slot in the hoppers like the filter, where you can tell it to look like a block which you put in , this qould allow you to hide hopperducts which would be great.

1586 Feature Request New 01.05.2016 Summoning chest plus upgrade (emerald / sapphire / citr... No YellowBird
0 0 Task Description

For the use in grinders.

It´s a chest that tier 1 is a crafted by 8 emerald blocks and will give you a container that has the following feature.

- it holds 2 spawner slots giving the ability to place two spawners at one place in your grinder

- tier 2 sapphire chests (8 sapphire blocks) hast two slots for spawners and additional two potion slots and can be filled with ducts

  1. the potions speed could increase the spawner rate for the time of their effect
  2. the strenght potion could spawn highlevel mobs
  3. the potion harming could spawn mobs close to death with 1-2 hitpoints
  4. the potion essence of undeath will set back the spawners spawncounter
  5. the potion of regeneration would add one additionl mobspawn for each spawner

- tier 3 the citrine chest holds up to 3 spawners and got 3 potion slots

- tier 4 the tourmaline chest holds up to 4 spawners and has 4 potion slots

- tier 5 the onyx chest holds up to 5 spawners at once and has 5 potion slots

This idea would make it possible to decrease the size of grinders and have easier grinder setups

The chests could although be a upgrade to the emerald chest so that you always have to provide the first tier like an emerald chest surrounded by sapphire blocks to get the sapphire chest.

Those chests would basically be a spawnersystem.

The whole thing could later on be crafted into a multiblock structure which can harness the xp of the mobs without having them to spawn and the need of a player killing them. This could be like a cell or an iron maiden crafted out of spike blocks. The iron maiden would basically squeeze the XP out of the mobs but would destroy the loot. The mobs would then be spawned via a special sort of duct directly into the iron maiden and the chests could that way be nicely sorted like a storage and be connected to the iron maiden via a duct system that leads on top of the iron maiden. Inside of the iron maiden a slot for glass bottles would be there and a tank that fills up and the xp of it would be bottled always into xp bottles.

If the loot is wanted the iron maiden could get upgraded to a golden maiden which works more effective and can collect up to one type of loot of the mobs. The next upgrade would be the diamond maiden that could collect two sorts of loot of a mob and the next one would be the emerald maiden which collects up to three different loot items of mobs. The ruby maiden collects 4 slots of different items and the toumaline maiden collects up to 5 different loot items.

With ducts the loot items can be pulled out of the maidens and be transported to their next destination like a disenchanter or any other container.

This would be a awesome way of building summoning structures that are basically.

A laboratory of potion brewing connected to the spanwercheststorage connected to maidens connected to either disenchanters, chests, shopchests, etc.

This is not even a mutli structure this is a mega structure. and can be placed free to the players will just by building up a network.

Could be intense to have it.

1585 Feature Request New 01.05.2016 Insanity Effect (Shaders that make a increasing tunnelv... No YellowBird
0 0 Task Description

Insanity Effect (Shaders that make a increasing tunnelview) and you have to use potions of regeneration 1x and 1x healing to get rid of it and become stepwise sane again.

1582 Feature Request New 30.04.2016 Tameable and rideable spider mounts during daytime fall... No YellowBird
0 0 Task Description

Tameable and rideable spider mounts during daytime falling back to hostile at nightshift?

1580 Feature Request New 29.04.2016 Website TS show only active players and channels they a... No YellowBird
0 0 Task Description

Reminder Nidefawl

1579 Feature Request New 29.04.2016 29.04.2016 Hunger enchant or effect No YellowBird
0 1 Task Description

Whenever hit the player is hit by hunger and depending on the effect looses first all food and then hearts.

1578 Feature Request New 28.04.2016 Adding a "playlist" to the jukeboxes. No Cbaby1011
1 0 Task Description

I was waiting for Nide to talk to him about this but I am just going to make a feature request so I don’t forget about it.

It would be awesome if a feature was added where you can select multiple songs to play. On the side of each song title there could be a checkbox of some sort and you can choose the songs you want to play and it would go in order from the first song in the list to the last. On top of this there should be a way to change the placement of a song. If a song is the most recent you added but you want it to be the first one that plays you can move it to the very top. Now I have no idea if this is possible, but I just wanted to throw out this idea because it would be a great feature and lots of players would enjoy it.

1573 Feature Request New 26.04.2016 29.04.2016 Emerald Sword (+10-20% XP - durability 777) No YellowBird
4 2 Task Description

Maybe you want it.
Textures are there for vanilla and sphax:

1571 Feature Request New 24.04.2016 01.05.2016 Spawn Parkour with all blocks and items in display case... No YellowBird
0 1 Task Description

Ok here is the idea an i think it can be done in many ways.

Make a parkour around the spawn or have it even go outside the spawn. The parkour simply always uses another craftland block like Although items in display cases can be used that way.
For explanation the blocks can carry signs, which say what it is and what it is useful for.

That is a s-load of fun and very informative and self explanatory.

It is easy to build and would add to spawn.
If someone wants to have it in a own world then go ahead but to get players there a reward would be good.

Just have a parkour with every existing block and item on craftland. Just think about the possibilities with clouds and have even craftbook plattforms to explain things that way. Although redstone could be a thing. The next would be the parkour can easily be expanded when a new update adds new stuff.

I am sure there are plenty of people willing to build something like that. Maybe it could even be a contest in a creative world (christams island?), like who builds the coolest and most fun plus informative parkour about craftland.

Of course you can although set up warps to the most important plattforms in case of the features explained there.

Well i am interested what you think about that.



1570 Feature Request New 24.04.2016 Easter eggs flipped on top would be incredible beehives... No YellowBird
0 0 Task Description

I just saw the pictures of the easter eggs on the newspage and suddenly i got aware that one of those flipped and placed in a tree would be a very nice beehive model.
Have those generate in Deepvale would be nice.

Bees resources can be obtained from the wasp of the natura mod (open source), which would only need to be rendered a bit smaller.

Those are the natura wasps They generate in the nether in hughe hives and you can otbain honey from their hiveblocks.

In the easteregg-hive-thingy it could be basically like a spawner spawning those wasps/bees and when destroyed the hive would drop and you can place it at you home in a tree and harvest honey buy killing the bees?

A no idea, but i like the bees.

1567 Feature Request New 20.04.2016 Spawners can be disenchanted in the disenchanter No YellowBird
0 0 Task Description

To get rid of some spawners it would be nice if spawners could be disenchanted in the disenchanter.


1562 Feature Request New 16.04.2016 17.04.2016 shows craftland staff ranks on bukkit No CodySewell
0 1 Task Description

so when we tell a player to join the modded server and send them a download link i’m sure a lot of players think we are sending viruses they have no way that ik of that shows we are staff or not id like on the bukkit to have like a [helper] [mod] [admin] next to the names of staff so people on bukkit know who is trustworthy

1561 Feature Request New 12.04.2016 Additional carpets on the loom from the chisel mod No YellowBird
0 0 Task Description

Please consider having the carpets from the chisel modification (github = to be crafted on the new loom.

Those are really fancy and help a lot at building + there are sphax textures available for it.



PS: Siehs dir bitte an, die machen interessante Sachen mit Leuchteffekten auf den Blocks.

1560 Bug Report New 11.04.2016 18.04.2016 Survial Games Bug No Bubik2
0 1 Task Description

The Ice Ring in Survival Games don’t work
ty for reading

1558 Feature Request New 10.04.2016 Bats & glass slabs No YellowBird
0 0 Task Description

Nice textures for the use with bats.

I just remembered the request for glass slabs.

1557 Feature Request New 10.04.2016 Updated Sphax Textures No YellowBird
0 0 Task Description

I updated the textures for the craftland blocks and some items for sphax.

Would nice if it could be added next update.


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