- Status New
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version Development
- Due in Version Undecided
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- Private
FS#1689 - Glitching into places
It has become more and more common to break into people’s places. It’s happened to me multiple times, the bug here is that all you have to do is dig under the region, log off, and have a friend place blocks where they logged off. Once the log back on they are inside the region. How about making it so that if you log on/off in blocks, it just teleports you straight to spawn? There is also a glitch where if you dive into water with depth strider and then proceed to walk on blocks, you are half inside the block, by being half inside, its easy to break into peoples places.